祝振昌, 博士, 曾参与研究欧盟第七框架项目 “气候化下更安全的欧洲海岸创新技术”和荷兰科学研究组织“与自然和谐共建”项目“基于滨海植被生态系统的新型海岸防护工程”。发表论文20篇,其中SCI论文15篇。博士期间发现一种新型的动物“园丁效应”,这种效应对海岸带植被生态系统的自然更新恢复及其海岸防护能力由重要影响,相关成果发表在生态学Top期刊Ecology。该论文被世界学术组织“F1000 prime”列为推荐论文,并被国际科普杂志New Scientist,The Atlantic 以及荷兰国家媒体 (NOS)等正面报道。与国际知名生物地貌学家合作(排名第4),揭示了海岸带植物的繁殖性状在生物地貌演化和空间自组织中的重要作用, 首次将生物进化和景观演化相关联,成果发表在地学顶级期刊Nature geoscience。
2011.9-2015.9,博士生,荷兰皇家海洋研究院, 2017年3月获荷兰奈梅亨大学博士学位
2008.9-2011.6,硕士生,华东师范大学, 获硕士学位
2018.9- 现在,广东工业大学,博士后
2017.3-2018.8,荷兰皇家海洋研究院, 博士后
[1] Zhu, Z*., J. van Belzen, T. Hong, T. Kunihiro, T. Ysebaert, P. M. J. Herman, and T. J. Bouma. 2016. Sprouting as a gardening strategy to obtain superior supplementary food: evidence from a seed-caching marine worm. Ecology 97:3278-3284. (IF =4.7)
[2] Zhu, Z*., F. Cozzoli, N. Chu, M. Salvador, T. Ysebaert, L. Zhang, P. M. Herman, and T. J. Bouma. 2016. Interactive effects between physical forces and ecosystem engineers on seed burial: a case study using Spartina anglica. Oikos 125:98-106.(IF= 3.7)
[3] Zhu, Z*., T. J. Bouma, T. Ysebaert, L. Zhang, and P. M. J. Herman. 2014. Seed arrival and persistence at the tidal mudflat: identifying key processes for pioneer seedling establishment in salt marshes. Marine Ecology Progress Series 513:97-109.(IF= 2.3)
[4] Zhu, Z.,L. Zhang*, N. Wang, C. Schwarz, and T. Ysebaert. 2012. Interactions between the range expansion of saltmarsh vegetation and hydrodynamic regimes in the Yangtze Estuary, China. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science 96:273-279.(IF= 2.4)
[5] C. Schwarz, O. Gourgue, J. van Belzen,Z. Zhu, T.J. Bouma, J. van de Koppel, N. Claude, G. Ruessink, S. Temmerman. Plant life history traits control self-organization of a bio-geomorphic landscape, 2018, Nature geoscience (IF =14.4).
[6] Cao, H.,Zhu, Z., Balke, T., Zhang, L., & Bouma, T. J. 2018. Effects of sediment disturbance regimes on Spartina seedling establishment: Implications for salt marsh creation and restoration. Limnology and Oceanography, 63(2), 647-659 (IF =3.6).
[7] Willemsen, P. W. J. M., Borsje, B. W., Hulscher, S. J. M. H., Van der Wal, D.,Zhu, Z., Oteman, B., et al. (2018). Quantifying bed level change at the transition of tidal flat and salt marsh: Can we understand the lateral location of the marsh edge? Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 123, 2509–2524.https://doi.org/10.1029/2018JF004742(IF = 3.3)
[8] Poppema, D. W., Willemsen, P. W., de Vries, M. B.,Zhu, Z., Borsje, B. W., & Hulscher, S. J. 2019. Experiment-supported modelling of salt marsh establishment. Ocean & Coastal Management, 168, 238-250. (IF = 2.3)
[9] Vuik V, H.Y. Heo,Z. Zhu, B. W. Borsje, S.N. Jonkman. Stem breakage of salt marsh vegetation under wave forcing: a field and model study. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science. 2017DOI: 10.1016/j.ecss.2017.09.028.(IF= 2.4)
[10] Xiao, D., C. Zhang, L. Zhang,Z. Zhu, K. Tian, and W. Gao. 2016. Seed dispersal capacity and post-dispersal fate of the invasive Spartina alterniflora in saltmarshes of the Yangtze Estuary. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 169:158-163.(IF= 2.4)
[11] Bouma, T. J., J. van Belzen, T. Balke,Z. Zhu, L. Airoldi, A. J. Blight, A. J. Davies, C. Galvan, S. J. Hawkins, S. P. G. Hoggart, J. L. Lara, I. J. Losada, M. Maza, B. Ondiviela, M. W. Skov, E. M. Strain, R. C. Thompson, S. Yang, B. Zanuttigh, L. Zhang, and P. M. J. Herman. 2014. Identifying knowledge gaps hampering application of intertidal habitats in coastal protection: Opportunities & steps to take. Coastal Engineering 87:147-157. (IF= 2.7)
[12] Schwarz, C., T. Ysebaert,Z. Zhu, L. Zhang, T. J. Bouma, and P. M. J. Herman. 2011. Abiotic Factors Governing the Establishment and Expansion of Two Salt Marsh Plants in the Yangtze Estuary, China. Wetlands 31:1011-1021.(IF= 1.8)
[13] Xiao, D., L. Zhang, andZ. Zhu. 2010. The range expansion patterns of Spartina alterniflora on salt marshes in the Yangtze Estuary, China. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 88:99-104.(IF= 2.4)
[14] Xiao, D., L. Zhang, andZ. Zhu. 2009. A study on seed characteristics and seed bank of Spartina alterniflora at saltmarshes in the Yangtze Estuary, China. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science 83:105-110. (IF= 2.4)
曾担任Science advances, Journal of ecology, Journal of geophysical research 和Ecological engineering等国际期刊审稿人。