Influence of Shell Thickness on the Performance of NiO-Based All- Inorganic Quantum Dot Light-Emitting Diodes.Ting Wang, Bingyan Zhu, Shuangpeng Wang, Qilin Yuan, Han Zhang, Zhihui Kang, Rong Wang,* Hanzhuang Zhang, Wenyu Ji*. 2018
Low turn-on voltage and highly bright Ag–In–Zn–S quantum dot light-emitting diodes. Bingyan Zhu, Wenyu Ji, * Zongquan Duan, Yang Sheng,* Ting Wang, Qilin Yuan, Han Zhang, Xiaosheng Tang, Hanzhuang Zhang*. 2018
Wenyu Ji,* Huaibin Shen, Han Zhang, Zhihui Kang, Hanzhuang Zhang, Over 800% efficiency enhancement of all-inorganic quantum-dot light emitting diodes with an ultrathin alumina passivating layer. Nanoscale 2018, 10, 11103-11109.
Ting Wang, Bingyan Zhu, Shuangpeng Wang, Qilin Yuan, Han Zhang, Zhihui Kang, Rong Wang, Hanzhuang Zhang and Wenyu Ji*, Influence of Shell Thickness on the Performance of NiO based All-Inorganic Quantum-Dot Light Emitting Diodes. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 10 (2018) 14894−14900.
Bingyan Zhu, Wenyu Ji,* Zongquan Duan, Yang Sheng, Ting Wang, Qilin Yuan, Han Zhang, Xiaosheng Tang, and Hanzhuang Zhang, Low turn-on voltage and highly bright Ag-In-Zn-S quantum dot lightemitting diodes, J. Mater. Chem. C 6 (2018) 4683 - 4690
Ying Su, Xuejiao Chen, Wenyu Ji, Qinghui Zeng, Zhongyuan Ren, Zisheng Su, and Lei Liu, Highly Controllable and Efficient Synthesis of Mixed-Halide CsPbX3 (X = Cl, Br, I) Perovskite QDs toward the Tunability of Entire Visible Light, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 9 (2017) 33020−33028.
Rongmei Yu, Furong Yin, Xiaoyu Huang and Wenyu Ji,* Molding hemispherical microlens arrays on flexible substrates for highly efficient inverted quantum dot light emitting diodes, J. Mater. Chem. C 5 (2017) 6682–6687.
Wenyu Ji, Ting Wang, Bingyan Zhu, Han Zhang, Rong Wang, Dandan Zhang, Liezun Chen, Qingyi Yang, and Hanzhuang Zhang, Highly efficient flexible quantum-dot light emitting diodes with an ITO/Ag/ITO cathode. J. Mater. Chem. C 5 (2017) 4543 – 4548.
Wenyu Ji, Shihao Liu, Han Zhang, Rong Wang, Wenfa Xie, and Hanzhuang Zhang, Ultrasonic Spray Processed, Highly Efficient All-Inorganic Quantum Dot Light Emitting Diodes. ACS Photonics 4 (2017) 1271–1278.
Zhou Ding, Zhai Yuechen, Qu Songnan, Li Di, Jing Pengtao, Ji Wenyu, Shen Dezhen, Rogach, Andrey L., Electrostatic Assembly Guided Synthesis of Highly Luminescent Carbon-Nanodots@BaSO4 Hybrid Phosphors with Improved Stability. Small 2017,02
Qing Lou, Wenyu Ji,* Jialong Zhao and Chongxin Shan, Ammonia reduced graphene oxides as a hole injection layer for CdSe/CdS/ZnS quantum dot light-emitting diodes. Nanotechnology 27 (2016) 325201 (7pp)
Han Zhang, Ning Sui, Xiaochun Chi, Yinghui Wang, Qinghui Liu, Hanzhuang Zhang, Wenyu Ji, Ultrastable Quantum-Dot Light-Emitting Diodes by Suppression of Leakage Current and Exciton Quenching Processes. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 8 (2016) 31385–31391.
