本科和硕士毕业于山东大学物理学院,博士毕业于新加坡南洋理工大学生命科学学院,毕业后进入新加坡科学院(A*STAR)工作,2018年入职山东大学物理学院。研究领域为定量生物物理学相关理论与实验研究,特别是软物质与生命物质体系的物理模型与定量分析方法,探索纳米材料生物效应和应用等。共发表SCI论文56篇,其中第一作者和通讯作者论文35篇,平均每篇被引35.9次,单篇最高他引329次,发表在Nature Materials, Nature Communication、Nano Letters、ACS Nano等权威刊物上。多篇文章为杂志封面文章和ESI高被引top 1%,H因子为22。获2017年度山东省科学技术一等奖,入选“山东省引进高层次人才”,“山东大学齐鲁青年学者”,“江苏省双创计划”,“苏州市高等院校、研究院所高层次人才”等,获新加坡科学院“最佳研究论文奖”,获国家发明专利一项。多次参加国际国内会议做邀请和口头报告,受邀为Journal of Nanomaterials客座编辑。目前主持和参与国家自然科学基金面上、山东省自然科学基金重大基础研究和面上项目、山东大学交叉科学培育项目等多项课题。
2008.8 - 2013.3 南洋理工大学 生物物理学 哲学博士学位
2005.9 - 2008.6 山东大学 凝聚态物理 理学硕士学位
2001.9 - 2005.6 山东大学 物理学 理学学士学位
1998.9 - 2001.7 山东省垦利一中
2018.3 - 至今 山东大学
2013.12 - 2018.2 苏州大学
2012.8 - 2014.11 新加坡科学院
2012.7 - 2013.2 新加坡南洋理工大学
[1] 杨帆. Understanding CO2 capture kinetics and energetics by ionic liquids with molecular dynamics simulatio. RSC ADVANCES, 10, 13968, 2020.
[2] 刘扬. Anisotropic protein diffusion on nanosurface. NANOSCALE, 12, 5209, 2020.
[3] Wang, Jianhao. pH-Switchable Antimicrobial Nanofiber Networks of Hydrogel Eradicate Biofilm and Rescue Stalled Heal. ACS nano, 13, 11686, 2019.
[4] 赵明文 , 屈媛媛 , 王露. High-efficiency helium separation through an inorganic graphenylene membrane: a theoretical study. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys。, 22, 9789, 2020.
[5] 刘扬 , 王禄山 , 李伟峰 , Yang, Yanmei. Binding Process and Free Energy Characteristics of Cellulose Chain into the Catalytic Domain of Cell. THE JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B, 123, 8853, 2019.
[6] 李伟峰 , 赵明文 , 高涵. Tunable broadband hyperbolic light dispersion in metal diborides. 光学特快, 27, 36911, 2019.
[7] 李伟峰 , 赵明文 , 宋晓涵. Bifunctional Electrocatalytic Activity of Bis(iminothiolato)nickel Monolayer for Overall Water Split. The Journal of Physical Chemestry C, 123, 25651, 2019.
[8] 屈媛媛 , 李伟峰 , 赵明文 , 王君茹. First-principles design of highly-efficient earth-abundant electrocatalysts for hydrogen evolution r. Applied surface science, 495, 2019.
[9] 李伟峰 , 赵明文 , 高涵. Hyperbolic dispersion and negative refraction in a metal-organic framework Cu-BHT. PHYSICAL REVIEW MATERIALS, 3, 2019.
[10] 李伟峰 , 赵明文 , 马西奎. Valley polarization and ferroelectricity in a two-dimensional GaAsC6 monolayer. PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS Journal, 21, 3954, 2019.
[11] 屈媛媛 , 刘扬 , 李伟峰 , 赵明文 , 王君茹. PNTCDA: a promising versatile organic electrode material for alkali-metal ion batteries. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 6, 24869, 2018.
[12] 李伟峰 , 赵明文 , 艾号强. Intrinsic multiferroicity in two- dimensional VOCl2 monolayers. NANOSCALE, 11, 1103, 2019.
