强永昌,男,1965年2月出生于安徽省。现为复旦大学经济学院教授、博士生导师,复旦大学国际贸易研究中心主任;兼任中国美国经济学会理事、Journal of Chinese Economics and Foreign Trade Studies编委会委员以及企业独立董事。1995年毕业于复旦大学世界经济系,并获经济学博士学位。同年10月至次年10月,在日本东京大学经济研究所任客座研究员。曾任上海市卢湾区人民政府财政局副局长、复旦大学经济学院院长助理、副院长、学位委员会委员等职。
"Japanese Investment Strategy and Its Impact on the Chinese Economy", Taiwan Economy (Taiwan), 2006.5
"The Current Condition of Our Technical Service and Countermeasure Thinking", Jianghai Journal, 2007.2
"China's Foreign Trade Commodity Structure Evolution and Influencing Factors", Taiwan Economy (Taiwan), 2007.4
"The Factors of Distance in China's Foreign Direct Investment and Trade Flow", Study and Exploration, 2008.1
"The Trade Effect of Foreign Direct Investment of Developing Countries," Regional Economic Development and Opening, Zhejiang University Press, 2008.4
"China's Capital Market Status and Developing Trend", Taiwan Economy, 2008.1
"The Export Trade and Economic Trend in China after the Financial Crisis” Taiwan Economy, 2009/6
"Is Buy Domestic Goods Trade Protection?” Jiefang Daily, 10th edition, 2009/2/23.
"Environmental Regulation, Comparative Advantages and Strategic Choice" "Chinese Economic Development Strategy, Environment and Strategy”, Social Sciences Academic Press, 2009.6
"Financial Crisis, Export Trade and Macroeconomic Trends", the Regional Economic Development and Opening, 2009/12
"The Research Review of Trade Dispute Settlement Mechanism and Its Choice", the Economic Review, 2010/3
"’The Mother Market’ Disturbs Global Trade", Chinese Journal of Economic and Trade Focus, 2010/1