Qinghui Zeng, Qin Li, Wenyu Ji,* Xue Bin, Jie Song, Highly Sensitive Homogeneous Immunoassays Based on Construction of Silver Triangular Nanoplates-Quantum Dots FRET System. Sci. Rep. 6 (2016) 26534. doi:10.1038/srep26534.
Zelong Bai, Wenyu Ji, Dengbao Han, Liangliang Chen, Bingkun Chen, Huaibin Shen, Bingsuo Zou, and Haizheng Zhong, Hydroxyl-Terminated CuInS2 Based Quantum Dots: Toward Efficient and Bright Light Emitting Diodes. Chem. Mater. 28 (2016) 1085–1091.
Zhang Xutao, Li Di, Zhou Ding, Jing Pengtao, Ji Wenyu, Shen Dezhen, Qu Songnan, Dual-encryption based on facilely synthesized supra-(carbon nanodots) with water-induced enhanced luminescence. RSC Advances 2016, 06, 79620-79624.
Cao Sheng, Ji Wenyu, Zhao Jialong, Yang Weiyou, Li Chengming, Zheng Jinju, Color-tunable photoluminescence of Cu-doped Zn-In-Se quantum dots and their electroluminescence properties. J. Mater. Chem. C 2016, 04, 581-588.
Zeng Qinghui, Shao Dan, He Xu, Ren Zhongyuan, Ji Wenyu, Shan Chongxin, Qu Songnan, Li Jing, Chen Li, Li, Qin, Carbon dots as a trackable drug delivery carrier for localized cancer therapy in vivo. J. Mater. Chem. B 2016, 04, 5119-5126.
Liu Shihao, Liu Wenbo, Ji Wenyu, Yu Jing, Zhang Wei, Zhang Letian, Xie Wenfa,Top-emitting quantum dots light-emitting devices employing microcontact printing with electricfield-independent emission. Sci. Rep. 2016, 06, 22530.
Qu Songnan, Zhou Ding, Li Di, Ji Wenyu, Jing Pengtao, Han Dong, Liu Lei, Zeng Haibo, Shen Dezhen, Toward Efficient Orange Emissive Carbon Nanodots through Conjugated sp2-Domain Controlling and Surface Charges Engineering. Adv. Mater.2016, 05, 3516-3521.
Li Di, Han Dong, Qu Song-Nan, Liu Lei, Jing Peng-Tao, Zhou Ding, Ji Wen-Yu, Wang Xiao-Yun, Zhang Tong-Fei, Shen De-Zhen, Supra-(carbon nanodots) with a strong visible to near-infrared absorption band and efficient photothermal conversion. Light-Sci Appl .2016, 07, e16120.
Kim Tak H., White Alan R., Sirdaarta Joseph P., Ji Wenyu, Cock Ian E., St John James, Boyd Sue E., Brown Christopher L., Li Qin,Yellow-Emitting Carbon Nanodots and Their Flexible and Transparent Films for White LEDs.ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2016, 12, 33102–33111.
Hongbo Zhu, Mingming Hao, Jianwei Zhang, Wenyu Ji, Xingchen Lin, Jinsheng Zhanga, Yongqiang Ning, Development and thermal management of 10 kW CW, direct diode laser source. Optics & Laser Technology 76 (2016) 101–105.
Wenyu Ji, Qinghui Zeng, Pengtao Jing, Ming-Ming Jiang, Songnan Qu, Di Li, Jia Wang, and Chongxin Shan, Towards the design of efficient quantum dot light-emitting diodes by controlling the exciton lifetime. Opt. Express 23 (2015) 32413-32419.
Wenyu Ji*, Ying Lv, Pengtao Jing, Han Zhang, Jia Wang, Hanzhuang Zhang, and Jialong Zhao, Highly Efficient and Low Turn-On Voltage Quantum Dot Light-Emitting Diodes by Using a Stepwise Hole-Transport Layer. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 7 (2015) 15955.
