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曹旖旎,1991年生,毕业于中国林业科学研究院 教育经历 2014.9-2020.7,中国林业科学研究院,生态工程与技术,获博士学位(硕博连读) 2010.9-2014.6,中南林业科技大学,环境工程,获学士学位 工作经历 2020.8-至今,广东工业大学环境生态工程研究院博士后 科研成果 北京市2020届优秀毕业生 2019年博士研究生国家奖学金 2018年度茅以升木材科学教育奖学金




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1.Yini Cao, Chuanxin Ma, Hongjun Chen,Jianfeng Zhang, Guangcai Chen*,Baoshan Xing.Xylem based long-distance transport and phloem remobilization of copper inshrub willowSalix integra.Journal of Hazardous Materials,2020. 392, 122428. 2.Yini Cao#, Chuanxin Ma#, Hongjun Chen,Guangcai Chen*, Jason C. White,Baoshan Xing.Copperstress in flooded soil:Impact onenzyme activities,microbial communitycompositionand diversityin therhizosphereofSalix integra.Science of the total environment, 2020. 704, 135350. 3.Yini Cao, Chuanxin Ma*, Jianfeng Zhang, Shufeng Wang, Jason C. White, Guangcai Chen*, Baoshan Xing.Accumulation and spatial distribution of copper and nutrients in willow as affected by soil flooding: A synchrotron-based X-ray fluorescence study.Environmental Pollution,2019.246:980-989. 4.Yini Cao, Chuanxin Ma, Guangcai Chen*,Jianfeng Zhang, Baoshan Xing. Physiological and biochemical responses ofSalix integraThunb. under copper stress as affected by soil flooding.Environmental Pollution, 2017. 225: 644-653. 5.Yini Cao, Ying Zhang, Chuanxin Ma, Haimei Li, Jianfeng Zhang, Guangcai Chen*. Growth, physiological responses, and copper accumulation in seven willow species exposed to Cu—a hydroponic experiment.Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2018.25:19875-19886. 6.曹旖旎,蔡泽宇,李晓刚,张建锋,陈光才*.土壤淹水和铜污染对杞柳形态及生理生化特性的影响.生态学杂志, 2018, 38, 548-557. 7.曹旖旎,吴灏,沈立铭,陈光才*,张建锋.城镇绿化树种叶片滞尘与重金属积累能力研究——以浙江省余姚市泗门镇为例.林业科学研究, 2016. 29: 662-669. 8.李晓刚,曹旖旎,蔡泽宇,张建锋,陈光才*.淹水土壤中4个耐水湿树种的重金属积累能力.林业科学研究, 2018. 31: 29-36. 9.汪庆兵,曹旖旎,张建锋*,陈光才,李泽波,吴灏,王丽.浙江赋石水库集水区板栗林土壤氮素迁移特征.应用生态学报, 2017. 28: 545-553.
