张帆,女,博士,副教授,硕士生导师。1986 年生,2008 年 7 月毕业于武汉理工大学,获 得工学学士学位,以年级第一的成绩保送中国科学院硕博连读,于 2013 年 6 月获得材料物 理与化学工学博士学位,2013 年 7 月进入南京农业大学物理系任教,2014 年 12 月为南京 农业大学破格副教授。2015 年入选第三批钟山学术新秀。研究方向为光电纳米材料及环境 功能材料的制备、设计、表征及性能研究,近五年以第一作者身份发表 SCI 论文 14 篇,通 讯作者 SCI 论文 1 篇,单篇最高影响因子 7.435,篇均影响因子 3.0 以上,申请专利 4 项,主 持国家自然科学基金青年基金、中央高校科研业务费等项目,参与多个国家自然科学基金项 目,担任 Nanoscale, RSCadvances, softmaterial, chemical engineering journal 等多个国际期刊 审稿人。
本科生课程《物理学》《物理学实验》 研究生课程《纳米技术》
1. Fan Zhang*, Xiaoju Yin, Weihua Zhang, Development of magnetic Sr5(PO4)3(OH)/Fe3O4
nanorod for adsorption of Congo red from solution, Journal of Alloys and Compounds,
2016, 657, pp 809-817.
2. Fan Zhang*, Xiaoju Yin , Weihua Zhang , Yuefei Ji, Optimizing decolorization of
methyl blue solution by two magnetic hydroxyapatite nanorods, Journal of the Taiwan
Institute of Chemical Engineers, 2016, 65, pp 269–275.
3. Fan Zhang*, Xin Chen, Fenghuang Wu, Yuefei Ji, High adsorption capability and
selectivity of ZnO nanoparticles for dye removal, Colloids and Surfaces A:
Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2016, 509, pp 474-483.
4. Fan Zhang*, Baoliang Ma, Xiping Jiang, Yuefei Ji, Dual function magnetic
hydroxyapatite nanopowder for removal of malachite green and Congo red from aqueous
solution, Powder Technology, 2016, 302, pp 207–214.
5. Fan Zhang, Xiaoju Yin, Jing Lan, Weihua Zhang*, Application of Ba3(PO4)2/Fe3O4 as
a novel magnetic adsorbent to remove methyl blue from aqueous solution, Journal of
Materials Science, 2016, 51, pp 3525–3535.
6. Fan Zhang*, Weijie Song, Jing Lan, Effective removal of methyl blue by
fine-structured strontium andbarium phosphate nanorods, Applied Surface Science,
2015, 326, pp 195–203.
7. Xiaoju Yin, Fan Zhang*, Weihua Zhang, Fabrication of hybrid magnetic
Sr5xBa3x(PO4)3(OH)/Fe3O4 nanorod andits highly efficient adsorption performance for
acid fuchsin dye, Applied Surface Science, 2015, 359, pp 714–722.
8. Fan Zhang*, Yuanji Shi, Zongshan Zhao, Weijie Song, and Yang Cheng, Influence
of semiconductor/insulator/semiconductor structure on the photo-catalytic activity
of Fe3O4/SiO2/polythiophene core/shell submicron composite, Applied Catalysis B:
Environmental, 2014, 150-151, pp 472-478.
9. Fan Zhang*, Yuanji Shi, Zongshan Zhao, Weijie Song, and Yang Cheng, The
photo-catalytic activities of MP (M = Ba, Ca, Cu, Sr, Ag; P = PO43−, HPO42−)
microparticles, Applied Surface Science, 2014, 292, pp 570-575.
10. Fan Zhang*, Weijie Song, Zongshan Zhao, Yang Cheng, Photo-catalytic properties
of doped or substituted polyaniline-coated Fe3O4 nanoparticles, Journal of
Nanoparticle Research, 2014, 16: 2666.
11. Fan Zhang*, Yuanji Shi, Zongshan Zhao, Baoliang Ma, Liangshu Wei and Liping Lu,
Amino-functionalized Fe3O4/SiO2 magnetic submicron composites and the In3+ ion
adsorption properties, Journal of Materials Science, 2014, 49, pp 3478-3483.
12. Fan Zhang, Jing Lan, Ye Yang, Tiefeng Wei, Ruiqin Tan, and Weijie Song*,
Adsorption behavior and mechanism of methyl blue on zinc oxide nanoparticles,
Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 2013, 15(11).
13. Fan Zhang, Zongshan Zhao, Ruiqin Tan, Yanqun Guo, Lujie Cao, Liang Chen, Jia
Li, Wei Xu, Ye Yang, and Weijie Song*, Selective and effective adsorption of methyl
blue by barium phosphate nano-flake, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2012,
386(1), pp 277-284.
14. Fan Zhang, Jing Lan, Zongshan Zhao, Ye Yang, Ruiqin Tan, and Weijie Song*, Removal
of heavy metal ions from aqueous solution using Fe3O4-SiO2-poly(1,2-diaminobenzene)
core–shell sub-micron particles, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2012,
387(1), pp 205-212.
15. Fan Zhang, Zongshan Zhao, Ruiqin Tan, Wei Xu, Guibin Jiang, and Weijie Song*,
Efficient and selective immobilization of Pb2+ in highly acidic wastewater using
strontium hydroxyapatite nanorods, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2012, 203, pp