Pengtao Jing, Wenyu Ji*, Qinghui Zeng, Di Li, Songnan Qu, Jia Wang, and Dandan Zhang, Vacuum-free transparent quantum dot light-emitting diodes with silver nanowire cathode. Sci. Rep. 5 (2015) 12499.
Jia Wang, Han Zhang, Wenyu Ji*, Hanzhuang Zhang, Efficient quantum dot light emitting devices with ethanol treated PEDOT: PSS hole injection layer. Synth. Met. 209 (2015) 484–489.
Jia Wang, Han Zhang, Wenyu Ji*, Hanzhuang Zhang, and Furong Zhu, Origin of efficiency roll-off for FIrpic based blue organic light-emitting diodes and implications on phosphorescent molecule design. J. J. Appl. Phys. 54 (2015) 101601.
Pengtao Jing, Wenyu Ji*, Xi Yuan, Songnan Qu, Renguo Xie, Michio Ikezawa, Jialong Zhao, Haibo Li, and Yasuaki Masumoto, Ultrafast Carrier Dynamics and Hot Electron Extraction in Tetrapod-Shaped CdSe Nanocrystals. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 7 (2015) 7938.
Wenyu Ji, Haifeng Zhao, Haigui Yang, Furong Zhu, Effect of coupling between excitons and gold nanoparticle surface plasmons on emission behavior of phosphorescent organic light-emitting diodes. Org. Electron. 22 (2015) 154–159.
Mingye Sun, Songnan Qu, Wenyu Ji, Pengtao Jing, Di Li, Li Qin, Junsheng Cao, Hong Zhang, Jialong Zhao and Dezhen Shen, Towards efficient photoinduced charge separation in carbon nanodots and TiO2 composites in the visible region. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 17 (2015) 7966-7971.
Qing Lou, Songnan Qu, Pengtao Jing, Wenyu Ji, Di Li, Junsheng Cao, Hong Zhang, Lei Liu, Jialong Zhao and Dezhen Shen, Water-Triggered Luminescent “Nano-bombs” Based on Supra-(Carbon Nanodots). Adv. Mater. 27 (2015) 1389–1394.
Wenyu Ji, Pengtao Jing, Ligong Zhang, Di Li, Qinghui Zeng, Songnan Qu and Jialong Zhao, The work mechanism and sub-bandgap-voltage electroluminescence in inverted quantum dot light-emitting diodes. Sci. Rep. 4 (2014) 6974.
Qinghui Zeng, Youlin Zhang, Wenyu Ji*, Weiguang Ye, Yinglei Jiang, and Jie Song, Inhibitation of Cellular Toxicity of Gold Nanoparticles by Surface Encapsulation of Silica Shell for Hepatocarcinoma Cell Application. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 6 (2014) 19327–19335.
Wenyu Ji, Ye Tian, Qinghui Zeng, Songnan Qu, Ligong Zhang, Pengtao Jing, Jia Wang, and Jialong Zhao, Efficient Quantum Dot Light Emitting Diodes by Controlling the Carrier Accumulation and Exciton Formation. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 6 (2014) 14001-14007.
Wei Xu, Wenyu Ji,* Pengtao Jing, Xi Yuan, Y. A. Wang, Weidong Xiang, and Jialong Zhao, Efficient inverted quantum dot light emitting devices with TiO2 ZnO bilayer as the electron contact. Opt. Lett. 39 (2014) 426.
Qu Songnan, Shen Dezhen, Liu Xingyuan, Jing Pengtao, Zhang Ligong, Ji Wenyu Zhao Haifeng, Fan Xiwu, Zhang Hong, Highly Luminescent Carbon-Nanoparticle-Based Materials: Factors Influencing Photoluminescence Quantum Yield. Part. Part. Syst. Char. 2014, 06, 1175-1182
Xi Yuan, Jie Hua, Ruosheng Zeng, Dehua Zhu, Wenyu Ji, Pengtao Jing, Xiangdong Meng, Jialong Zhao and Haibo Li, Efficient white light emitting diodes based on Cu-doped ZnInS/ZnS core/shell quantum dots. Nanotechnology, 25 (2014) 435202.
