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王银河,男,1962年生,内蒙古包头市人。主要从事控制理论研究工作。自2012年以来,先后主持或参与完成了多项国家/省部级基金项目;目前已经主持完成1项国家自然科学基金项目、1项教育部博士点基金项目和1项广东省自然科学基金项目;在研1项国家自然科学基金项目。主要从事有关非线性系统控制分析与智能自适应控制设计、复杂网络镇定与同步控制器等方面的控制设计理论与仿真研究。 教育背景:2000.3-2002.5,西北工业大学“控制科学与工程博士流动站”做博士后研究工作后出站; 1997.3-2000.3,东北大学自动控制系博士研究生,获博士学位; 1987.9-1990.7,四川师范大学数学系研究生,获理学硕士学位; 1980.9-1984.7,内蒙古师范大学数学系本科生,获理学学士学位。 工作经历: 2007.3-现在,广东工业大学自动化学院任教,教授;博士研究生指导教师。 2016.7-2016.8,加拿大Lakehead University电子工程系访问学者,主要研究复杂网络; 2002.5-2007.3,汕头大学理学院任教,教授;博士研究生指导教师; 2005.12-2006.4,加拿大Lakehead University电子工程系访问学者,主要研究步行机器人(walking robot)的建模与控制设计; 1990.7-1997.3,内蒙古师范大学数学系任教,讲师,副教授;硕士研究生指导教师; 1984.7-1987.9,内蒙古师范大学数学系任教,助教。 科研项目(2012-2017): 1. 具有相异维数节点的相似动态网络稳定性和同步分析及其控制设计;国家自然科学基金项目(61273219),2013.1-2016.12.主持. (已结题) 2. 复杂相似动态网络同步机理分析与控制设计,广东省自然科学基金项目(S2013010015768),2013.10-2015.10. 主持. (已结题) 3. 具有相似结构的多簇群动态网络同步机理分析与控制设计,教育部2013年度高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金(博导类)(20134420110003),2014.1.1-2016.12.31,主持. (已结题) 4. 具有非定常连接的复杂动态网络关系均衡的机理分析与控制设计研究,国家自然科学基金项目,2017.1-2020.12, 主持. 我的团队:如果你愿意用数量和图形揭示自动化系统的奥妙,愿意用心体会源自逻辑推理和分析的控制理论,那么欢迎你加入我们。


1. 控制系统结构分析与鲁棒、智能自适应控制; 2. 复杂动态网络镇定与同步控制


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

2012年: [1]. Yinhe Wang,Yongqing Fan, Qingyun Wang, Yun Zhang, Stabilization and Synchronization of Complex Dynamical Networks With Different Dynamics of Nodes Via Decentralized Controllers,IEEE Transactions On Circuits And Systems—I: Regular Papers,2012,59(8): 1786-1795(SCI) [2]. Yinhe Wang, Yongqing Fan, Qingyun Wang, Yun Zhang, Adaptive Feedback Stabilization with Quantized State Measurements for a class of Chaotic Systems,Communications in Theoretical Physics, 2012,57(5):808–816.(SCI) [3]. Yinhe Wang, Yongqing Fan, Qingyun Wang, Yun Zhang, Adaptive fuzzy synchronization for a class of chaotic systems with unknown nonlinearities and disturbances, Nonlinear Dynamics, 2012,69(3):1167-1176.(SCI) [4]. Liang Luo, Yinhe Wang, Yongqing Fan, Yun Zhang, Direct adaptive control of nonlinear strict-feedback system via partition of unity approach, ICIC Express Letters, Part B. 2012, 3(3):493-500. (EI) [5]. 王文丽,王银河,章云,王钦若,基于分片模糊逻辑系统的一类非线性系统自适应镇定控制,控制与决策,2012,27(12):1849-1853(EI) [6]. 王银河,胡钧,崔乐远,章云. 基于参数辨识和T-S模糊模型的一类非线性系统镇定控制器设计.控制与决策,2012, 27(6):919-922.(EI) 2013年: [7]. Liang Luo,Yinhe Wang,Yong-Qing Fan, Yun Zhang, Novel adaptive control design for nonlinear system with extended partition of unity method,Asian Journal of Control,2013,15(3):911-918.(SCI) [8]. 范永青,王银河, 王青云,章云,具有相似节点的耦合时滞复杂网络的稳定性与同步控制分析,控制与决策,2013,28(2):247-257,258(EI). [9]. Yong-qing Fan, Yin-he Wang, Yun Zhang, Qin-Ruo Wang, The synchronization of complex dynamical net-works with similar nodes and coupling time-delay. Applied mathematics and computation. 2013,219,pp. 6719-6728.(SCI) [10]. Yong-qing Fan, Yin-he Wang, Yun Zhang, Qin-Ruo Wang, Adaptive fuzzy control with compressors and limiters for a class of uncertain nonlinear systems, International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems. 2013,11(3): 624-629.(SCI) [11]. Tang Xiao, Wang Yin-he, Wang Qin-ruo, A Face Recognition Method Based on Complex Network, Canny Algorithm and Image Contours, International Review on Computers and Software,Part B, 2013,Vol.8, No.1(EI) [12]. Bingjie Shi, Yinhe Wang, Qinruo Wang, Zilin Gao. The power tracking control design for wind power generation systems with DFIG. Applied Mechanics and Materials. 