2006.9–2011.7 北京邮电大学 通信与信息系统 博士
2002.9–2006.7 北京邮电大学 通信工程 学士
2014.7– 现在 广东工业大学 副教授
2011.7–2014.7 爱立信公司 研究员
1. Methodsand Devices for Determining a Transmission Rank, US patent: US8654816
2. Multi-UserScheduling Involving Retransmission,US patent: US8665812
3. Method,Network Node, Computer Program and Computer Program Product for Decoding aSignal, US patent: US9264180
4. JointTransmission and Receive Procedure, PCT application: WO 2013/115697 A1
5. UserEquipment, Radio Base Station and Respective Methods therein for JointTransmitting and Receiving Procedure, PCT application: WO 2013/113166 A1
6. Signalingfor Uplink Sounding, PCT application: WO 2013/155692 A1
7. Methodfor Estimating Frequency Offset Using Quasi-Co-Located Reference Signals, PCTapplication: WO 2014/107136 A1
8. RadioBase Station and Method for Precoding Signal, PCT application: WO 2014/113938A1
9. TDM-BasedResource Partition Between Two Radio Base Stations, PCT application: WO2014/117358 A1
10. MethodAnd UE For Performing Random Access To Base Station, And Method And BaseStation For Establishing Connection With UE, PCT application: PCT/CN2013/073459
11. Mehtod,UE and Base Station for Transmitting Periodic Signal/Periordic SystemInformation, and Method and Base Station for Forwarding Periodic SystemInformation, PCT application: PCT/CN2013/074357
12. DRXMethod with TDM Limitation and User Equipment Using the Same, PCT application: PCT/CN2013/074610
13. BS AndUE, And Interference Cancellation Method Used In The Same, PCT application: PCT/CN2013/081211
1. Y. Han,H. Zhang, S. Jin, X. Li, R. Yu, Y.Zhang, “Investigation of Transmission Schemes for Millimeter-Wave Massive MU-MIMOSystems,” IEEE System Journal, vol. PP, no. 99, pp. 1-12, Nov. 2015.
2. H. Zhang, S. Jin, M. R. McKay, X. Zhang, and D. Yang, “High-SNRPerformance of MIMO Multi-Channel Beamforming in Double-Scattering Channels,” IEEETrans. on Communications, 2011, vol.59, no.6, pp. 1621-1631, June 2011.
3. H. Zhang, S. Jin, X. Zhang, and D. Yang, “On MarginalDistributions of the Ordered Eigenvalues of Certain Random Matrices,” EURASIPJournal on Advances in Signal Processing, vol. 2010, Article ID 957243, 12pages, Aug. 2010.
4. H. Zhang, S. Jin, M. R. McKay, X. Zhang, and D. Yang,“Connections Between OSTBC and MIMO BF in General Fading Channels,” in Proc.IEEE Int. Conf. Communications (ICC), Cape Town, South Africa, May 2010.
5. X. Liu,X. Zhang, H. Zhang, and D. Yang,“Ergodic Capacity Analysis of MIMO Multi-keyhole Channel in Rayleigh Fading”IEICE Trans. on Communications, Vol.E93-B, No.2, Feb. 2010, pp.353-360.
6. H. Zhang, M. R. McKay, and D. Yang, “MIMO Multi-ChannelBeamforming in Double-Scattering Channels,” in Proc. Int. Conf. Acoust., SpeechSignal Process. (ICASSP), Taipei , Taiwan , April2009, pp. 2093-2096.
7. H. Zhang, F. Niu, H. Yang, and D. Yang, “Polynomial PDF of the SmallestEigenvalue of Complex Central Wishart Matrix With Correlation at the Side Withthe Smallest Number of Antennas,” IEEE Communications Letters, vol. 12, no. 10,pp. 749-751, Oct. 2008.
8. H. Zhang, F. Niu, H. Yang, X. Zhang and D. Yang, “Polynomial Expressionfor Distribution of the Smallest Eigenvalue of Wishart Matrices,” in Proc. IEEEVeh. Technol. Conf. Fall (VTC-F), Calgary , Canada , Sept.2008
9. F. Niu,H. Zhang, H. Yang, and D. Yang,“Distribution of the Smallest Eigenvalue of Complex Central Semi-correlatedWishart Matrices,” in Proc. IEEE Int. Symp. Inf. Theory (ISIT), Toronto , Canada ,July 2008, pp. 1788-1792.
10. A.Zheng, H. Zhang, and D. Yang, “LTE:Revolutionary Evolution and Strategic Foreground — Part II,” MobileCommunications, vol. 31, no. 5, pp. 5-9, May 2007.
11. A.Zheng, H. Zhang, and D. Yang, “LTE:Revolutionary Evolution and Strategic Foreground — Part I,” MobileCommunications, vol. 31, no. 4, pp. 3-7, Apr. 2007.