Songnan Qu, Dezhen Shen, Xingyuan Liu, Pengtao Jing, Ligong Zhang, Wenyu Ji, Haifeng Zhao, Xiwu Fan and Hong Zhang, Highly Luminescent Carbon-Nanoparticle-Based Materials: Factors Influencing Photoluminescence Quantum Yield. Particle & Particle Systems Chatacterization, 31 (2014) 1175-1182.
Wenjin Zhang, Qing Lou, Wenyu Ji, Jialong Zhao, and Xinhua Zhou, Color-Tunable Highly Bright Photoluminescence of Cadmium-Free Cu-Doped Zn-In-S Nanocrystals and Electroluminescence. Chem. Mater. 26 (2014) 1204.
Xi Yuan, Jinju Zheng, Ruosheng Zeng, Pengtao Jing, Wenyu Ji, Jialong Zhao, Wenyou Yang, Haibo Li, Thermal stability of Mn2+ ion luminescence in Mn-doped core-shell quantum dots. Nanoscale 6 (2014) 300.
Qing Lou, Wenyu Ji,* Qinghui Zeng and Dandan Zhang, Tailoring the hole-injection layer in organic light-emitting devices by introducing Au@SiO2 nanoparticles: Plasmon effect and Light-extraction analysis. Opt. Lett. 38 (2013) 5020.
Wenyu Ji, Pengtao Jing, Wei Xu, Xi Yuan, Yunjun Wang, Jialong Zhao, and Alex K.-Y. Jen, High color purity and deep-blue ZnSe/ZnS core/shell quantum dot based light emitting devices with an inverted structure. Appl. Phys. Lett. 103 (2013) 053106.
Wenyu Ji, Jing Wang, Qinghui Zeng, Zisheng Su and Zaicheng Sun, Highly efficient organic light-emitting devices by managing the traps in hole-transport layer. RSC Advances 3 (2013) 14616.
Wenyu Ji, P. Jing, J. Zhao, X. Liu, A. Wang, H. Li, Inverted CdSe/CdS/ZnS quantum dot light emitting devices with titanium dioxide as an electron-injection contact. Nanoscale 5 (2013) 3474.
Wenyu Ji, Pengtao Jing, Yi Fan, Jialong Zhao, Yunjun Wang, and Xianggui Kong, Cadmium-free quantum dot light emitting devices: Energy-transfer realizing pure blue emission. Opt. Lett. 37 (2013) 7.
Wenyu Ji,* Pengtao Jing, and Jialong Zhao, Improving the efficiency and reducing efficiency roll-off in quantum dot light emitting devices by utilizing plasmonic Au nanoparticles. J. Mater. Chem. C 1 (2013) 470-476.
Jing Wang, Wenyu Ji,* Hongbo Zhu, Dandan Zhang, Metal-anode-dependent spectra and efficiency in blue top-emitting organic light-emitting devices. Org. Electron. 14, (2013) 723-729.
Mingye Sun, Dehua Zhu, Wenyu Ji, Pengtao Jing, Xiuying Wang, Weidong Xiang, and Jialong Zhao, Exploring the Effect of Band Alignment and Surface States on Photoinduced Electron Transfer from CuInS2/CdS Core/Shell Quantum Dots to TiO2 Electrodes. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 23 (2013) 1268
Pengtao Jing, Wenyu Ji, Xi Yuan, Michio Ikezawa, Ligong Zhang, Haibo Li, Jialong Zhao, and Yasuaki Masumoto, Photoinduced Charge Separation and Recombination Processes in CdSe Quantum Dot and Graphene Oxide Composites with Methylene Blue as Linker. J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 4 (2013) 2919−2925.
