2003-2007年:丹麦LUCENT A/S公司和HYMITE A/S公司,高级研究员。
2016 - 至 今:东北大学新能源系主任,新能源材料研究所所长,教授、博士生导师,同时兼有色金属冶金专业教授和博士生导师
(1) 新能源材料制备理论与技术
(2) 电热冶金和高温冶金在新能源材料中的应用
(3) 太阳能多晶硅和高纯硅制备技术与理论
(4) 新能源产业废弃物的绿色生态化利用
(5) LED和核能用高品质碳化硼和碳化硅材料的制备
(6) 石墨烯电池制备技术与应用
(6) 石墨烯电池制备技术与应用
[1] Ultrasound-assisted impurity removal from petroleum coke. Separation and Purification Technology, 2015, 151(7): 251-255 (SCI)
[2] Recovery of high purity silicon from SoG crystalline silicon cutting slurry waste. Transaction of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 2014, 24(4): 1237-1241 (SCI)
[3] Rapid recovery of polycrystalline silicon from kerf loss slurry using double-layer organic solvent sedimentation method. Inter. J. Miner. Metal. Mater., 2013, 20(10): 947-952.(SCI)
[4] Recovery of high purity silicon from SoG crystalline silicon cutting slurry waste. Trans. Nonferr. Metas Soc., 2014, 24(4). In press. (SCI)
[5] Removal of phosphorus from metallurgical grade silicon by Ar-H2O gas mixtures. Trans. Nonfer. Metal. Soc., 2013, 23(11): 3470-3475. (SCI).
[6] Kinetic study on the non-isothermal crystallization of Gd53Al24Co20Zr3 bulk metallic glass[J]. Journal of Rare Earths, 2011, 29(8): 793-797. (EI)
[7] Research on remove of impurity of petrol coke in high temperature at condition of vacuum[C]. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Vacuum Metallurgy and Surface Engineering. Shenyang, China, 2011.05, P75-80.
[8] High temperature dephosphorus behavior of Baotou mixed rare earth concentrate with carbon. Journal of Rare Earths, 2010, 28(S1), 194-197. (SCI/EI)
[9] High temperature dephosphorization behavior of monazite concentrate with charred coal. Transaction of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 2010, 20(12): 2392-2396. (SCI/EI)
[10] Effect of erbium on properties and microstructure of Al-Si eutectic alloy. Journal of Rare Earths, 2010, 28(6): 927-930. (SCI/EI)
[11] On the modification of hypereutectic Al-Si alloys using rare earth Er. Acta Metallurgica Sinica. 2010, 23(5): 327-333. (SCI/EI)
[12] High temperature dephosphorization behavior of Baotou mixed rare earth concentrate with carbon[C]. 6th international conference on rare earth development and application, 2010.8, P48.
[13] On the heating rate dependence of crystallization temperatures of metallic glasses. Journal of Applied Physics, 2010, 108(3): 124-126. (SCI/EI)
[14] Optimization of bandwidth in 60°photonic crystal waveguide bends[J]. Optics Communications, 2005, 248(1-3): 179-184. (SCI/EI)
[15] Glass transition, Crystallization kinetics and pressure effect on crystallization of ZrNbCuNiBe bulk metallic glass[J]. Journal of Applied Physics, 2002, 91(8): 4956-4960. (SCI/EI)