45、Zhenluan Xue, Zhigao Yi, Xiaolong Li, Youbin Li, Mingyang Jiang, Hongrong Liu, Songjun Zeng*, Upconversion optical/magnetic resonance imaging-guided small tumor detection and in vivo tri-modal bioimaging based on high performance luminescent nanorods, Biomaterials, 2017, 115, 90-103.
44、Zhigao Yi, Xiaolong Li, Wei Lu, Hongrong Liu, Songjun Zeng*, Jianhua Hao, Hybrid lanthanide nanoparticles as a new class of binary contrast agents for in vivo T1/T2 dual-weighted MRI and synergistic tumor diagnosis, Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 2016, 4, 2715-2722.
43、Zhigao Yi, Xiaolong Li, Zhenluan Xue, Xiao Liang, Wei Lu, Hao Peng, Hongrong Liu, Songjun Zeng,* Jianhua Hao, Remarkable NIR Enhancement of Multifunctional Nanoprobes for In Vivo Trimodal Bioimaging and Upconversion Optical/T2-Weighted MRI-Guided Small Tumor Diagnosis, Adv. Funct. Mater., 25, 7119-7129, 2015. Featured on"Inside Front Cover". IF-11.38
42、Songjun Zeng*,Zhigao Yi,Wei Lu,Chao Qian, Haibo Wang, Ling Rao, Tianmei Zeng, Hongrong Liu,Huijing Liu, Bin Fei, and Jianhua Hao, A strategy to simultaneously realizing phase/size manipulation, large enhancement in upconversion luminescence and blood vessel imaging in multifunctional nanoprobes through transition metal Mn doping,Adv. Funct. Mater.,2014, 24, 4051-4059.Featured on "Back Cover". IF-11.38 HIghly Cited Paper (ESI)
41、Zhigao Yi, Wei Lu, Yaru Xu, Jing Yang, Li Deng, Chao Qian, Tianmei Zeng, Haibo Wang, Ling Rao, Hongrong Liu,Songjun Zeng*,PEGylated NaLuF4: Yb/Er upconversion nanophosphors for in vivo synergistic fluorescence/X-ray bioimaging and long-lasting, real-time tracking,Biomaterials, 2014, 35, 9689-9697. IF-8.385
40、Songjun Zeng*, Haibo Wang, Wei Lu, Zhigao Yi, Ling Rao, Hongrong Liu, Jianhua Hao, Dual-modal upconversion fluorescent/X-ray imaging using ligand-free hexagonal phase NaLuF4:Gd/Yb/Er nanorods for blood vessel visualization,Biomaterials, 2014, 35, 2934-2941. IF-8.385 Highly Cited Paper (ESI)
39、Songjun Zeng, Ming-Kiu Tsang, Chi-Fai Chan, Ka-Leung Wong, and Jianhua Hao, PEG modified BaGdF5: Yb/Er nanoprobes for multi-modal upconversion fluorescent, in vivo X-ray computed tomography and biomagnetic imaging,Biomaterials,2012,33,9232-9238. IF-8.385 Highly Cited Paper (ESI)
38、Zhigao Yi, Wei Lu,Hongrong Liu,and Songjun Zeng*, High Quality Polyacrylic Acid Modified Multifunction Luminescent Nanorods for Tri-Modality Bioimaging, In Vivo Long-Lasting Tracking and Biodistribution, Nanoscale, 2015, 7, 542-550. IF-7.76
37、Zhigao Yi, Tianmei Zeng, Yaru Xu, Wei Lu, Chao Qian, Hongrong Liu, Songjun Zeng,* Jianhua Hao, Multicolor tuning towards single red emission band of upconversion nanoparticles for tunable optical component and optical/x-ray imaging agents via Cedoping, Nanotechnology, 2015, 26, 385702. IF-
36、Zhigao Yi, Songjun Zeng*, Wei Lu, Haibo Wang, Ling Rao, Hongrong Liu, and Jianhua Hao, Synergistic dual-modality in vivo upconversion fluorescent/X-ray imaging and tracking of amine-functionalized NaYbF4:Er nanoprobe, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2014, 6, 3839-3846. IF-7.145
35、Zhigao Yi, Wei Lu, Tianmei Zeng, Chao Qian, Haibo Wang, Ling Rao, Hongrong Liu andSongjun Zeng* , Controllable multicolor output, white luminescence and cathodoluminescence properties of high quality NaCeF4:Ln (Ln=Eu, Dy, Tb) nanorods, RSC Advances, 2014, 4, 49916-49923.
34、Ling Rao, wei lu, Tianmei Zeng, Zhigao Yi, Haibo Wang, Hongrong Liu and Songjun Zeng*, One-pot synthesis of PEG modified BaLuF5: Gd/Yb/Er nanoprobes for dual-modal in vivo upconversion luminescent and X-ray bioimaging, Dalton Transactions, 2014, 43 (35), 13343 - 13348.