Xiangdong Meng, WenyuJi, Jie Hua, ZhaoliangYu, YanZhang, HaiboLi, Jialong Zhao, Efficient, air-stable quantum dots light emitting devices with MoO3 modifying the anode. J. Lumi. 143 (2013) 442–446.
Wenyu Ji, Letian Zhang, Wenfa Xie, Improving efficiency roll-off in phosphorescent OLEDs by modifying the exciton lifetime. Opt. Lett. 37 (2012) 2019-2021.
Wei Xu, Xiangdong Meng, Wenyu Ji, Pengtao Jing, Jinju Zheng, Xueyan Liu, Jialong Zhao, Haibo Li, Photoluminescence properties of Mn-doped ZnxCd1-xS nanocrystals synthesized via nucleation-doping strategy. Chem. Phys. Lett. 532 (2012) 72–76.
Wenyu Ji, Letian Zhang, Kai Xu, Wenfa Xie, Hanzhuang Zhang, Guoqiang Liu and Jinbo Yao, Semitransparent white organic light-emitting devices with symmetrical electrode structure. Org. Electron. 12 (2011) 2192-2197.
Wenyu Ji, Jialong Zhao, Zaichen Sun, Wenfa Xie, High-color-rendering flexible top-emitting warm-white organic light emitting diode with a transparent multilayer cathode. Org. Electron. 12 (2011) 1137-1141.
Wenyu Ji, Letian Zhang, Mo Liu, Jian Wang, Guoqiang Liu, Wenfa Xie, Hanzhuang Zhang, High efficiency top-emitting white organic light-emitting devices with a (metal/organic)2 cathode. Curr. Appl. Phys. 11 (2011) 1410-1413.
Pengtao Jing, Xi Yuan, Wenyu Ji, Micho Ikezawa, Xueyan Liu,Ligong Zhang, Jialong Zhao, Efficient energy transfer from hole transporting materials to CdSe-core CdS/ZnCdS/ZnS-multishell quantum dots in type II aligned blend films. Appl. Phys. Lett. 99 (2011) 093106.
Wenyu Ji, Letian Zhang, Tianyu Zhang, Wenfa Xie, Hanzhuang Zhang, High-contrast and high-efficiency microcavity top-emitting white organic light-emitting devices. Org. Electron. 11 (2010) 202.
Jinju Zheng, Wenyu Ji, Xiuying Wang, Micho Ikezawa, Pengtao Jing, Xueyan Liu, Haibo Li, Jialong Zhao, Yasuaki Masumoto, Improved Photoluminescence of MnS/ZnS Core/Shell Nanocrystals by Controlling Diffusion of Mn Ions into the ZnS Shell. J. Phys. Chem. C 114 (2010) 15331.
Pengtao. Jing, Xi. Yuan, Wenyu Ji, Micho Ikezawa, Y. Andrew Wang Xueyan Liu, Ligong Zhang, Jialong Zhao and Yasuaki Masumoto, Shell-dependent energy transfer from 1,3,5-tris(N-phenylbenzimidazol-2,yl) benzene to CdSe core/shell quantum dots. J. Phys. Chem. C 114 (2010) 19256.
Wenyu Ji, Letian Zhang,Tianyu Zhang, Guoqiang Liu, Wenfa Xie, Shiyong Liu, Hanzhuang Zhang, Liying Zhang, and Bin Li, Top-emitting white organic light-emitting devices with one- dimensional metallic-dielectric photonic crystal anode. Opt. Lett. 34 (2009) 2703.
Tianyu Zhang, Letian Zhang, Wenyu Ji, Wenfa Xie, Transparent white organic light-emitting devices with LiF/Yb: Ag cathode. Opt. Lett. 34 (2009) 1174.
Wenyu Ji, Letian Zhang, Ruixue Gao, Liming Zhang, Wenfa Xie, Hanzhuang Zhang, Bin Li, Top-emitting white organic light-emitting devices with down-conversion phosphors: Theory and experiment. Opt. Express 16 (2008) 15489.