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陈智锋,男,主要从事新型污染物在环境中的污染特征、环境行为及其生态风险研究。2009年毕业于中山大学化学与化学工程学院化学专业,获学士学位,同年由中山大学免试推荐进入中国科学院广州地球化学研究所攻读硕士学位,并于2011年转为攻读博士学位。2014年毕业于中国科学院广州地球化学研究所环境科学专业,获博士学位。2014年7月进入中国水产科学研究院珠江水产研究所工作。2015年12月获得“青年百人计划(A类)”特聘副教授进入广东工业大学工作。目前已发表SCI论文38篇,分别收录于Environment International和Water Research等在环境科学领域的国际知名期刊。现主持国家自然科学基金青年基金项目和广东工业大学“青年百人计划”项目,先后参与国家、省部及地方渔业科技项目课题共十多项,已结题广东省自然科学基金项目一项。 教育背景 Ø 2009/09-2014/07 中国科学院广州地球化学研究所,有机地球化学国家重点实验室,理学博士 Ø 2005/09-2009/07 中山大学,化学与化学工程学院,理学学士 工作经历 2018/03-至今 香港浸会大学,环境与生物分析国家重点实验室,访问学者 2015/12-至今 广东工业大学,环境科学与工程学院,副教授 2014/07-2015/11 中国水产科学研究院珠江水产研究所,农业部热带亚热带水产资源利用与养殖重点实验室,研究实习员/助理研究员 主要荣誉 Ø 2014年被评为中国科学院大学优秀毕业生 Ø 2013年获得中国教育部博士研究生国家奖学金 Ø 2013年获得联合利华-中国科学院环境化学科研奖 科研项目 1. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,21507163、典型唑类抗真菌剂在斑马鱼中的富集代谢规律及其性腺激素干扰效应研究、2016/01-2018/12、24.6万元、在研、主持。 2. 广东省自然科学基金博士科研启动项目,2014A030310136、常用杀菌剂在珠三角水环境中的污染特征及其对鱼类的生物富集影响、2015/01-2018/01、10万元、已结题、主持。 3. 广东工业大学“青年百人计划”项目(人才计划项目),1143-220413136、常用杀菌剂在环境中的污染行为及其生态毒理研究、2015/12-2020/12、20万元、在研、主持。 4. 农业部公益性行业(农业)科研专项经费项目,201503108、典型化学物污染淡水水产品质量安全综合防治技术方案、2015/01-2019/12、200万元、在研、参加。 5. 农业部水产品质量安全风险评估项目,GJFP201501004,渔业环境污染对水产品质量安全影响评估、2015/01-2015/12、70万元、已结题、参加。 6. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,41473105,污水处理厂与受纳水环境中典型家用杀生剂的降解转化机理研究、2015/01-2018/12、100万元、在研、参加。 7. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,41303077、珠江流域典型河流中紫外吸收剂的污染过程与环境归趋研究、2014/01-2016/12、25万元、已结题、参加。 8. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,41103057、淡水绿藻对典型环境雌激素类内分泌干扰物的去除机制、2012/01-2014/12、25万元、已结题、参加。 9. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,41101462、典型药物与个人护理品在水生生物体内的吸收、转化和净化代谢过程研究、2012/01-2014/12、26万元、已结题、参加。 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,21007071、城市污泥的非均相催化超临界水气化制氢资源化、2011/01-2013/12、19万元、已结题、参加。 我的团队 典型化学品环境行为与污染控制技术研究团队


1、新型污染物在环境基质中的分析方法建立和生态风险评价 2、基于斑马鱼模型研究新型污染物的生态毒理机制


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

First/corresponding author papers: 1. Chen YY, Chen YJ, Zhang YH, Li RJ, Chen W, Qi ZH, Chen ZF*, Cai ZW* (2019) Determination of HFRs and OPFRs in PM2.5 by ultrasonic-assisted extraction combined with multi-segment column purification and GC-MS/MS. Talanta 194, 320-328. 2. Chen ZF*, Wen HB, Dai XX, Yan SC, Zhang H, Chen YY, Du ZY, Liu GG, Cai ZW* (2018) Contamination and risk profiles of triclosan and triclocarban in sediments from a less urbanized region in China. Journal of Hazardous Materials 357, 376-383. 3. Zhong YH, Chen ZF*, Dai XX, Liu SS, Zheng GM, Zhu XP, Liu SG, Yin Y, Liu GG, Cai ZW (2018) Investigation of the interaction between the fate of antibiotics in aquafarms and their level in the environment. Journal of Environmental Management 207, 219-229. 4. Zhong YH, Chen ZF*, Liu SS, Dai XX, Zhu XP, Zheng GM, Liu SG, Liu GG, Cai ZW (2017) Analysis of azole fungicides in fish muscle tissues: Multi-factor optimization and application to environmental samples. Journal of Hazardous Materials 324, 535-543. 5. Chen ZF, Ying GG* (2015) Occurrence, fate and ecological risk of five typical azole fungicides as therapeutic and personal care products in the environment: A review. Environment International 84, 142-153. (本综述于2016年9月被European Commission, Environment DG在Science for Environment Policy进行了专题报道,题目为Anti-fungal compounds: emerging environmental contaminants, Issue 471) 6. Chen ZF, Ying GG*, Liu YS, Zhang QQ, Zhao JL, Liu SS, Chen J, Peng FJ, Lai HJ, Pan CG (2014) Triclosan as a surrogate for household biocides: An investigation into biocides in aquatic environments of a highly urbanized region. Water Research 58, 269-279. 7. Chen ZF, Ying GG*, Jiang YX, Yang B, Lai HJ, Liu YS, Pan CG, Peng FQ (2014) Photodegradation of the azole fungicide fluconazole in aqueous solution under UV-254: Kinetics, mechanistic investigations and toxicity evaluation. Water Research 52, 83-91. 