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沈小梅,1988年生,北京师范大学博士。 教育经历 2005. 9-2009. 6,湖北工程学院,环境科学,获学士学位; 2009. 9-2016. 1,北京师范大学,环境科学,获博士学位。 工作经历 2016. 8-2019. 11,华南理工大学(流动站)与东莞理工学院(基地)联合培养,博士后。 2019.12至今,广东工业大学环境生态工程研究院,博士后 科研项目 1.珠江口生态系统净生产力对径流变化的响应机理研究,国家自然科学基金[41701027],2018.01-2020.12,负责人; 2.河湖沼系统生态需水保障技术体系及应用,国家重点研发计划[2017YFC0404506],2017.07-2020.12,课题骨干; 3.围填海对湿地水生态过程影响机理和模拟,国家重点研发计划[2013CB430402],2013.01-2017.12,主要参与者; 4.基于系统平衡保障的河口生态需水过程模型研究,国家自然科学基金[51279007],2013.01-2016.12,主要参与者; 5.基于生态需水保障的流域生态补偿标准研究,国家自然科学基金[51079005],2011.01-2013.12,主要参与者; 6.黄河口生态需水阈值研究,国家自然科学基金[50709003],2008.01-2010.12;主要参与者 曾获奖励 最佳贡献奖,东莞理工学院,2017 最佳海报奖, River Research and Applications & Wiley,国际会议, 2013.08 创新研究群体致新奖学金,北京师范大学,2012 优秀研究生,北京师范大学,2011


流域水生态过程模拟与生态需水、 河口湿地生态系统健康、河口海岸带碳收支核算



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1.Shen XM, Su MR*,Sun T,Lv SH, Dang Z, Yang ZF, 2020. Net heterotrophy and low carbon dioxide emissions from biological processes in the Yellow River Estuary, China. Water Research (SCI, IF=7.913, Accept) 2.Shen XM, Sun T*, Su MR, Dang Z, Yang ZF*, 2019. Short-term response of the aquatic ecosystem metabolism to turbidity disturbance in experimental estuarine wetlands. Ecological Engineering. Ecological Engineering 136, 55–61. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecoleng.2019.06.005 (SCI, IF= 3.406) 3.Shen XM*, Sun T, Dang Z, Yang ZF, 2018. The major driving force on net ecosystem production in the north estuary, China, IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 392: 042043 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/392/4/042043 (EI) 4.Shen XM, Sun T*, Tang S, Yang W. 2016. Short-term response of aquatic metabolism to hydrologic pulsing in the coastal wetlands of Yellow River Delta. Wetlands, 36(1), 81-94. DOI 10.1007/s13157-015-0710-y (SCI, IF= 1.854) 5.Shen XM, Sun T*, Liu FF, Xu J, Pang AP. 2015. Aquatic metabolism response to the hydrologic alteration in the Yellow River estuary, China. Journal of hydrology. 525: 42-54. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2015.03.013 (SCI, IF= 4.405) 6.Tang S, Sun T*, Shen XM, Qi M, Feng ML. 2015. Modeling net ecosystem metabolism influenced by artificial hydrological regulation: An application to the Yellow River Estuary, China. Ecological Engineering. 76:84-94. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ecoleng.2014.04.025 (SCI, IF= 3.406) 7.Shen XM, Sun T*, 2012. Applications of Bayesian modeling to simulate ecosystem metabolism in response to hydrologic alteration and climate change in the Yellow River Estuary, China. Procedia Environmental Sciences, 13: 790-796 (ISTP) 8.Feng ML, Sun T*, Zhang LX, Shen XM. 2012. Net ecosystem metabolism simulation by dynamic dissolved oxygen model in Yellow River Estuary, China. Procedia Environmental Sciences, 13: 807-817 (ISTP) 9.唐诗,孙涛*,沈小梅,冯美丽. 2013.水体浊度变化影响下的河口溶解氧系统动力学模型及应用.水利学报, 44(11): 1286-1294. (EI) 10.沈小梅,孙涛*,刘方方等. 2011.人工补水对黄河三角洲淡水湿地新陈代谢的影响.中国科技论文在线精品论文. 4 (24): 2253−2258. (中文核心) 11.孙涛*,沈小梅,刘方方,马乐宽,徐静,庞爱萍. 2011.黄河口径流变化对生态系统净生产力的影响研究.环境科学学报,31(6):1311−1319. (CSCD) 12.沈小梅,孙涛,苏美容,杨志峰.一种考虑生态系统净生产力的河口生态需水计算方法,东莞理工学院(专利号ZL201810506492.X,授权公告号CN108830033 B)


