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教育背景 2008.9-2015.6 中山大学管理学院(硕博连读),获管理学博士学位 2012.9-2013.9 普渡大学旅游酒店管理系,国家留学基金全额资助联合培养博士 2009.8-2010.1 昂热高等商学院管理学系,硕士交换生 2004.9-2008.6华南师范大学经济管理学院,经济学学士学位 职业经历 2015.9-至今 广东工业大学经贸学院,博士后,讲师 专著(或教材)出版情况 刘静艳,王雅君,黄丹宇:《基于社区视角的生态旅游可持续发展研究》,华中科技大学出版社,2019年 获奖情况 2013.07 “Excellent Paper Award ",2013 TOSOK Conference, Jialin Wu, Danyu Huang, Jingyan Liu and Rob Law. Which Factors Help Visitors to Convert Their Short-Term Pro-Environmental Intentions into Long-Term Behaviors? Seoul, Korea, 3-5 July, 2013. 教授课程 本科生:《商业研究方法》、《微观经济学》、《会展旅游》、《会展文案》、《商务沟通》、《国际贸易实务》《赛事与演艺活动的策划与组织》、《酒店管理与实务》、《餐饮管理》 硕士生:《微观经济学导论》




查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

Jingyan Liu , Hailin Qu , Danyu Huang , Gezhi Chen , Xiao Yue , Xinyuan Zhao and Zhuida Liang. The role of social capital in encouraging residents’ pro-environmental behaviors in community-based ecotourism. Tourism Management. Volume 41, April 2014, Pages 190–201.(on line)(A+期刊,影响因子:2.571). Jialin Wu, Danyu Huang, Jingyan Liu and Rob Law. Which Factors Help Visitors to Convert Their Short-Term Pro-Environmental Intentions into Long-Term Behaviors? International Journal of Tourism Sciences. Volume 13, Number 2, pp. 33-56. 黄丹宇, 刘静艳, & 刘铮. (2015). 网络口碑对旅游目的地形象感知的影响研究:以中国澳门为例. 中大管理研究(3), 75-93. 会议论文(演讲汇报) 黄丹宇.滥觞与嬗变——生态旅游目的地文化脆弱性研究,第九届旅游研究北京论坛,北京,2016年12月3日 _ 黄丹宇#,吴扬. 服务环境对逗留意愿及满意度的影响研究:以广州举办的展会为例,第十届中国旅游论坛,南京,2016年10月8-10日. 黄丹宇. 基于地理信息系统岭南区域文化脆弱性分析,2016广东省社会科学学术年会广东财经大学分会场,广州,2016年9月30日. Danyu Huang, Jingyan Liu. How to become hospitable host and a welcomed guest? Evidence from Chinese definition of “hospitality. 13th Asia Pacific Forum, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, July, 2014 Danyu Huang, Jingyan Liu. How to upgrade the service to an excellent tourist experience in ecotourism? Evidence for the moderation role of hospitality. Apec - CHRIE, Malaysia, July, 2014 Jialin Wu, Danyu Huang, Jingyan Liu. Why Visitors Fall into Their “Old Habits"? Exploring the Role of Contextual Factors on Pro-environmental Behavior Change. Apec- CHRIE, Malaysia, July, 2014 Jialin Wu, Danyu Huang, Jingyan Liu and Rob Law. Which Factors Help Visitors to Convert Their Short-Term Pro-Environmental Intentions into Long-Term Behaviors? 2013 TOSOK Conference, Seoul, Korea, 3-5 July, 2013. Richard Ghiselli, Danyu Huang and Jingyan Liu. Turnover in the foodservice sector: A meta-analysis research. ICHRIE, USA, July, 2013. Danyu Huang, Jingyan Liu and Richard Ghiselli. Community-based payment for ecosystem service: A meta-analysis research. TTRA, USA, July, 2013. Richard Ghiselli, Jingyan Liu and Danyu Huang. A meta-analysis of turnover: The mediating role of social capital. Apec- CHRIE,Macau, July, 2013. Liu Jingyan, Chen Gezhi., Huang Danyu. The Impact of Social Capital on Community Support for Tourism: A Case Study from China. 2012 International CHRIE Conference. Rhode Island ,USA,1-4 August, 2012. Liu Jingyan, Qu Hailin, Huang Danyu, Chen Gezhi. Structural Social Capital Dimensions: Survey from a Ecotourism Community in China. 2012 International CHRIE Conference. Rhode Island, USA,1-4 August, 2012. Liu Jingyan, Huang Danyu, Liang Zhuida. Measuring the Impact of Eco-service Quality on Tourists’ Experience and Behavior Intention: A Study of Dinghu Mountain Natural Reserve. The Fifth International Symposium on Green, Sustainable Hospitality and Tourism Management. Guangzhou, 25-27June, 2011. Jingyan LIU, Hailin Qu, Danyu HUANG, Nan Sun, Xinyuan Zhao. A Study of the Impact of Tourism Economic and Non-Economic Benifits on Residents’ Pro-Environmental Behaviors in Community-Based Ecotourism. 2011 International CHRIE Conference. Denver, Colorado USA,27-30 July, 2011.