8. Chen ZF, Ying GG*, Ma YB, Lai HJ, Chen F, Pan CG (2013) Typical azole biocides in biosolid-amended soils and plants following the biosolid applications. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 61, 6198-6206. 9. Chen ZF, Ying GG*, Ma YB, Lai HJ, Chen F, Pan CG (2013) Occurrence and dissipation of three azole biocides climbazole, clotrimazole and miconazole in biosolid-amended soils. Science of the Total Environment 452-453, 377-383. 10.Chen ZF, Ying GG*, Lai HJ, Chen F, Su HC, Liu YS, Peng FQ, Zhao JL (2012) Determination of biocides in different environmental matrices by use of ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 404, 3175-3188. Co-author papers: 1. Lu YD, Feng YP, Wang FL, Zou XG, Chen ZF, Chen P, Liu HJ, Su YH, Zhang QX, Liu GG* (2018). Facile hydrothermal synthesis of carbon dots (CDs) doped ZnFe2O4/TiO2 hybrid materials with high photocatalytic activity. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry 353, 10-18. 2. Zhong YH, Yu L*, Chen ZF, He HP, Ye F, Cheng G, Zhang QX (2017) Microwave-assisted synthesis of Fe3O4 nanocrystals with predominantly exposed facets and their heterogeneous UVA/Fenton catalytic activity. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 9, 29203-29212. 3. Chen P, Wang FL, Chen ZF, Zhang QX, Su YH, Shen LZ, Yao K, Liu Y, Cai ZW, Lv WY, Liu GG* (2017) Study on the photocatalytic mechanism and detoxicity of gemfibrozil by a sunlight-driven TiO2/carbon dots photocatalyst: The significant roles of reactive oxygen species. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 204, 250-259. 4. Chen P, Wang FL, Zhang QX, Su YH, Shen LZ, Yao K, Chen ZF, Liu Y, Cai ZW, Lv WY, Liu GG* (2017) Photocatalytic degradation of clofibric acid by g-C3N4/P25 composites under simulated sunlight irradiation: The significant effects of reactive species. Chemosphere 172, 193-200. 5. Chen J, Ying GG*, Wei XD, Liu YS, Liu SS, Hu LX, He LY, Chen ZF, Chen FR, Yang YQ (2016). Removal of antibiotics and antibiotic resistance genes from domestic sewage by constructed wetlands: Effect of flow configuration and plant species. Science of the Total Environment 571, 974-982. 6. Liu WR, Zhao JL, Liu YS, Chen ZF, Yang YY, Zhang QQ, Ying GG* (2015) Biocides in the Yangtze River of China: Spatiotemporal distribution, mass load and risk assessment. Environmental Pollution 200, 53-63. 7. Chen J, Liu YS*, Su HC, Ying GG*, Liu F, Liu SS, He LY, Chen ZF, Yang YQ, Chen FQ (2015) Removal of antibiotics and antibiotic resistance genes in rural wastewater by an integrated constructed wetland. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 22, 1794-1803. 8. Zhang QQ, Ying GG*, Chen ZF, Liu YS, Liu WR, Zhao JL (2015) Multimedia fate modeling and risk assessment of a commonly used azole fungicide climbazole at the river basin scale in China. Science of the Total Environment 520, 39-48. 9. Zhang QQ, Ying GG*, Chen ZF, Zhao JL, Liu YS (2015) Basin-scale emission and multimedia fate of triclosan in whole China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 22, 10130-10143. 10.Yang B, Ying GG*, Chen ZF, Zhao JL, Peng FQ, Chen XW (2014) Ferrate (VI) oxidation of tetrabromobisphenol A in comparison with bisphenol A. Water Research 62, 211-219. 11.Liu SS, Ying GG*, Liu S, Lai HJ, Chen ZF, Pan CG, Zhao JL, Chen J (2014) Analysis of 21 progestagens in various matrices by ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (UHPLC-MS/MS) with diverse sample pretreatment. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 406, 7299-7311. 12.Lai HJ, Ying GG*, Ma YB, Chen ZF, Chen F, Liu YS (2014) Occurrence and dissipation of benzotriazoles and benzotriazole ultraviolet stabilizers in biosolid-amended soils. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 33, 761-767. 13.Chen F, Ying GG*, Ma YB, Chen ZF, Lai HJ (2014) Field dissipation of four personal care products in biosolids-amended soils in North China. