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教育经历 1993.11-1997.5 俄罗斯托木斯克理工大学 | 固体物理 | 博士研究生毕业 | 博士学位 1991.9-1993.6 吉林大学 | 材料物理 | 研究生毕业 | 硕士学位 1985.9-1989.6 吉林大学物理系 | 固体物理 | 大学本科毕业 | 学士学位 工作经历 2022.10-至今 乌克兰工程院 | 吉林大学 | 外籍院士 2021.3-至今 未来科学国际合作联合实验室 | 吉林大学 | 副主任 2021.1-至今 吉林省超级电容工程实验室主任 | 吉林大学 | 实验室主任 2016.3-2021.3 未来科学国际合作联合实验室 | 吉林大学 | 常务副主任


[1]清洁能源与储能、节能技术 [2]柔性储能器件(超级电容器、Li/Na电池)


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Flexible Self-Powered Integrated Sensing System with 3D Periodic Ordered Black Phosphorus@MXene Thin-Films. Advanced Materials. 2021,33 (22):2007890 Ti3C2Tx MXene Conductive Layers Supported Bio-Derived Fex-1Sex/MXene/Carbonaceous Nanoribbons for High-Performance Half/Full Sodium-Ion and Potassium-Ion Batteries. Advanced Materials. 2021,33 (34) The Origin of Capacity Fluctuation and Rescue of Dead Mn-based Zn-Ion Battery: Mn-based Competitive Capacity Evolution Protocol. Energy & Environmental Science,15 (3):1106-1118 Ultrafine Co3Se4 Nanoparticles in Nitrogen-Doped 3D Carbon Matrix for High-Stable and Long-Cycle-Life Lithium Sulfur Batteries. Advanced Energy Materials,10 (19):1904273 3D Chemical Cross-Linking Structure of Black Phosphorus@CNTs Hybrid as a Promising Anode Material for Lithium Ion Batteries. Advanced Functional Materials,30 (12):1909372 Controlled Assembly of MXene Nanosheets as an Electrode and Active Layer for High-Performance Electronic Skin. Advanced Functional Materials. 2021,31 (17):2010533 High-performance flexible sensing devices based on polyaniline/MXene nanocomposites. Infomat,1 (3):407-416 High-mass loading V3O7 center dot H2O nanoarray for Zn-ion battery: New synthesis and two-stage ion intercalation chemistry. Nano Eergy,83 :105835 Highly-stable polymer-crosslinked 2D MXene-based flexible biocompatible electronic skins for in vivo biomonitoring. Nano Energy,84 :105921 Microbe-Assisted Assembly of Ti3C2Tx MXene on Fungi-Derived Nanoribbon Heterostructures for Ultrastable Sodium and Potassium Ion Storage. ACS Nano,15 (2):3423-3433 Carbon-Reinforced Nb2CTx MXene/MoS2 Nanosheets as a Superior Rate and High-Capacity Anode for Sodium-Ion Batteries. ACS Nano. 2021,15 (4):7439-7450 Mingze Xu. Titanate Nanotubes as a Promising Absorbent for High Effective Radioactive Uranium Ions Uptake. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. 2012,12 (8):6374-6379 Haifeng Chen. Alkali Metal Poisoning of a CeO2-WO3 Catalyst Used in the Selective Catalytic Reduction of NOx with NH3: an Experimental and Theoretical Study. Environmental Science & Technology. 2012,46 (5):2864-2869 Xiaowei Niu. Synthesis of well-adhered SiO2-Al2O3 glass-ceramic coating on NiCrFe alloy supports. Applied Surface Science. 2013,268 :265-269 Shaobo Cui. Self-assembly and modified luminescence properties of NaY(MoO4)(2):Tb3+, Eu3+ inverse opals. Dalton Transactions. 2014,43 (35):13293-13298 Mingze Xu. Novel fungus-titanate bio-nanocomposites as high performance adsorbents for the efficient removal of radioactive ions from wastewater. Nanoscale. 2014,6 (2):722-725 Mingyi Li. Simulation and Analysis of the Symmetrical Measurements of a Triaxial Induction Tool. Ieee Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters. 2015,12 (1):122-124. Xiaowei Niu. Mesoporous CexCo1-xCr2O4 spinels: synthesis, characterization and catalytic application in simultaneous removal of soot particulate and NO. Rsc Advances. 