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清华大学物理系教授,博士生导师 台湾清华大学化学系学士 (1970) 美国Oklahoma大学化学博士(1976) 美国City College, City Univ. of New York 博士后 (1980-1981) 美国Colorado State University,研究 (1981-1982) 1977年回国服务,任职中国科学院化学所,副研究员,研究员,博士生导师 1995年转任清华大学物理系 1989年11月—1990年7月,香港浸会学院化学系,访问。讲授物理化学,分子光谱学 1998-1999 清华大学高等研究中心客座研究员 1999年1月—6月, 台湾中央大学物理系访问教授 2005年5-6月,香港浸会大学物理系非线性中心访问 2009 年5-7月,台湾理论科学研究中心访问




查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

Shen Hong-Xia, Wu Guo-Zhen, Wang Pei-Jie,‘Intra-molecular enantiomerism in R-Limonene as evidenced by the differential bond polarizabilities’,Spectrochim.Acta, Part A128 838-843 (2014) Guozhen Wu and Peijie Wang, ‘Stereo-structural implication by the differential bond polarizability: the ROA intensity study of chiral S 2-amino 1-propanol” , Chirality,26,255-259 (2014) Guozhen Wu, Peijie Wang, ‘A bond polarizability interpretation of the Raman optical activity intensity:the case study of S 1-amino,2-propanol’, J. Spectroscopy and Dynamics,4,11-16 (2014) Peijie Wang and Guozhen Wu,‘The asymmetry of (-) -pinene as revealed from its Raman optical activity spectrum’, Chirality, 25,600-605 (2013) 吴国祯,‘拉曼峰强中的信息’ 光学应用 (Journal of Optics Applications),2(3),19-34(2013) 沈红霞,吴国祯, 王培杰,‘(R)-1,3丁二醇的手性不对称性:微分键极化率的研究’物理学报,62(15),153301(1-6)(2013) 沈红霞,吴国祯, 王培杰,‘手性分子2,3-丁二醇的旋光拉曼光谱研究’,物理学报,62(5),053301(2013) Shen Hong-Xia, Wu Guo-Zhen, Wang Pei-Jie, ‘The chiral asymmetry of the anti-symmetric coordinates by the Raman differential bond polarizability study of S-phenylethylamine’ 物理学报B, 21(12),123301-123307(英文版)(2012) Yanmu zhao, Peijie Wang, Yan Fang, Guozhen Wu, ‘Raman optical activity of chiral trans-2,3-epoxybutane molecule’ 物理学报 61(24),240201(2012) Yan Fang, Guozhen Wu, Peijie Wang, ‘The charge excitation in the Raman process as correlated from a classical theory for Raman optical activity: the case study of (+)-(R)-methyloxirane’, Spectrochim.Acta, Part A88, 216-219,(2012) Yan Fang, Guozhen Wu, Peijie Wang, ‘The asymmetry of the differential bond polarizabilities in the Raman optically active (+)-(R)- methyloxirane and L-alanine’ Chem.Phys. 393,140-147,(2012) 吴国祯,‘分子高激发振动态的经典非线性性质’,中国科学 41(4),410(2011) *[124]Guozhen Wu,‘A classical nonlinear approach to the molecular highly excited vibration ’ J. Spectroscopy and Dynamics,1:3,(2011) Chao Fang and Guozhen Wu, ‘Surface enhanced Raman scattering of pyridazine molecule: absorption configuration and enhancement mechanism via bond polarizabilities 物理学报,60(3),033301(2011) Peijie Wang,Yan Fang and Guozhen Wu, ‘Raman excitation of (+)-(R)-methyloxirane and its origin of optical activity via bond polarizabilities’ J. Raman Spectroscopy, 42,186-191(2011) Peijie Wang , Yan Fang, Guozhen Wu,‘Temporal Electronic Structure of the Non-resonant Raman Excited Virtual State of P-Nitroaniline by 514 nm Excitation via Bond Polarizabilities’ 物理学报B(英文版) 19(11),113201 (2010) Chi Zhang, Chao Fang and Guozhen Wu,‘ Bending localization of nitrous oxide under anharmonicity and Fermi coupling: the dynamical potential approach’ 物理学报B(英文版)19(11), 110513(2010) Chao Fang and Guozhen Wu,‘ Raman intensity interpretation of pyridine liquid and its adsorption on the Ag electrode via bond polarizabilities’Spectrochim.Acta,A77, 948(2010) Chao Fang and Guozhen Wu,‘Global dynamical analysis of vibrational manifolds of HOCl and HOBr under anharmonicity and Fermi resonance: the dynamical potential approach’ 物理学报B(英文版),19(1), 010509(2010)
