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周雅,1987年生,广东工业大学“青年百人计划”A类引进人才,特聘副教授,硕士生导师。 教育经历 2010.09-2015.07,华北电力大学(北京),能源环境工程,提前攻博获工学博士学位; 2006.09-2010.07,深圳大学,获工学学士学位。 工作经历 2019.02-至今,广东工业大学环境生态工程研究院,特聘副教授、硕导; 2017.11-2018.11,英国University of East Anglia,Visiting Scholar; 2015.10-2019.01,广东工业大学管理学院,“青年百人计划”特聘副教授、硕导。 科研项目 1.国家自然科学基金青年项目,考虑随机扰动风险的新能源并网调度模型与优化方法研究,2018.01-2020.12. 2.教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目,碳排放强度及总量双控目标下区域能源环境系统协调优化研究,2016.09-2019.06. 3.广州市哲学社会科学规划青年项目,广州市能源系统优化与低碳转型路径研究,2016.05-2017.12. 4广东工业大学“青年百人计划”科研启动经费,不确定性条件下区域能源-环境系统优化模型研究,2015.10-2020.10. 在Applied Energy,Journal of Industrial Ecology,Journal of Cleaner Production等刊物上发表SCI期刊论文20篇




查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

Shan, Y.,Zhou, Y., Meng, J., Mi, Z.F., Liu, J.R., Guan, D*. (2019) Peak cement-related CO2emissions and the changes in drivers in China.Journal of Industrial Ecology(Wiley, SCI IF =4.356, JCR Q1), 1-13. Zhou, Y.,Shan, Y.*, Liu, G.*, Guan, D. (2018) Emissions and low-carbon development in Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area cities and their surroundings.Applied Energy(Elsevier, SCI IF = 7.900, JCR Q1), 228, 1683-1692. He, Y., Liao, N.,Zhou, Y.(2018) Analysis on provincial industrial energy efficiency and its influencing factors in China based on DEA-RS-FANN.Energy(Elsevier SCI IF = 4.698, JCR Q2), 142, 79-89. Liu, G.S.,Zhou, Y.*, Yang, H.D. (2017) Minimizing energy consumption and tardiness penalty for fuzzy flow shop scheduling with state-dependent setup time.Journal of Cleaner Production(Elsevier, SCI IF = 5.651, JCR Q1), 147, pages 470-484. Zhou, Y., Huang, G., Wang, S., Li, Z.,Zhou, Y.(2016) Factorial fuzzy programming for planning water resources management systems.Journal of Environmental Planning and Management(TAYLOR & FRANCIS, SCI IF =1.594, JCR Q3), 59(10), pages 1855-1872. Zhou, Y., Li, Y.P., Huang, G.H. (2015) Planning sustainable electric-power system with carbon emission abatement through CDM under uncertainty.Applied Energy(Elsevier, SCI IF = 7.900, JCR Q1), 140, pages 350-364. Zhou, Y., Li, Y.P., Huang, G.H. (2015) A robust possibilistic mixed-integer programming method for planning municipal electric power systems.International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems(Elsevier, SCI IF = 3.610, JCR Q1), 2015, 73, pages 757–772. Zhou, Y., Li, Y.P., Huang, G.H. (2014) Integrated modeling approach for sustainable municipal energy system planning and management – A case study of Shenzhen, China.Journal of Cleaner Production(Elsevier, SCI IF = 5.651, JCR Q1), 75, pages 143-156. Xu, C., Li, Y.P., Huang, G.H.,Zhou, Y. (2014) Development of a fuzzy-queue-based stochastic quadratic program for water resources planning.Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment(Springer; SCI IF =2.671, JCR Q1), 28(6), pages 1613-1627. Zhou, Y., Li, Y.P., Huang, G.H., Zhou, Y. (2013) A robust approach for planning electric power systems associated with environmental policy analysis.Electric Power Systems Research(Elsevier, SCI IF = 2. 856, JCR Q2), 95, pages 99-111. Zhou, Y., Li, Y.P., Huang, G.H., Huang, Y. (2013) Development of optimal water-resources management strategies for Kaidu-kongque watershed under multiple uncertainties. Mathematical Problems in Engineering (Hindawi Publishing, SCI IF = 0.802), 14 pages (http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2013/892321).


Applied Energy, Journal of Cleaner Production, Journal of Environmental Management, Environmental Modelling and Software, Resources, Conservation and Recycling等SCI收录源国际学术期刊审稿人。
