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主要从事固体废弃物资源化和生物质清洁高效利用的研究工作。本科、硕士、博士先后毕业于华中科技大学、香港科技大学、华南理工大学,曾获华中科技大学机械学院派出赴美国伍斯特理工学院短期学习,攻读博士学位期间获国家留学基金委资助赴美国马里兰大学联合培养。主持/参与国家自然科学基金、广东省自然科学基金、教育部重点实验室开放基金等科研项目;发表学术论文20余篇,其中SCI一、二区论文19篇;申请发明专利3项。 教育背景 2011-2015 华南理工大学,工程热物理,博士 2013/01-2015/06 美国马里兰大学帕克分校,化工系,联合培养博士生 2007-2009 香港科技大学,机械工程,硕士 2003-2007 华中科技大学,机械设计制造及其自动化,本科 工作经历 2015/09-至今 广东工业大学,讲师,“青年百人”引进人才 2018/12-2020/01 美国马里兰大学帕克分校,访问学者 2009-2011 京信通信技术有限公司,结构工程师 科研项目 国家自然科学基金青年项目,主持 工业聚集区污染控制与生态修复教育部重点实验室开放课题,主持 广东工业大学“青年百人”计划科研启动项目,主持 教学活动 本科生课程:环境工程设备 硕士生课程:环境分析理论与技术;环境分析与监测 我的团队 固体废弃物处理与污染控制科研团队(团队负责人:宁寻安教授)




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1. He,Y., Chen, S., Chen, J.J, Liu, D.X., Ning, X.A., Liu, J.Y., Wang, T.J.*,Consequence of replacing nitrogen with carbon dioxide as atmosphere on suppressing the formation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in catalytic pyrolysis of sawdust, Bioresource Technol, 2020, 297, 122417 (SCI一区 IF=7.539) 2. Chen, J.C.#, He, Y.#, Liu, J.Y.*, Liu, C., Xie, W.M., Kuo, J.H., Zhang, X.C., Li, S.P, Liang, J.L., Sun, S.Y., Buyukada, M., Evrendilek, F., The mixture of sewage sludge and biomass waste as solid biofuels: Process characteristic and environmental implication, Renew Energ, 2019, 139, 707-717 (SCI一区 IF=6.274) 3. Lai, X.J., Ning, X.A.*, He, Y., Yuan, Y.Q., Sun, J., Ke, Y.W., Man, X.Y., Treatment of a simulated sludge by ultrasonic zero-valent iron/EDTA/Air process: Interferences of inorganic salts in polyaromatic hydrocarbon removal, Waste Manag, 2019, 85, 548-556 (SCI一区 IF=5.448) 4. Li, D.D., He, Y., Zhang, H.C., Xu, W.B.*, Jiang, X.*, A numerical study of the impurity effects on CO2 geological storage in layered formation, Appl Energ, 2017, 199, 107-120 (SCI一区 IF=8.848) 5. Oh, Su.C., Nguyendo, T., He, Y., Filie, A., Wu, Y.Q., Tran, D.T., Lee, I.C., Liu, D.X.*, External surface and pore mouth catalysis in hydrolysis of inulin over zeolites with different micropore topologies and mesoporosities, Catal Sci Technol, 2017, 7(5), 1153-1166 (SCI二区 IF=5.721) 6. Huang, L.M., Liu, J.Y.*, He, Y., Sun, S.Y., Chen, J.C., Sun, J., Chang, K.L., Kuo, J.H., Ning, X.A., Thermodynamics and kinetics parameters of co-combustion between sewage sludge and water hyacinth in CO2/O-2 atmosphere as biomass to solid biofuel, Bioresource Technol, 2016, 218, 631-642. (SCI一区 IF=7.539) 7. He, Y., Ma, X.Q.*, Comparative investigation on non-isothermal kinetics for thermo-degradation of lignocellulosic substrate and its chlorinated derivative in atmospheres with CO2 participation, Bioresource Technol, 2015, 189, 71-80 (SCI一区 IF=7.539) 8. He, Y., Ma, X.Q.*, Zeng, G.B., Consequences of poly(vinyl chloride) presence on the thermochemical process of lignocellulosic biomass in CO2 by thermogravimetric analysis, Bioresource Technol, 2015, 177: 346-354 (SCI一区 IF=7.539) 9. He, Y., Hoff, T.C., Emdadi, L., Wu, Y.Q., Bouraima, J., Liu, D.X.*, Catalytic consequences of micropore topology, mesoporosity, and acidity on the hydrolysis of sucrose over zeolite catalysts, Catal Sci Technol, 2014, 4(9), 3064-3073 (SCI二区 IF=5.721) 10. Chen, C.X., Ma, X.Q.*, He, Y., Co-pyrolysis characteristics of microalgae Chlorella vulgaris and coal through TGA., Bioresource Technol, 2012, 117, 264-273 (SCI一区 IF=7.539) 11. 何峣, 陈思, 陈俊捷, 宁寻安*, 生物质废物催化热解特性及多因素优化实验, 环境工程学报, 2019, 13(7), 1743-1751


Bioresource Technol、Int J Energ Res、J Anal Appl Pyrol等SCI期刊审稿专家,获2017、2018年度Elsevier "Outstanding Contribution in Reviewing";国家自然科学基金委通讯评议专家
