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教育经历 1985.9-1989.7 学士 吉林大学物理系 1991.9-1993.7 硕士 吉林大学材料科学系 1993.11-1997.5 博士 俄罗斯托木斯克理工大学机械工程系 工作经历 1989.7-1991.9 助教 吉林大学物理学院 1993.7-1998.12 讲师 吉林大学材料学院 1998.7-2000.12 博士后、副教授 吉林大学超硬材料国家重点实验室 2001.1-至今. 教授、博导 吉林大学物理学院


1>. 绿色能源(太阳能、风能)的高效利用、储存、转化及应用性基础研究,研究目标是如何高效地将绿色能源如太阳能和风能转化为氢能,为破解光伏发电和风能发电上网难和弃电率高等难题提供一个全新的解决途径。 2>. 纳米材料的制备与应用研究,研究的主要目标是将纳米材料、生物/纳米复合材料应用于水污染治理,尤其是对放射性元素水污染的治理。 3>. 汽车电子与仪器仪表研制,主要研究目标是提高能源的利用率和新能源汽车的智能化管理

国家级项目 1)柴油车尾气四效催化技术研究(100万),863计划,负责人。 2)高性能Fe3O4/菌种生物纳米复合结构净化核废水的基础研究(72万),国家自然基金面上项目,负责人。 3)油页岩地下原位开采射频加热技术研究(100万),国家科技重大专项,负责人。 4)柴油机电控系统控制器(ECU)开发板研制(32万),(863),子课题负责人。 省部级项目 1)混合动力客车用复合电源系统的开发(30万),长春市重大科技攻关计划,负责人。 4)一汽插电式混合动力客车复合电源研究开发(200/300万),吉林省工信厅,负责人 5)一汽集团纯电动城市客车用超级电容的研究(50万),吉林省科技发展计划重大项目,第2负责人。 6)解放商用车固体尿素选择催化还原技术(90万),省科委重大项目,负责人。 7)柴油机欧IV排放及后处理器技术研究(119/200万),吉林省科技发展计划重大专项,子项目负责人。 8)一汽集团中重型柴油机达欧4排放标准关键技术的研究(150万),吉林省科技发展计划重大专项,子项目负责人。 9)新型柴油机尾气净化器的研究(80万),吉林省科技发展计划重点项目,项目负责人。 10)新型组合式柴油机排气净化器的研究(25万),吉林省科委,负责人。 11)纳米金属微粉多功能油品添加剂的研制(15万),吉林省科委,负责人。 12)轻、轿车传动器零部件的等离子体渗氮技术(16万),吉林省科委,负责人。 13)长白山学者奖励计划(200万元),吉林省教育厅。 企业项目 1)城市电动客车用超级电容的研发(50万),一汽集团技术中心,第2负责人。 2)低渗低产油层热化学增产新技术研究(90万),大庆油田,负责人。 3)柴油机排气净化器的微波再生系统的研制(51万),台湾辉虎工业集团,负责人。 4)一汽集团中重型柴油机达欧4排放标准关键技术研究(150万),一汽集团,第二负责人。


