杨化龙,黑龙江哈尔滨人,哈尔滨工业大学管理学博士。已在Decision Support Systems、Electronic Commerce Research and Application、Journal of Electronic Commerce Research、Behaviour & Information Technology、 Journal of Medical Internet Research、Telemedicine and e-Health、管理科学、管理评论、亚太管理信息系统国际会议、管理科学与工程国际会议等国内外知名学术期刊及学术会议发表多篇学术论文。
10/2018至09/2019 访问学者 香港城市大学
07/2017至09/2019 博士后 广东工业大学
09/2013-06/2017 管理学博士 哈尔滨工业大学
09/2011-07/2013 经济学硕士 中共黑龙江省委党校
09/2007-07/2011 经济学学士 中国青年政治学院
[1] 2015年国家研究生奖学金
[2] 2016年哈尔滨工业大学管理学院黄梯云奖学金特等奖
1. 杨化龙, 杜松华*, 詹宝强, 李展尧, 于秀丽. “组合保护政策对双渠道医疗服务供给的影响” 管理评论, 2020. (CSSCI, 已接收待刊)
2. Hualong Yang, Helen Du*, Wei He, Han Qiao, “Understanding the motivators affecting doctors’ contributions in online healthcare communities: professional status as a moderator,” Behaviour & Information Technology. (SSCI,Online)
3. Hualong Yang, Helen Du*, Le Wang, Alex Deng. “Engaging in Weight Loss Tasks of Mobile Health Applications: The Dual Influence of Social Support and Body Condition,” Telemedicine and e-Health, 25(2019), 591-598. (SCI)
4. Hualong Yang, Xiaofei Zhang* “Investigating the Effect of Paid and Free Feedback on Patients’ and Physicians’ Behaviors: Panel Data Analysis,” Journal of Medical Internet Research, 21(2019), e12156. (SCI)
5. Hualong Yang, Helen Du*, Le Wang, Tianshi Wu “The influence of social support networks on health conditions via user engagement: Gender as a moderator,” Journal of Electronic Commerce Research, 20(2019), 35-54. (SSCI)
6. 杨化龙*, 鞠晓峰 “探究社会支持与个人目标对健康状况的影响” 管理科学, 30(2017), 53-61. (CSSCI)
7. Hualong Yang, Xitong Guo*, Tianshi Wu. “Exploring the influence of the online physician service delivery process on patient satisfaction,” Decision Support Systems, 78(2015), 113-121. (SCI)
8. Hualong Yang, Xitong Guo*, Tianshi Wu, Xiaofeng Ju. “Exploring the effects of patient-generated and system-generated information on patients’ online search and decisions,” Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 14(2015), 192-203. (SSCI)
9. Hualong Yang*, Dan Li, “Gamification of Self-health Management: Understanding the Moderating Effect of Demographic Difference,” Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS), 2020. (ISTP)
10. Hualong Yang*, Xiaofeng Ju, “Understanding the physicians’ motivations on contributing to online health community: offline status as a moderator,” Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS), 2016. (ISTP)
11. Hualong Yang*, Xiaofeng Ju, “Offline ranking VS online rating: investigating the effects and strengths of doctors’ information on patients’ choice of consulting a doctor,” International Conference on Management Science & Engineering, 2015. (ISTP)
[1] Information Technology & People (IT&P). 期刊审稿人
[2] Electronic Markets (EM). 期刊审稿人
[3] Journal of Information & Knowledge Management (JIKM). 期刊审稿人
[4] Journal of Medical Internet Research (JMIR). 期刊审稿人
[5] Electronic Commerce Research and Applications (ECRA). 期刊审稿人
[6] Health Expectation. 期刊审稿人
[7] Technological Forecasting & Social Change (TFSC). 期刊审稿人