33、Ling Rao, Wei Lu, Tianmei Zeng,Zhigao Yi, Haibo Wang, Hongrong Liu and Songjun Zeng*, Sub-10 nm BaLaF5:Mn/Yb/Er nanoprobes for dual-modal synergistic in vivo upconversion luminescent and X-ray bioimaging, J. Mater. Chem. B, 2014, 2 (38), 6527 - 6533.
32、 Zhigao Yi,Wei Lu, Chao Qian, Tianmei Zeng, Lingzhen Yin, Haibo Wang,Ling Rao,Hongrong Liu,Songjun Zeng*,Urchin-like Ce/Tb co-doped GdPO4 hollow spheres for in vivo luminescence/X-ray bioimaging and drug delivery,Biomaterials Science, 2014,2 1404-1411.
31、 Haibo Wang, Wei Lu, Tianmei Zeng,Zhigao Yi, Ling Rao, Hongrong Liu and Songjun Zeng*, Multi-functional NaErF4:Yb nanorods: enhanced red upconversion emission, in vitro cell, in vivo X-ray, and T2-weighted magnetic resonance imaging, Nanoscale, 2014, 6, 2855-2860.
30、 Hongrong Liu, Wei Lu, Haibo Wang, Ling Rao, Zhigao Yi, Songjun Zeng* and Jianhua Hao, Simultaneous synthesis and amine-functionalization of single-phase BaYF5:Yb/Er nanoprobe for dual-modal in vivo upconversion fluorescence and long-lasting X-ray computed tomography imaging, Nanoscale, 2013, 5, 6023-6029.
29、 Songjun Zeng, Ming-Kiu Tsang, Chi-Fai Chan, Ka-Leung Wong, Bin Fei and Jianhua Hao, Dual-modal Fluorescent/Magnetic Bioprobes Based on Small Sized Upconversion Nanoparticles of Amine-functionalized BaGdF5:Yb/Er. Nanoscale, 2012, 4, 5118-5124.
28、 Ling Rao, Wei Lu, Guozhong Ren, Haibo Wang, Zhigao Yi, Hongrong Liu and Songjun Zeng*, Monodispersed LaF3 nancrystals: shape controllable synthesis, excitation power dependent multi-color tuning and intense near-infrared upconversion emission, Nanotechnology, 2014, 25, 065703 (8pp).
27、 Haibo Wang, Zhigao Yi, Ling Rao, Hongrong Liu and Songjun Zeng*,High quality multi-functional NaErF4 nanocrystals: structure-controlled synthesis, phase-induced multi-color emissions and tunable magnetic properties, J. Mater. Chem. C, 2013, 1, 5520-5526.
26、 Zhigao Yi,Guozhong Ren, Ling Rao,Haibo Wang, Hongrong Liu, Songjun Zeng*, Tunable multicolor upconversion luminescence and paramagnetic property of the lanthanide doped fluorescent/magnetic bi-function NaYbF4 microtubes, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2014, 589, 502-506.
25、 Zhigao Yi, Boyun Wen, Chao Qian, Haibo Wang, Ling Rao, Hongrong Liu, and Songjun Zeng*, Intense Red Upconversion Emission and Shape Controlled Synthesis of Gd2O3:Yb/Er Nanocrystals, Advances in Condensed Matter Physics, Volume 2013, Article ID 509374, 5 pages.
24、 Haibo Wang, Chao Qian, Zhigao Yi, Ling Rao, Hongrong Liu, and Songjun Zeng*, Hydrothermal Synthesis and Tunable Multicolor Upconversion Emission of Cubic Phase Y2O3 Nanoparticles, Advances in Condensed Matter Physics, Volume 2013, Article ID 347406, 6 pages.
23、 Ming-Kiu Tsang, Songjun Zeng, Helen L.W. Chan, Jianhua Hao, Surface ligand-mediated phase and upconversion luminescence tuning of multifunctional NaGdF4:Yb/Er materials with paramagnetic and cathodoluminescent characteristics, Optical Materials, 2013, 35, 2691-2697.
22、Songjun Zeng, Ming Cai, Hanhua Liang and Jianhua Hao, Size-dependent colorimetric visual detection of melamine in milk at 10 ppb level by citrate-stabilized Au nanoparticles, Analytical Methods, 2012, 4, 2499-2505.
21、 Songjun Zeng*, Junjie Xiao, Qibin Yang, Jianhua Hao, Bi-functional NaLuF4:Gd/Yb/Tm nanocrystals: structure controlled synthesis, near-infrared upconversion emission and tunable magnetic properties, Journal of Materials Chemistry, 2012, 22, 9870-9874.
20、 Guozhong Ren, Songjun Zeng*, Jianhua Hao, Tunable Multicolor Upconversion Emissions and Paramagnetic Property of Monodispersed Bifunctional Lanthanide-Doped NaGdF4 Nanorods,Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2011, 115 (41), 20141-20147.