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

1)Shaobo Cui,ab Wen Xu,*a Yongsheng Zhu,c Xu Chen,a Donglei Zhou,a Ze Yin,a Hongwei Song*a and Wei Han*b. Highly modified spontaneous emission in NaY(MoO4)2:Yb3+/Er3+ inverse opal photonic crystals†.RSC Adv., 2015, 5, 104862–104869. 2)Shaobo Cui,ab Sai Xu,a Hongwei Song,*a Wen Xu,a Xu Chen,a Donglei Zhou,a Ze Yina and Wei Han*b. Highly sensitive and selective detection of mercury ions based on up-conversion FRET from NaYF4:Yb3+/Er3+ nanophosphors to CdTe quantum dots†.RSC Adv., 2015, 5, 99099–99106 | 99099. 3)Li, L., Xu, M. Z., Chubik, M., Chubik, M., Gromov, A., Wei, G. D., and Han, W.*, Entrapment of radioactive uranium from wastewater by using fungus-Fe3O4 bio-nanocomposites. Rsc Advances, 2015. 5(52): p. 41611-41616. 4)Zhou, L., Xu, M. Z., Wei, G. D., Li, L., Chubik, M. V., Chubik, M. P., Gromov, A. A., and Han, W.*, Fe3O4@titanate nanocomposites: novel reclaimable adsorbents for removing radioactive ions from wastewater. Journal of Materials Science-Materials in Electronics, 2015. 26(5): p. 2742-2747. 5)Niu, X. W., Zhou, L., Hu, X. J., and Han, W.*, Mesoporous CexCo1-xCr2O4 spinels: synthesis, characterization and catalytic application in simultaneous removal of soot particulate and NO. Rsc Advances, 2015. 5(65): p. 52595-52601. 6)Li, M. Y., Yue, X. G., Hong, D. C., and Han, W., Simulation and Analysis of the Symmetrical Measurements of a Triaxial Induction Tool. Ieee Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 2015. 12(1): p. 122-124. 7)Xu, M. Z., Wei, G. D., Liu, N., Zhou, L., Fu, C. W., Chubik, M., Gromov, A., and Han, W.*, Novel fungus-titanate bio-nanocomposites as high performance adsorbents for the efficient removal of radioactive ions from wastewater. Nanoscale, 2014. 6(2): p. 722-725. 8)Cui, S. B., Zhu, Y. S., Xu, W., Zhou, P. W., Xia, L., Chen, X., Song, H. W., and Han, W.*, Self-assembly and modified luminescence properties of NaY(MoO4)(2):Tb3+, Eu3+ inverse opals. Dalton Transactions, 2014. 43(35): p. 13293-13298. 9)Zhang, Y. M., Zhang, H., Zhou, L., and Han, W.*, DRIFT Study on Cr2O3-SO42-/TiO2 Catalyst for Low Temperature Selective Catalytic Reduction of NO with NH3. Chemical Research in Chinese Universities, 2014. 30(2): p. 279-283. 10)Niu, X. W., Zhang, H., Hu, X. J., and Han, W.*, Synthesis of well-adhered SiO2-Al2O3 glass-ceramic coating on NiCrFe alloy supports. Applied Surface Science, 2013. 268: p. 265-269. 11)Peng, Y., Li, J. H., Chen, L., Chen, J. H., Han, J., Zhang, H., and Han, W.*, Alkali Metal Poisoning of a CeO2-WO3 Catalyst Used in the Selective Catalytic Reduction of NOx with NH3: an Experimental and Theoretical Study. Environmental Science & Technology, 2012. 46(5): p. 2864-2869. 12)Peng, Y., Liu, Z. M., Niu, X. W., Zhou, L., Fu, C. W., Zhang, H., Li, J. H., and Han, W.*, Manganese doped CeO2-WO3 catalysts for the selective catalytic reduction of NOx with NH3: An experimental and theoretical study. Catalysis Communications, 2012. 19: p. 127-131. 13)Xu, M. Z., Wei, G. D., Li, S., Niu, X. W., Chen, H. F., Zhang, H., Chubik, M., Gromov, A., and Han, W.*, Titanate Nanotubes as a Promising Absorbent for High Effective Radioactive Uranium Ions Uptake. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 2012. 12(8): p. 6374-6379. 14)Niu, X. W., Xu, Y., Wang, J. S., Hua, L., Zhang, H., and Han, W.*, Microstructure and Properties of Glass Ceramic Coating on the NiCrFe Metal Support. Rare Metal Materials and Engineering, 2011. 40(1): p. 96-100. 15)Chen, H. F., Wei, G. D., Han, X., Li, S., Wang, P. P., Chubik, M., Gromov, A., Wang, Z. P., and Han, W.*, Large-scale synthesis of hierarchical alpha-FeOOH flowers by ultrasonic-assisted hydrothermal route. Journal of Materials Science-Materials in Electronics, 2011. 22(3): p. 252-259. 16)Wei, G. D., Gao, F. M., Zheng, J. J., Wang, M. F., Han, W.*, and Yang, W. Y., Unconventional vapor-liquid-solid growth of SiO2 nanooctopuses. Crystengcomm, 2011. 13(24): p. 7231-7235. 17)Zhang, H., Han, J., Niu, X. W., Han, X., Wei, G. D., and Han, W.*, Study of synthesis and catalytic property of WO3/TiO2 catalysts for NO reduction at high temperatures. Journal of Molecular Catalysis a-Chemical, 2011. 350(1-2): p. 35-39. 18)Liu, Q., Song, H. W., and Han, W.*, Size dependence of ground-state energy of the excitons in spherical Y2O3. Optics Communications, 2012. 285(13-14): p. 3116-3121. 19)Liu, Q., Song, H. W., Wang, W., Bai, X., Wang, Y., Dong, B. A., Xu, L., and Han, W.*, Observation of Lamb shift and modified spontaneous emission dynamics in the YBO3:Eu3+ inverse opal. Optics Letters, 2010. 35(17): p. 2898-2900. 20)Liu, G. H., Wang, P. P., Liu, Q., and Han, W.*, Fabrication of Aluminiferous Nanofibers by a Simple Hydrolysis Process of Nano-sized Al/AlN Powder. Journal of Advanced Materials, 2010. 42(1): p. 22-27. 21)Hua, L., Niu, X. W., Zhou, L., Li, Y. P., Zhang, H., and Han, W.*, CFD Simulation of the Effect of Monolith Wall Thickness on the Light off Performance of a Catalytic Converter. International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering, 2010. 22)Fang, X. N., Song, H. W., Xie, L. P., Liu, Q., Zhang, H., Bai, X., Dong, B., Wang, Y., and Han, W.*, Origin of luminescence enhancement and quenching of europium complex in solution phase containing Ag nanoparticles. Journal of Chemical Physics, 2009. 131(5). 23)Lv, W. G., Chu, Z. T., Zhao, X. Q., Fan, Y. X., Song, R. L., and Han, W.*, Simulation of Electromagnetic Wave Logging Response in Deviated Wells Based on Vector Finite Element Method. Chinese Physics Letters, 2009. 26(1). 24)Liu, Q., Su, Y. G., Yu, H. S., and Han, W.*, YPO4 nanocrystals: preparation and size-induced lattice symmetry enhancement. Journal of Rare Earths, 2008. 26(4): p. 495-500. 25)Liu, G. H., Wang, P. P., Liu, Q., and Han, W.* Removal of Cd(II) by Nanometer AlO(OH) Loaded on Fiberglass with Activated Carbon Fiber Felt as Carrier. Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2008. 16(5): p. 805-811. 26)Song, R. L., Wang, K. X., Zhang, H. B., and Han, W. *, A new method for calculation of single seismic phase of cylindrically multilayered media including liquid interlayer. Chinese Physics Letters, 2007. 24(5): p. 1309-1312. 27)Han, W., Luo, H. B., Teng, F. E., Wang, Y. M., Panin, V. E., and Slosman, A. I., Plastic deformation and fracture of partially crystalline polyethylene at the mesoscopic level. Journal of Materials Science Letters, 1999. 18(7): p. 545-548. 学术专著: 1).《近代物理实验》,科学出版社,2007,王魁香,韩炜,杜晓波 2).《科技俄语》,吉林大学出版社,2015,韩炜等编著
