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韩兰芳,博士,毕业于北京师范大学,现为广东工业大学环境生态工程研究院博士后 教育经历 2015.09-2019.07,北京师范大学,环境学院,获博士学位 2016.10-2018.10,美国麻省大学University of Massachusetts-Amherst,土壤与环境化学,联合培养 2012.09-2015.07,北京师范大学,环境学院,获硕士学位 2008.09-2012.06,安庆师范大学,资源与环境学院,获学士学位 科研项目 1,作为主持者,主持北京师范大学自主科研基金资助优秀研究生项目“厌氧还原条件下水铁矿-有机碳复合体结构的稳定性”(2017/01-2017/12) 2,作为核心参与人员,参加国家自然科学基金面上项目“化学结构和矿物对天然有机质稳定性的影响机制”(2015-2018),国家自然科学基金面上项目“生物碳与天然有机质对疏水性有机污染物吸附和生物有效性的作用机制”(2013-2016),国家科技基础性工作专项课题“典型水体重金属污染物含量分布数据调查和整编”(2014.5-2018.5)




查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

1.Han, L.; Gao, B.; Hao, H.; Lu, J.; Xu, D., Arsenic pollution of sediments in China: An assessment by geochemical baseline.Science of the Total Environment 2019, 651, 1983-1991. 2.Han, L.; Zhao, X.; Jin, J.; Gao, B.; Yang, Y.; Sun, K.; Li, F., Using sequential extraction and DGT techniques to assess the efficacy of plant-and manure-derived hydrochar and pyrochar for alleviating the bioavailability of Cd in soils.Science of the Total Environment 2019, 678, 543-550. 3.Han, L.; Sun, K.; Keiluweit, M.; Yang, Y.; Yang, Y.; Jin, J.; Sun, H.; Wu, F.; Xing, B., Mobilization of ferrihydrite-associated organic carbon during Fe reduction: Adsorption versus coprecipitation.Chemical Geology 2019, 503, 61-68. 4.Han, L.; Ro, K. S.; Wang, Y.; Sun, K.; Sun, H.; Libra, J. A.; Xing, B. Oxidation resistance of biochars as a function of feedstock and pyrolysis condition.Science of the Total Environment 2018, 616, 335-344. 5.Han, L.; Gao, B.; Hao, H.; Zhou, H.; Lu, J.; Sun, K., Lead contamination in sediments in the past 20 years: A challenge for China.Science of the Total Environment 2018, 640, 746-756. 6.Han, L.; Wang, Z.; Keiluweit, M.; Yang, Y.; Sun, K.; Zhang, Z.; Xing, B., Effect of simulated diagenesis on the compositions, chemical stability and sorption properties of natural and engineered organic matter with different mineral contents.Organic Geochemistry 2018, 120, 1-11. 7.Han, L.; Sun, H.; Ro, K. S.; Sun, K.; Libra, J. A.; Xing, B. Removal of antimony (III) and cadmium (II) from aqueous solution using animal manure-derived hydrochars and pyrochars.Bioresource Technology 2017, 234, 77-85. 8.Han, L.; Gao, B.; Lu, J.; Zhou, Y.; Xu, D.; Gao, L.; Sun, K. Pollution characteristics and source identification of trace metals in riparian soils of Miyun Reservoir, China.Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 2017, 144, 321-329. 9.Han, L.; Sun, K.; Jin, J.; Xing, B. Some concepts of soil organic carbon characteristics and mineral interaction from a review of literature.Soil Biology and Biochemistry 2016, 94, 107-121.(ESI农业科学领域的高被引论文(1%)) 10.Han, L.; Ro, K. S.; Sun, K.; Sun, H.; Wang, Z.; Libra, J. A.; Xing, B. New evidence for high sorption capacity of hydrochar for hydrophobic organic pollutants.Environment Science & Technology 2016, 50 (24), 13274-13282. 11.Han, L.; Gao, B.; Zhou, Y.; Xu, D.; Gao, L.; Yu, H.; Wang, S. Comprehensive assessment of seldom monitored trace elements pollution in the riparian soils of the Miyun Reservoir, China.Environmental Science and Pollution Research 2016, 23 (20), 20772-20782. 12.Han, L.; Gao, B.; Wei, X.; Xu, D.; Gao, L. Spatial distribution, health risk assessment, and isotopic composition of lead contamination of street dusts in different functional areas of Beijing, China.Environmental Science and Pollution Research 2016, 23 (4), 3247-3255. 13.Han, L.; Gao, B.; Wei, X.; Gao, L.; Xu, D.; Sun, K. The characteristic of Pb isotopic compositions in different chemical fractions in sediments from Three Gorges Reservoir, China.Environmental Pollution 2015, 206, 627-635. 14.Han, L.; Gao, B.; Zhou, H.; Xu, D.; Wei, X.; Gao, L. The spatial distribution, accumulation and potential source of seldom monitored trace elements in sediments of Three Gorges Reservoir, China.Scientific Reports 2015, 5. 15.Han, L.; Sun, K.; Jin, J.; Wei, X.; Xia, X.; Wu, F.; Gao, B.; Xing, B. Role of structure and microporosity in phenanthrene sorption by natural and engineered organic matter.Environment Science & Technology 2014, 48 (19), 11227-11234. 16.韩兰芳;孙可;康明洁;吴丰昌; Baoshan, Xing.有机质官能团及微孔特性对疏水性有机污染物吸附的影响机制.环境化学 2014, 33 (11), 1811-1820.(封面文章)
