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彭婷,女,1985年9月生,国家脐橙工程技术研究中心遗传育种团队固定成员,赣南师范大学生命科学学院副院长。 教育经历   2010/10-2011/10,日本国立果树研究所,温暖化研究室 I,联培博士   2007/9 - 2013/6,华中农业大学,果树逆境生理与分子生物学实验室,博士(硕博连读)   2005/3 - 2007/6,华中科技大学,英语,学士   2003/9 - 2007/6,华中农业大学,园艺,学士    主持科研项目情况   1、国家自然科学基金,31760563、2018/01-2021/12、38万、在研、主持;   2、院地科技合作横向项目子课题,2016/05-2020/12、55万、在研、主持;   3、江西省自然科学基金(面上项目), 20171BAB204024、2017/01-2019/12、6万、已结题;   4、江西省科技厅重大项目,20152ACB21005、2015/01 - 2018/12、20万、已结题;   5、江西省重点研发计划项目,2016BBF60071、2016/01-2018/12、20万、已结题;   6、江西省教育厅一般项目,GJJ151009、2016/01-2018/12、3万、已结题;   7、校级教改课题,师大研字〔2016〕12号、2016/01 - 2018/12、0.5万、已结题;   8、赣州市产学研合作重点平台建设项目,赣市财教字〔2014〕131号、2015/01 - 2018/12、30万、已结题。


1、柑橘种质资源的收集、鉴定及评价;   2、果树重要抗逆基因的分离及功能鉴定;   3、柑橘抗逆遗传改良和黄龙病抗性研究。


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

1. Zhong ZF, Zhou XJ, Liu XJ, Shao J, Zhong BL, Peng T*. Roles of leaf color parameters, pigment contents and metabolic profiling in the orientation of Asian citrus psyllids to four Rutaceae host plants. BMC Plant Biol, 2019, 19(1): 254.   2. Peng T, Jia MM, Liu JH*. RNAi-based functional elucidation of PtrPRP, a gene encoding hybrid proline-rich protein, in cold tolerance of Poncirus trifoliata. Front Plant Sci, 2015, 6:808.   3. Peng T, Zhu XF, Duan N, Liu JH*. PtrBAM1, a β-amylase-coding gene of Poncirus trifoliata, is a CBF regulon member with function in cold tolerance by modulating soluble sugar levels. Plant Cell Environ, 2014, 37: 2754-2767;   4. Peng T, Moriguchi T*. The molecular network regulating the coloration in apple. Sci Hortic, 2013, 163: 1 - 9;   5. Peng T, Saito T, Ban Y, Ito A, Honda C, Kondo S, Liu JH, Hatsuyama Y, Moriguchi T*. Screening of UV-B-induced genes from apple peels by SSH: possible involvement of MdCOP1-mediated signaling cascade genes in anthocyanin accumulation. Physiol Plant, 2013, 148: 432 - 444;   6. Peng T, Zhu XF, Fan QJ, Sun PP, Liu JH*. Identification and characterization of low temperature stress responsive genes in Poncirus trifoliata by suppression subtractive hybridization. Gene, 2012, 492: 220 - 228;   7. Dahro B, Wang F, Peng T, Liu JH*. PtrA/NINV, an alkaline/neutral invertase gene of Poncirus trifoliata, confers enhanced tolerance to multiple abiotic stresses by modulating ROS levels and maintaining photosynthetic efficiency. BMC Plant Biol, 2016, 16:76.   8. Liu JH*, Peng T, Dai WS. Critical cis -acting elements and interacting transcription factors: key players associated with abiotic stress responses in plants. Plant Mol Biol Rep, 2014, 32: 303-317;   9. Shi J, Fu XZ, Peng T, Huang XS, Fan QJ, Liu JH*. Spermine pretreatment confers dehydration tolerance of citrus in vitro plants via modulation of antioxidative capacity and stomatal response. Tree Physiol, 2010, 30: 914 - 922.   10. 周小娟,钟灶发,游晓商,钟八莲,邓子牛,彭婷*. 南瓜状晚棱脐橙芽变材料的研究. 中国南方果树,2018,47(1),1-5.   11. 钟灶发,李俭,朱莉莉,刘雄,彭婷*. 不同成熟度枳和枳橙种子发芽率影响机理初探. 中国果树,2019,2:30-36.   12. 肖畅,彭婷*. 超表达枳β-淀粉酶基因(PtrBAM1)对烟草可溶性糖和有机酸的影响. 西北农林学报,2019,28(12):2005-2010.   13. 林妗蓓,莫锦夏,肖志沛,彭婷*.七种挥发性化合物对柑橘木虱引诱效果的评价. 植物保护,2020,已接收.   14. 游晓商,周小娟,林妗蓓,钟八莲,彭婷*.‘晚棱’脐橙及其芽变材料果实品质综合评价. 中国果树,2020,已接收.   15. 李俭,彭婷*.顶空气相色谱-质谱法分析3种柚子果皮精油成分. 食品研究与开发,2020,已接收.