19、Songjun Zeng*, Guozhong Ren, Changfu Xu, Qibin Yang, Modifying Crystal Phase, Shape, Size, Optical and Magnetic Properties of Monodispersed Multifunctional NaYbF4 Nanocrystals through Lanthanide Doping, CrystEngComm, 2011, 13, 4276-4281.(Highlighted as Hot Article)
18、 Songjun Zeng, Guozhong Ren, Changfu Xu, Qibin Yang, High uniformity and monodispersity of sodium rare-earth fluoride nanocrystals: controllable synthesis, shape evolution, and optical properties, CrystEngComm, 2011, 13, 1384-1390.(Highlighted as Hot Article)
17、Songjun Zeng, Guozhong Ren, Qibin Yang, Fabrication, formation mechanism and optical properties of novel single-crystal Er doped NaYbF4 micro-tubes, Journal of Materials Chemistry, 2010, 20, 2152-2156.
16、Songjun Zeng, Guozhong Ren, Wen Li, Changfu Xu, Qibin Yang, Highly uniform Tm doped NaYbF4 microtubes: controlled synthesis and intense ultraviolet photoluminescence, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2010, 114 (24), 10750-10754.
15、 Songjun Zeng, Guozhong Ren, Qibin Yang, Synthesis and multicolor upconversion of Tm/Er/Yb doped Na (Y1.5Na0.5) F6 single-crystal nanorods, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2010, 483, 476-480.
14、 Songjun Zeng*, Guozhong Ren, Changfu Xu, Intense blue photoluminescence of Tm/Yb co-doped single-crystalline hexagonal phase NaYF4 nanorods, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2011, 509, 2540-2543.
13、Songjun Zeng, Hongrong Liu, Qibin Yang, Application of symmetry adapted function method for three-dimensional reconstruction of octahedral biological macromolecules, International Journal of Biomedical Imaging, 2010, doi:10.1155/2010/195274.
12、 Songjun Zeng, Qibin Yang,Canying Cai, Hongrong Liu, A one-dimensional method for calculating the exit wavefunction, Chinese Physics Letter, 2006, 23, 413-416.
11、 Songjun Zeng, Hongrong Liu, Qibin Yang, Application of symmetry-adapted functions method for three-dimensional reconstruction of biological macromolecules with dihedral symmetry.Journal of Biomedical Graphics and Computing, 2011, 1, 33-43.
10、 Libin Tang, Rongbin Ji, Xiangke Cao, Jingyu Lin, Hongxing Jiang, Xueming Li, Kar Seng Teng, Chi Man Luk, Songjun Zeng, Jianhua Hao, and Shu Ping Lau, Deep Ultraviolet Photoluminescence of Water-Soluble Self-Passivated Graphene Quantum Dots. ACS Nano, 2012, 6 (6), 5102–5110.
9、 Changfu Xu, Mo Ma, Liwen Yang, Songjun Zeng, Qibin Yang, Upconversion luminescence and magnetic properties of ligand-free monodisperse lanthanide doped BaGdF5 nanocrystals, Journal of Luminescence, 2011, 131, 2544-2550.
8、 Changfu Xu, Mo Ma, Liwen Yang, Songjun Zeng, Qibin Yang, Lanthanide doping-facilitated growth of ultrasmall monodisperse Ba2LaF7 nanocrystals with excellent photoluminescence, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2012, 368, 49-55.
7、 Yunxin Liu, Wojciech A. Pisarski, Songjun Zeng, Changfu Xu, and Qibin Yang Tri-color upconversion luminescence of rare earth doped BaTiO3 nanocrystals and lowered color separation, Optics Express, 2009, 17, 9089-9098.
6、 Canying Cai, Songjun Zeng, Hongrong Liu, Qibin Yang, Computational comparison of the conventional multislice method and the real space multislice method for simulating exit wavefunctions. Micron, 2009, 40, 313-319.
5、 Hongrong Liu, Lingpeng Cheng, Songjun Zeng, Canying Cai, Z. Hong Zhou, Qibin Yang, Symmetry-adapted spherical harmonics method for high-resolution 3D single particle reconstructions, Journal of Structural Biology, 2008, 161, 64-73.
4、Canying Cai, Songjun Zeng, Hongrong Liu, Qibin Yang, A fast reciprocal space method for image simulation. Ultramicroscopy, 2008, 108, 1514-1519.
3、 Canying Cai, Songjun Zeng, Hongrong Liu, Qibin Yang, Half analytical method with application to high order laue zone effects in monoclinic and triclinic crystals. Micron, 2008, 39, 791-796.
2、 Canying Cai, Songjun Zeng, Hongrong Liu, Qibin Yang, An accurate image simulation method for high-order laue zone effects. Chinese Physics Letter, 2008, 25, 1772-1775.
1、 Hongrong Liu, Qibin Yang, Lingpeng Cheng, Songjun Zeng, Canying Cai, Three-dimensional reconstruction of icosahedral virus by symmetry-adapted functions, Chinese Physics Letter, 2007, 24,1767-1770.