2013, Vols. 321-324: 1388-1391. (EI) [13]. 高子林,王银河,石炳杰,制造自动化,基于自适应模糊逻辑系统的一类非线性系统输出稳定控制设计, 制造业自动化, 2013, 35(3): 140-143. [14]. 王银河, 高子林, 王钦若, 章云,基于自适应模糊逻辑系统的一类混沌系统同步控制,控制与决策,2013, 28(9):1309-1314,1328.(EI) [15]. Zhang Lili, Wang Yinhe, Wang Qinruo, Zhang Yun, Synchronization of complex dynamical networks with different dynamics of nodes via decentralized dynamical, International Journal of Control (IJC), 2013, 86(10):1766–1776.(SCI) 2014年: [16]. Yinhe Wang,Liang Luo, Yong-Qing Fan, Yun Zhang, Xiao-Ping Liu,Si-Ying Zhang, Adaptive Control Design for a Class of Nonlinear Systems Based on Fuzzy Logic Systems with Scalers and Saturators ,International Journal of System Sciences, 2014,45(3):202-214. (SCI) [17]. Liang Luo,Yinhe Wang, Siqing Deng, Adaptive synchronization on uncertain dynamics of high-order nonlinear multi-agent systems with partition of unity approach, International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems, 2014,12(2):259-264.(SCI) [18]. 张丽丽,王银河,王钦若,不同维数非线性节点非线性耦合复杂动力网络渐近同步, 控制与决策,2014,29(3):537-540.(EI) [19]. Liang Luo,Yinhe Wang, Siqing Deng, Adaptive synchronization on uncertain dynamics of high-order nonlinear multi-agent systems with partition of unity approach, International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems, 2014,12(2):259-264.(SCI) [20]. Liang Luo,Yinhe Wang, Guoming Jian, Adaptive stable control for nonlinear system with partition of unity approach, ICIC Express Letters,2014, 8(9):2517-2522. (EI) [21]. Yongqing Fan, Yinhe Wang, Adaptive fuzzy tracking control with compressors and limiters for uncertain nonlinear systems, International Journal of Fuzzy Systems, 2014,16( 1): 31-38 (SCI) [22]. Liang Luo,Yinhe Wang, Yufeng Sun, Adaptive stable control for chaos systems by new fuzzy inference, Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2014, Vols.644-650, pp. 367-372.(EI) [23]. Yuan-yuan Huang, Yin-he Wang, Qin-ruo Wang, Yun Zhang,Shape Synchronization of Drive-Response for a Class of Two-Dimensional Chaotic Systems via Continuous Controllers,Nonlinear Dynamics,2014,78:2331–2340,(SCI) [24]. 李玉姣,王银河,田为刚,一种新的无规则模糊逻辑系统构造及控制设计应用,模糊系统与数学,2014 , 28 (5):120-129. 2015年: [25]. Yinhe Wang, Liang Luo, Branko Novakovic, Josip Kasac,Non-Rule Based Fuzzy Approach for Adaptive Control Design of Nonlinear Systems,Asian Journal of Control, 2015,7(2):582-591(SCI). [26]. Lili Zhang, Yinhe Wang, Qinruo Wang. Adaptive fuzzy synchronization for uncertain chaotic systems with different dimensions and disturbances, International Journal of Fuzzy Systems,17(2), pp: 309-320, 2015. (SCI) [27]. Zhang Lili, Wang Yinhe, Wang Qinruo, Zhang Siying, Synchronization for time-delayed coupling complex dynamical networks with different dimensional nodes via decentralized dynamical compensation controllers, Asian Journal of Control, 2015 , 17(2): 664-674. (SCI) [28]. Lili Zhang, Yinhe Wang, Qingyun Wang, Synchronization for Time-Varying Complex Dynamical Networks with Different-Dimensional Nodes and Non-Dissipative Coupling Condition, Communication in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation. 2015,24(1-3):64-74. (SCI) [29]. Lili Zhang, Yinhe Wang, Yuanyuan Huang, Xuesong Chen, Delay-dependent synchronization for non-diffusively coupled time-varying complex dynamical networks. Applied Mathematics and Computation. 2015, 259:510-522. (SCI) [30]. 