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教育经历 2007.92014.1大连理工大学机械制造及其自动化博士 2005.92007.7大连理工大学机械制造及其自动化硕士 2004.92005.7大连理工大学国际经济与贸易学士 2000.92004.7大连理工大学机械设计制造及其自动化学士 工作经历 2014.1至今大连理工大学讲师


半导体器件散热基板超精密加工与测量技术方向 复杂曲面光学元件超精密制造技术 硬脆晶片高精度低损伤加工理论与工艺


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朱祥龙.Study into grinding force in back grinding of wafer with outer rim[J],Advances in Manufacturing,2022,8(3):361-368 高尚.Study on the subsurface damage distribution of the silicon wafer ground by diamond wheel[J],Advanced materials research,2022,126-128:113-118 康仁科.Study on Grinding Performance of Soft Abrasive Wheel for Silicon Wafer[A],ADVANCES IN GRINDING AND ABRASIVE TECHNOLOGY XV,2022,416:529-534 康仁科.Study on grinding performance of soft abrasive wheel for silicon wafer[J],KEY ENGINEERING MATERIALS,2022,416:529-534 高尚.Surface and subsurface integrity of glass-ceramics induced by ultra-precision grinding[A],18th International Symposium on Advances in Abrasive Technology, ISAAT 2015,2022 高尚.Surface integrity and removal mechanism in grinding sapphire wafers with novel vitrified bond d...[J],MATERIALS AND MANUFACTURING PROCESSES,2022,32(2):121-126 董志刚.Surface integrity and removal mechanism of chemical mechanical grinding of silicon wafers using...[J],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY,2022,83(5-8):1231-1239 高尚.Surface integrity and removal mechanism of silicon wafers in chemo-mechanical grinding using a ...[J],MATERIALS SCIENCE IN SEMICONDUCTOR PROCESSING,2022,63:97-106 高尚.Surface layer damage of quartz glass induced by ultra-precision grinding with different grit size[A],The Second International Conference on Applied Engineering, Materials and Mechanics (ICAEMM 2017),2022,872:19-24 康仁科.Surface layer damage of silicon wafers sliced by wire saw process[J],Advanced materials research,2022,797:685-690 高尚.Recent advances in micro- and nano-machining technologies[J],机械工程前沿,2022,12(1,SI):18-32 Liu, H.J..Development of a measuring equipment for silicon wafer warp[J],Advanced materials research,2022,797:561-565 高尚.Warping of silicon wafers subjected to back-grinding process[J],PRECISION ENGINEERING JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR PRECISION ENGINEE,2022,40:87-93 Liu, Haijun.ANALYSIS OF FACTORS AFFECTING GRAVITY-INDUCED DEFLECTION FOR LARGE AND THIN WAFERS IN FLATNESS ...[J],Metrology and Measurement Systems,2022,22(4):531-546 张玉.A new model of grit cutting depth in wafer rotational grinding considering the effect of the grin...[J],PRECISION ENGINEERING-JOURNAL OF THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETIES FOR PRECISION ENGINEERING AND NANOTECHNOLOGY,2022,72:461-468 杨国林.A novel reverse helical milling process for reducing push-out delamination of CFRP[J],COMPOSITE STRUCTURES,2022,253 高尚.Design and evaluation of soft abrasive grinding wheels for silicon wafers[J],PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS PART B JOURNAL OF EN,2022,227(B4):578-586 Wu, Y. Q..Deformation patterns and fracture stress of beta-phase gallium oxide single crystal obtained us...[J],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE,2022,54(3):1958-1966 高尚.Nanogrinding induced surface and deformation mechanism of single crystal beta-Ga2O3[J],MATERIALS SCIENCE IN SEMICONDUCTOR PROCESSING,2022,79:165-170 董志刚.Grinding performance evaluation of the developed chemo-mechanical grinding (CMG) tools for sapphi...[J],Advanced materials research,2022,565:105-110 Liu, Zhiqiang.FEM-based optimization approach to machining strategy for thin-walled parts made of hard and br...[J],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY,2022,110(5-6):1399-1413 朱祥龙.Grinding Marks in Back Grinding of Wafer with Outer Rim[J],PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS PART C JOURNAL OF ME,2022,234(16):3195-3206 高尚.Edge chipping of silicon wafers in diamond grinding[J],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MACHINE TOOLS MANUFACTURE,2022,64:31-37 董志刚.Effects of taping on grinding quality of silicon wafers in backgrinding[J],FRONTIERS OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING,2022,16(3):559-569 高尚.Effect of Strain Rate on the Deformation Characteristic of AlN Ceramics under Scratching[J],MICROMACHINES,2022,12(1) 