1. 湖南省自然科学基金面上项目“两粒子系统的量子纠缠” ,主持;
2. 湖南省科技厅项目“多粒子系统的量子纠缠特性及应用研究” ,主持;
3. 湖南师范大学教改项目“医学物理学课程教学改革与优化研究”,主持;
4. 湖南师范大学 “大学物理学多媒体课件” ,主持;
5. 湖南师范大学 “医学物理学多媒体课件” ,主持。
近四年发表SCI收录论文12篇(第一作者)(按时间倒序排序)1. Hong-Mei Zou, Mao-Fa Fang. Collapse-revival of squeezing of two atoms in dissipative cavities. Chin. Phys. B, 2016, 25( 7): 070305.
2. Hong-Mei Zou, Mao-Fa Fang. Controlling Entropic Uncertainty in the Presence of Quantum Memory by Non-Markovian Effects and Atom-Cavity Couplings. Chinese Phys. Lett., 2016, 33(7): 070307.
3. Hong-Mei Zou, Yu Liu, Mao-Fa Fang. Population dynamics of excited atoms in dissipative cavities. Int J Theor. Phys., 2016,55:4469–4479. DOI: 10.1007/s10773-016-3070-3.
4. Hong-Mei Zou, Mao-Fa Fang. Squeezing of light field in a dissipative Jaynes-Cummings model. Journal of Modern optics,2016, (accepted). http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/09500340.2016.1197334.
5. Hong-Mei Zou, Mao-Fa Fang. Discord and entanglement in non-Markovian environments at finite temperatures. Chin. Phys. B, 2016, 25(9):090302.
6. Hong-Mei Zou, Mao-Fa Fang. Witnessing entanglement between two atoms in dissipative cavities by the entropic uncertainty relation. Canadian Journal of Physics, 2016, (accepted).
7. Hong-Mei Zou, Mao-Fa Fang. Analytical solution and entanglement swapping of a double Jaynes–Cummings model in non-MarkovianEnvironments. Quantum Inf. Pro., 2015, 14(7): 2673-2686.
8. Hong-Mei Zou, Mao-Fa Fang. Population dynamics of excited atoms in non-Markovian environments at zero and finite temperature. Chin. Phys. B, 24, 2015, 24(8): 080304.
9. Hong-Mei Zou, Mao-Fa Fang, You-Neng Guo and Bai-Yuan Yang. Quantum discord of the two-atom system in non-Markovian environments. Phys. Scr., 2015, 90: 035104.
10. Hong-Mei Zou, Mao-Fa Fang, Bai-Yuan Yang and You-Neng Guo.The quantum entropic uncertainty relation and entanglement witness in the two-atom system coupling with the non-Markovian environments. Phys. Scr., 2014, 89: 115101.
11. Hong-Mei Zou, Mao-Fa Fang, Bai-Yuan Yang. Reducing the Entropic Uncertainty via Non-Markovian Effect and Detuning in the Presence of Quantum Memory. Int J Theor Phys. Int J Theor. Phys., 2014, 53(12): 4302-4309.
12. Hong-Mei Zou, Mao-Fa Fang. The squeezing dynamics of two independent atoms by detuning in two non-Markovian environments. Chin. Phys. B, 2013, 22(12): 120303.