[13] 屈媛媛 , 李伟峰 , 赵明文 , 齐思云. Prediction of a flexible anode material for Li/Na ion batteries: Phosphorous carbide monolayer (alph. CARBON, 141, 444, 2019.
[14] 李伟峰 , 赵明文 , 艾号强. Reversible out-of-plane spin texture in a two-dimensional ferroelectric material for persistent spin. PHYSICAL REVIEW MATERIALS, 3, 2019.
[15] 李伟峰 , 赵明文 , 刘小标. Valley-selective circular dichroism and high carrier mobility of graphene-like BC6N. NANOSCALE, 10, 13179, 2018.
[16] 刘扬 , 李伟峰. The Necessity of D-Thr in the New Antibiotic Teixobactin: A Molecular Dynamics Study. Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling, 59, 1575, 2019.
[17] 李伟峰. Gapless MoS2 allotrope possessing both massless Dirac and heavy fermions. PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 2014.
[18] 李伟峰. Tunable, Strain-Controlled Nanoporous MoS2 Filter for Water Desalination. ACS Nano, 2016.
[19] 李伟峰. Ultrafast and Directional Diffusion of Lithium in Phosphorene for High-Performance Lithium-Ion Batte. Nano Letters, 2015.
[20] 刘扬 , 李伟峰. Optimization of replica exchange temperature ladder under the well-tempered ensemble. Chemical Physics Letters, 711, 66, 2018.
[21] 屈媛媛 , 李伟峰 , 赵明文 , 王君茹. First-principles design of highly-efficient earth-abundant electrocatalysts for hydrogen evolution r. Applied surface science, 495, 2019.
[22] 李伟峰 , 赵明文 , 高涵. Hyperbolic dispersion and negative refraction in a metal-organic framework Cu-BHT. PHYSICAL REVIEW MATERIALS, 3, 2019.
[23] 屈媛媛 , 刘扬 , 李伟峰 , 赵明文 , 王君茹. PNTCDA: a promising versatile organic electrode material for alkali-metal ion batteries. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 6, 24869, 2018.
[24] 李伟峰 , 赵明文 , 马西奎. Valley polarization and ferroelectricity in a two-dimensional GaAsC6 monolayer. PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS Journal, 21, 3954, 2019.
[25] 李伟峰 , 赵明文 , 艾号强. Intrinsic multiferroicity in two- dimensional VOCl2 monolayers. NANOSCALE, 11, 1103, 2019.
[26] 屈媛媛 , 李伟峰 , 赵明文 , 齐思云. Prediction of a flexible anode material for Li/Na ion batteries: Phosphorous carbide monolayer (alph. CARBON, 141, 444, 2019.
[27] 李伟峰 , 赵明文 , 艾号强. Reversible out-of-plane spin texture in a two-dimensional ferroelectric material for persistent spin. PHYSICAL REVIEW MATERIALS, 3, 2019.
[28] 李伟峰 , 赵明文 , 刘小标. Valley-selective circular dichroism and high carrier mobility of graphene-like BC6N. NANOSCALE, 10, 13179, 2018.
[29] 李伟峰 , 刘扬. Optimization of replica exchange temperature ladder under the well-tempered ensemble. Chemical Physics Letters, 711, 66, 2018.
[30] 李伟峰. Gapless MoS2 allotrope possessing both massless Dirac and heavy fermions. 2014.
[31] 李伟峰. Tunable, Strain-Controlled Nanoporous MoS2 Filter for Water Desalination. 2016.
[32] 李伟峰. Ultrafast and Directional Diffusion of Lithium in Phosphorene for High-Performance Lithium-Ion Batte. 2015.
[33] Differential Pd-nanocrystal facets demonstrate distinct antibacterial activity against Gram-positive. Nature Communications, 2018.
[34] 李伟峰. Ultrafast and Directional Diffusion of Lithium in Phosphorene for High-Performance Lithium-Ion Batte. Nano Letters, 2015.