2018,5 (65):52595-52601 Liang Zhou. Fe3O4@titanate nanocomposites: novel reclaimable adsorbents for removing radioactive ions from wastewater. Journal of Materials Science-Materials in Electronics. 2018,26 (5):2742-2747 La Li. Entrapment of radioactive uranium from wastewater by using fungus-Fe3O4 bio-nanocomposites. Rsc Advances. 2015,5 (52):41611-41616 Klyui, N I. Improvement in the degradation resistance of silicon nanostructures by the deposition of diamond-like carbon films. Semiconductors. 2015,49 (8):1030-1034 Shaobo Cui. Highly sensitive and selective detection of mercury ions based on up-conversion FRET from NaYF4:Yb3+/Er3+ nanophosphors to CdTe quantum dots. RSC Advance. 2015,5 (120):99099–99106 Shaobo Cui. Highly modified spontaneous emission in NaY(MoO4)2:Yb3+/Er3+ inverse opal photonic crystals. RSC Advance. 2015,5 (120):104862–104869 Yunlong Xi. Enhancing the cycling stability of the polyaniline hybrids benefited from the hollow manganese dioxide/acetylene black skeleton. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2016,290 :361-370 La Li. Flexible in-plane microsupercapacitors with electrospun NiFe2O4 nanofibers for portable sensing applications. Nanoscale. 2016,8 (32):14986-91 Xilong Liu. Experimental and theoretical studies of nonlinear dependence of the internal resistance and electrode thickness for high performance supercapacitor. Scientific reports. 2017,7 :45934 Shuaikai Xu. Binder-free Ti3C2TxMXene electrode film for supercapacitor produced by electrophoretic deposition method. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2017,317 :1026-1036 Yunlong Xi. Facile synthesis of MnO2 -Ni(OH)2 3D Ridge-like Porous Electrode Materials by Seed-induce Method for High-performance Asymmetric Supercapacitor. Electrochimica Acta. 2017,233 :26-35 Junzhi Li. Hierarchical NiCoP nanocone arrays supported on Ni foam as an efficient and stable bifunctional electrocatalyst for overall water splitting. J. Mater. Chem. A. 2017,5 (28):14828-14837 La Li. Highly Stretchable Micro-Supercapacitor Arrays with Hybrid MWCNT/PANI Electrodes. Advanced Materials Technologies. 2017,2 (3):1600282 Shuaikai Xu. Flexible MXene–graphene electrodes with high volumetric capacitance for integrated co-cathode energy conversion/storage devices. J. Mater. Chem. A. 2017,5 (33):17442-17451 Yukun Zhu. Interface engineering of 3D BiVO4/Fe-based layered double hydroxide core/shell nanostructures for boosting photoelectrochemical water oxidation. J. Mater. Chem. A. 2017,5 (20):9952-9959 La Li. Flexible planar concentric circular micro-supercapacitor arrays for wearable gas sensing application. Nano Energy. 2017,41 :261-268 La Li. Recent Advances in Flexible/Stretchable Supercapacitors for Wearable Electronics. Small. 2017 Junming Cao. Core–shell structural PANI-derived carbon@Co–Ni LDH electrode for high-performance asymmetric supercapacitors.. Sustainable Energy & Fuels. 2018,2 (6):1350-1355 Yukun Zhu. Surface modification of hematite photoanode by NiFe layered double hydroxide for boosting photoelectrocatalytic water oxidation. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2018,764 :341-346 Shuaikai Xu. Screen-printable microscale hybrid device based on MXene and layered double hydroxide electrodes for powering force sensors. Nano Energy. 2018,50 :479-488 Duo Chen. Self-assembly of biomass microfibers into 3D layer-stacking hierarchical porous carbon for high performance supercapacitors. Electrochimica Acta. 2018,286 :264-270
