Maximal operators associated with bilinear multipliers of limited decay(with Loukas Grafakos, and Petr Honz´ık), J. Analyse Math., accepted.
L2L2!L1 boundedness criteria (with Loukas Grafakos, and Lenka Slav´ıkov´a),Math. Ann., available online.. ( https://doi.org/10.1007/s00208-018-1794-5)
The H¨ormander multiplier theorem, II: The bilinear local L2 case (with Loukas Grafakos and Petr Honz´ık), Math. Z., 289, 3-4 (2018), 875–887.
Rough bilinear singular integrals (with Loukas Grafakos and Petr Honz´ık),Adv. Math. 326 (2018), 54–78.
Square function characterization of weak Hardy spaces, J. Fourier Anal.Appl. 20 (2014), no. 5, 1083–1110.