田为刚,王银河,基于有限模糊规则的非线性不确定系统的模糊自适应控制,中国科技论文在线(www.paper.edu.cn ),2015年4月7日在线发表. [31]. Lili Zhang, Yinhe Wang, Yuanyuan Huang, Synchronization for non-dissipatively coupled time-varying complex dynamical networks with delayed coupling nodes. Nonlinear Dynamics, 2015, 82(3):1581-1593. (SCI) [32]. Yongqing Fan, Ke-Yi Xing, Yinhe Wang, Li-Yang Wang, Projective synchronization adaptive control for different chaotic neural networks with mixed time delays,Optik,2015, 127(5): 2551-2557 (SCI) [33]. Wenqing Wang, Yongqing Fan,Synchronization of Arneodo chaotic system viabackstepping fuzzy adaptive control,Optik,2015, 126:2679-2683. 2016年: [34]. 翟因虎, 王银河. 基于节点标号的Koch网络结构性质研究[J]. 复杂系统与复杂性科学,2016,13(3):58-68 (EI) [35]. Zilin Gao, Yinhe Wang, Jiang Xiong, Yong Pan, Stabilising control for a class of chaotic systems based on adaptive fuzzy logic systems, Journal of Control and Decision, 2016,3(3):165-178. [36]. Yuanyuan Huang, Yinhe Wang, Haoguang Chen, Siying Zhang,Shape synchronization control for three-dimensional chaotic systems,Chaos Solitons & Fractals, 2016; 87:136-145. [37]. 吴平景,王银河,陈浩广.基于DTNN神经网络的RBF神网络PID控制方法的研究.中国科技论文在线,2016.12.在线发表,http://www.paper.edu.cn . [38]. Yinhu Zhai, Yinhe Wang. Label-based routing for a family of small-world Farey graphs. Scientific reports, 2016, 6: 25621 (Published online) (SCI). 主要会议论文(2012-2016): 2012年: 1. Xiao Tang, Yin-he Wang, Qinruo Wang, A rotation and scale invariance face recognition method based on complex network and image contour, The 12th International Conference on Control Automation Robotics & Vision (ICARCV), Guangzhou, China, 5-7 Dec., 2012, 371 – 376(EI收录) 2013年: 2. Zhang Lili, Wang Yinhe, Wang Qinruo, Zhang Yun, Decentralized Stabilization for Nonlinear Coupled Complex Dynamical Networks with Distinct Nodes,2013 25TH CHINESE CONTROL AND DECISION CONFERENCE (CCDC),Guiyang, May 24, 2013. p.767-771(EI收录) 2014年: 3. Yuan-yuan Huang, Yin-he Wang,A new chaotic secure communication scheme based on shape synchronization,26th Chinese Control and Decision Conference (2014 CCDC), p 3497-3502, 2014,长沙。(EI收录) 4. Li-Li Zhang, Yinhe Wang, Qinruo Wang,Synchronization for Nonlinearly Coupled Complex Dynamical Networks with Different Dimensional Nodes,26th Chinese Control and Decision Conference (2014 CCDC), p 3632-3637, 2014,长沙(EI收录) 5. Zhang Lili, Wang Yinhe, Asymptotic stabilization for a class of time-varying complex dynamical networks, Proceedings of the 33rd Chinese Control Conference(2014CCC), p 5551-5556, July 2014,南京; (EI收录) 2015年: 6. Yinhe Wang Chen Haoguang, Xiao Tang Wenli Wang,Adaptive Control for a Class of Nonlinear Systems via T-S Fuzzy logic Systems with Nonlinear Rule Consequents , 2015CDC,青岛, 23-25 May 2015,p. 376-381. (EI收录) 7. Huang Yuanyuan, Wang Yinhe, The novel secure communication scheme based on the shape synchronization of three dimension chaos systems, 2015CDC,青岛, 23-25 May 2015,p. 1001-1006. (EI收录) 8. Zhang Lili, Wang Yinhe, Generalized Synchronization for Uncertain Chaotic Systems with Different Dimensions via Adaptive Fuzzy Controller,2015CDC,青岛,23-25 May 2015,p:382-387. DOI: 10.1109/CCDC.2015.7161722 (EI收录) 9. Liang Luo, Shile Luo, Ling Liu1,Adaptive Control for Nonlinear Systems by Fuzzy Systems with Vector Rules,2015CDC, 青岛,23-25 May 2015,p: 397-403. (EI收录) 2016年: 10. Chen, Haoguang; Wang, Yinhe; Zhao, Ping,Adaptive Control Design for a Class of Nonlinear Systems Based on BP Neural Networks with Scalers and Saturators 28th Chinese Control and Decision Conference ,Yinchuan, MAY 28-30, 2016. (EI收录)


