2005.09-2010.12 中山大学管理学院 管理科学与工程专业 博士学位
2001.10-2005.07 北京航空航天大学计算机学院 计算机科学与专业 学士学位
2007.03-2008.08 香港城市大学 管理科学系 Research Assistant
2010.08-2010.10香港城市大学 管理科学系 Research Associate
2011.10-2014.03 新加坡国立大学 工业与系统工程系 Postdoctoral Research Fellow
2014.03-2014.08 香港科技大学 工业工程与物流管理系 Postdoctoral Research Fellow
1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,2017.1-
2. 广东省自然科学基金面上项目,2016.6-
3. 教育部人文社科基金青年项目,2015.10-
1) 广东工业大学培英育才培养计划
2) 广东工业大学青年百人人才计划
3) 第七届哲学社会科学优秀成果奖三等奖(第一完成人)
4) 2017第二届广东省物流创业创新设计大赛优秀指导老师奖
5) 2016年度广东工业大学先进科技工作者
6) 2016年度管理学院先进科技工作者
7) 2016年广东工业大学毕业设计(论文)创新奖
8) 2015年度管理学院先进科技工作者
9) 2014-2015学年管理学院教学优秀奖
1、Yi Tao*, Loo Hay Lee, Ek Peng Chew, Gang Sun, Vincent Charles. Inventory Control Policy for a Periodic Review System with Expediting. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 49: 375-393, 2017. (SCI一区)
2、Yi Tao*, Ek Peng Chew, Loo Hay Lee, Lu Wang. A capacity pricing and reservation problem under option contract in the air cargo freight industry. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 110: 560-572, 2017. (SCI)
3、Ning Shi, Shaorui Zhou, Fan Wang, Yi Tao, Liming Liu. The multi-criteria constrained shortest path problem. Transportation Research Part E,101:13-29, 2017. (SCI)
4、Yi Tao*, Ek Peng Chew, Loo Hay Lee, Yuran Shi. A column generation approach for the route planning problem in Fourth party logistics. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 68(2): 165-181. 2017. (SCI)
5、Yi Tao*, Loo Hay Lee, Ek Peng Chew. Quantifying the effect of sharing information in a supply chain facing supply disruptions. Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research, 33(04): 1-28. 2016. (SCI)
6、Yi Tao*, Chung-Yee Lee. Joint planning of berth and yard allocation in transshipment terminals using multi-cluster stacking strategy. Transportation Research Part E, 83: 34-50, 2015. (SCI)
7、Yi Tao*, Fan Wang. An Effective Tabu Search Approach with Improved Loading Algorithms for the 3L-CVRP. Computers & Operations Research, 55: 127-140, 2015. (SCI)
8、Jie Pan, Yi Tao*, Loo Hay Lee, Ek Peng Chew. Production Planning and Inventory Control for a Two-Product Recovery System. IIE Transactions, 47(12):1342-1362, 2015. (SCI)
9、Yanzhi Li, Yi Tao, Fan Wang. An Effective Approach to Multi-item Capacitated Dynamic Lot-sizing Problems. International Journal of Production Research, 50(19): 5348-5362, 2012. (SCI)
10、Yanzhi Li, Yi Tao*, Fan Wang. A Compromised Large-scale Neighborhood Search Heuristic for Capacitated Air Cargo Loading Planning. European Journal of Operational Research, 199(2): 553-560, 2009. (SCI)
11、Yanzhi Li, Yi Tao, Fan Wang. A Compromised Large-Scale Neighborhood Search Heuristic for Cargo Loading Planning. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 4830: 721-726, 2007. (SCI)
12、Yi Tao*, Ek Peng Chew, Loo Hay Lee. A study on capacity pricing and reservation problem under option contract. Proceedings of the 2015 International Conference on Computers & Industrial Engineering, 361-368, 2016. (EI)
13、Jie Pan, Yi Tao*, Loo Hay Lee and Ek Peng Chew. Production Planning and Inventory Control of a Two-Product Recovery System. Re-engineering Manufacturing for Sustainability, 609-614, 2013. (EI)
14、Yi Tao*, Fan Wang. A New Packing Heuristic Based Approach for Vehicle Routing Problem with Three-Dimensional Loading Constraints. Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE Conference on Automation Science and Engineering, 972-977, 2010. (EI)
15、Yanzhi Li, Yi Tao, Fan Wang. A General Approach to Multi-item Capacitated Dynamic Lot-sizing Problems. Proceedings of the 39th International Conference on Computers & Industrial Engineering, 797-802, 2009. (EI)
16、Fan Wang, Yi Tao*, Ning Shi. A Survey on Vehicle Routing Problem with Loading Constraints. Proceedings of 2009 International Joint Conference on Computational Sciences and Optimization, 2: 602-606, 2009. (EI)