高尚.Warping of silicon wafers subjected to back-thinning process[J],PRECISION ENGINEERING JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR PRECISION ENGINEE,2022,40(-):87-93 Cai, Linquan.Material removal mechanism and deformation characteristics of AIN ceramics under nanoscratching[J],CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL,2022,45(16):20545-20554 高尚.Grinding performance of diamond grinding tools for sapphire crystal[A],17th International Symposium on Advances in Abrasive Technology, ISAAT 2014,2022,117(-):544-548 Wu, Y. Q..The deformation pattern of single crystal β-Ga2O3 under nanoindentation[J],MATERIALS SCIENCE IN SEMICONDUCTOR PROCESSING,2022,71(-):321-325 李子源.A comparative study of lapping and grinding induced surface/subsurface damage of silicon wafers a...[J],International Journal of Abrasive Technology,2022,10(2):122-133 高尚.工件旋转法磨削硅片的亚表面损伤分布[J],机械工程学报,2022,3:88-94 高尚.工件旋转法磨削硅片的磨粒切削深度模型[J],机械工程学报,2022,17:86-93 高尚.微晶玻璃超精密磨削的表面/亚表面损伤及其材料去除机理研究[J],机械工程学报,2022,7:180-188 高尚.新一代半导体材料氧化镓单晶的制备方法及其超精密加工技术研究进展[J],Jixie Gongcheng Xuebao/Journal of Mechanical Engineering,2022,57(9):213-232 王紫光.单晶硅反射镜的超精密磨削工艺[J],光学精密工程,2019,27(5):1087-1095 林智富.固结金刚石研磨盘加工蓝宝石基片的磨削性能研究[J],人工晶体学报,2016,5:1317-1322 白倩.金属增减材复合制造专业硕士实践教学平台建设[J],实验室科学,2018,21(2):158-160,163 朱祥龙.Design of Ultra-precision Machine for Integrated Grinding and Polishing of Silicon Wafers[A],6th International Conference on Nanomanufacturing,2018 朱祥龙.全日制专业型硕士实践能力培养体系之探析[J],实验室科学,2017,20(5):229-232 王紫光.硅片低损伤磨削砂轮及其磨削性能[J],光学精密工程,2017,25(10):2689-2696 高尚.硅片超精密磨削减薄工艺基础研究[J],机械工程学报,2015,7:52-52 高尚.石英玻璃超精密磨削加工的表面完整性研究[J],机械工程学报,2019,55(05):186-195 于月滨.磨削速度和压力对单晶硅去除特性的影响[J],金刚石与磨料磨具工程,2016,3:1-5,10 高尚.Effect of Strain Rate on the Deformation Characteristic of AlN Ceramics under Scratching[J],Micromachines,2021,12(1) 刘志强.FEM-based optimization approach to machining strategyfor thin-walled parts made of hard and britt...[J],The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology,2021,110(5-6):1399-1413 Yang, Guolin.A novel reverse helical milling process for reducing push-out delamination of CFRP[J],COMPOSITE STRUCTURES,2021,253 李子源.A comparative study of lapping and grinding induced surface/subsurface damage of silicon wafers a...[J],International Journal of Abrasive Technology,2020,10(2):122-133 高尚,吴跃勤,王紫光,康仁科,耿宗超.石英玻璃超精密磨削加工的表面完整性研究[J],机械工程学报,2019,55(5):186-195 王紫光,康仁科,周平,高尚,董志刚.单晶硅反射镜的超精密磨削工艺[J],光学精密工程,2019,27(5):1087-1095 Cai, Linquan,Guo, Xiaoguang,Gao, Shang,Li, Zhiyuan,Kang, Renke.Material removal mechanism and deformation characteristics of AIN ceramics under nanoscratching[J],CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL,2019,45(16):20545-20554 Gao, Shang,Dong, Zhigang,Kang, Renke,Zhang, Bi,Guo, Dongming.Warping of silicon wafers subjected to back-grinding process[J],PRECISION ENGINEERING-JOURNAL OF THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETIES FOR PRECISION ENGINEERING AND NANOTECHNOLOGY,2015,40:87-93 Wu, Y. Q.,Gao, S.,Kang, R. K.,Huang, H..Deformation patterns and fracture stress of beta-phase gallium oxide single crystal obtained us...[J],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE,2019,54(3):1958-1966 Gao, Shang,Huang, Han.Recent advances in micro- and nano-machining technologies[J],FRONTIERS OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING,2017,12(1,SI):18-32 高尚,康仁科.硅片超精密磨削减薄工艺基础研究[J],机械工程学报,2015,7:52-52 Gao, Shang,Wu, Yueqin,Kang, Renke,Huang, Han.Nanogrinding induced surface and deformation mechanism of single crystal beta-Ga2O3[J],MATERIALS SCIENCE IN SEMICONDUCTOR PROCESSING,2018,79:165-170 朱祥龙,李俊卿,董志刚,康仁科,高尚,郭东明.Design of Ultra-precision Machine for Integrated Grinding and Polishing of Silicon Wafers[A],2018 Wu, Y. Q.,Gao, S.,Huang, H..The deformation pattern of single crystal β-Ga2O3 under nanoindentation[J],Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing,2017,71(-):321-325 朱祥龙,高尚,康仁科,董志刚,崔岩.全日制专业型硕士实践能力培养体系之探析[J],实验室科学,2017,20(5):229-232 王紫光,高尚,朱祥龙,董志刚,康仁科.硅片低损伤磨削砂轮及其磨削性能[J],光学精密工程,2017,25(10):2689-2696 Gao, Shang,Huang, Han,Zhu, Xianglong,Kang, Renke.Surface integrity and removal mechanism of silicon wafers in chemo-mechanical grinding using a ...[J],MATERIALS SCIENCE IN SEMICONDUCTOR PROCESSING,2017,63:97-106