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 33, 2413-2421. 14.Pan CG, Ying GG*, Liu YS, Zhang QQ, Chen ZF, Peng FJ, Huang GY (2014) Contamination profiles of perfluoroalkyl substances in five typical rivers of the Pearl River Delta region, South China. Chemosphere 114, 16-25. 15.Pan CG, Zhao JL, Liu YS, Zhang QQ, Chen ZF, Lai HJ, Peng FJ, Liu SS, Ying GG* (2014) Bioaccumulation and risk assessment of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances in wild freshwater fish from rivers in the Pearl River Delta region, South China. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 107, 192-199. 16.Zhou GJ, Ying GG*, Liu S, Zhou LJ, Chen ZF, Peng FQ (2014) Simultaneous removal of inorganic and organic compounds in wastewater by freshwater green microalgae. Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts 16, 2018-2027. 17.Lai HJ, Ying GG*, Ma YB, Chen ZF, Chen F, Liu YS (2014) Field dissipation and plant uptake of benzotriazole ultraviolet stabilizers in biosolid-amended soils. Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts 16, 558-566. 18.Chen F, Ying GG*, Ma YB, Chen ZF, Lai HJ, Peng FJ (2014) Field dissipation and risk assessment of typical personal care products TCC, TCS, AHTN and HHCB in biosolid-amended soils. Science of the Total Environment 470-471, 1078-1086. 19.Peng FQ, Ying GG*, Yang B, Liu S, Lai HJ, Liu YS, Chen ZF, Zhou GJ (2014). Biotransformation of progesterone and norgestrel by two freshwater microalgae (Scenedesmus obliquus and Chlorella pyrenoidosa): Transformation kinetics and products identification. Chemosphere 95, 581-588. 20.Zhou LJ, Ying GG*, Liu S, Zhao JL, Yang B, Chen ZF, Lai HJ (2013) Occurrence and fate of eleven classes of antibiotics in two typical wastewater treatment plants in South China. Science of the Total Environment 452-453, 365-376. 21.Zhou LJ, Ying GG*, Zhang RQ, Liu S. Lai HJ, Chen ZF, Yang B, Zhao JL (2013) Use patterns, excretion masses and contamination profiles of antibiotics in a typical swine farm, south China. Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts 15, 802-813. 22.Li X, Ying GG*, Zhao JL, Chen ZF, Lai HJ, Su HC (2013) 4-Nonylphenol, bisphenol-A and triclosan levels in human urine of children and students in China, and the effects of drinking these bottled materials on the levels. Environment International 52, 81-86. 23.Zhou LJ, Ying GG*, Liu S, Zhang RQ, Lai HJ, Chen ZF, Pan CG (2013) Excretion masses and environmental occurrence of antibiotics in typical swine and dairy cattle farms in China. Science of the Total Environment 444, 183-195. 24.Liu S, Ying GG*, Zhang RQ, Zhou LJ, Lai HJ, Chen ZF (2012) Fate and occurrence of steroids in swine and dairy cattle farms with different farming scales and wastes disposal systems. Environmental Pollution 170, 190-201. 25.Liu S, Ying GG*, Zhou LJ, Zhang RQ, Chen ZF, Lai HJ (2012) Steroids in a typical swine farm and their release into the environment. Water Research 46, 3754-3768. 26.Liu S, Ying GG*, Zhao JL, Zhou LJ, Yang B, Chen ZF, Lai HJ (2012) Occurrence and fate of androgens, estrogens, glucocorticoids and progestagens in two different types of municipal wastewater treatment plants. Journal of Environmental Monitoring 14, 482-491. 27.Wang L, Ying GG*, Chen F, Zhang LJ, Zhao JL, Lai HJ, Chen ZF, Tao R (2012) Monitoring of selected estrogenic compounds and estrogenic activity in surface water and sediment of the Yellow River in China using combined chemical and biological tools. Environmental Pollution 165, 241-249. 28.Zhao JL, Ying GG*, Yang B, Liu S, Zhou LJ, Chen ZF, Lai HJ (2011) Screening of multiple hormonal activities in surface water and sediment from the Pearl River system, South China, using effect-directed in vitro bioassays. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 30, 2208-2215
