博士(2007-2010): 香港科技大学-物理系
硕士(2004-2007) :南开大学-陈省身数学研究所-理论物理研究室
学士(1998-2004) :南开大学-物理科学学院
中国人民大学物理系-副教授、教授 (2015年9月-至今)
加拿大理论物理前沿研究所-访问学者 (2013年11月 - 2014年2月,2015年3月- 4月)
清华大学高等研究院-副研究员 (2012年10月 - 2015年9月)
麻省理工学院物理系-访问学者 (2011年3月-5月,2012年2月-5月)
清华大学高等研究院-博士后 [获得“杨振宁青年学者奖”](2010年10月 - 2012年10月)。
18,Peng-Jie Guo*, Yi-Wen Wei, Kai Liu, Zheng-Xin Liu*, and Zhong-Yi Lu, Eightfold Degenerate Fermions in Two Dimensions, Phys. Rev. Lett. 127, 176401 (2021);
17,Qi-Rong Zhao, and Zheng-Xin Liu*, Thermal Properties and Instability of a U(1) Spin Liquid on the Triangular Lattice, Phys. Rev. Lett. 127, 127205 (2021);
16, Han Li, Hao-Kai Zhang, Jiucai Wang, Han-Qing Wu,Yuan Gao, Dai-Wei Qu, Zheng-Xin Liu*, Shou-Shu Gong*, and Wei Li*, Identification of Magnetic Interactions and High-field Quantum Spin Liquid in α-RuCl3, Nat. Commun. 12, 4007 (2021);
15, Su-Ming Zhang, and Zheng-Xin Liu*, Phase diagram for Hole-Doped Kitaev System on the Honeycomb Lattice, Phys. Rev. B, 104, 115108 (2021);
14, Jian Yang, Chen Fang, and Zheng-Xin Liu*, Symmetry-protected Nodal Points and Nodal Lines in Magnetic Materials, Phys. Rev. B 103, 245141 (2021);
13, Zhen-Yuan Yang, Jian Yang, Chen Fang, and Zheng-Xin Liu*, A Hamiltonian Approach for Obtaining Irreducible Projective Representations and the k·p Perturbation for Anti- unitary Symmetry Groups, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 54, 265202 (2021);
12, Jiucai Wang, Qirong Zhao, Xiaoqun Wang*, Zheng-Xin Liu*, Multinode quantum spin liquids on the honeycomb lattice, Phys. Rev. B 102, 144427 (2020);
11, Jiucai Wang, Zheng-Xin Liu*, Symmetry-protected gapless spin liquids on the strained honeycomb lattice, Phys. Rev. B, 102, 094416 (2020);
10, Shang-Qiang Ning, Zheng-Xin Liu*, Hong-Chen Jiang*, Topological superconductivity by doping symmetry-protected topological states, Phys. Rev. Research 2, 023184(2020);
9, Jiucai Wang, B. Normand, Zheng-Xin Liu*, One Proximate Kitaev Spin Liquid in the K-J-Γ Model on the Honeycomb Lattice, Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 197201(2019);
8, Zheng-Xin Liu, Hong-Hao Tu, Ying-Hai Wu, Rong-Qiang He, Xiong-Jun Liu, Yi Zhou, Tai-Kai Ng, Non-Abelian Chiral Spin Liquid on the Kagome Lattice, Phys. Rev. B 97, 195158 (2018);
7, Zheng-Xin Liu, Bruce Normand, Dirac and Chiral Quantum Spin Liquids on the Hon- eycomb Lattice in a Magnetic Field, Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 187201 (2018);
6, Jian Yang, Zheng-Xin Liu*, Irreducible projective representations and their physical applications, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 51, 025207 (2018);
5, Xiaofan Zhou, Jian-Song Pan, Zheng-Xin Liu*, Wei Zhang*, Wei Yi*, Gang Chen*, Suotang Jia, Symmetry-Protected Topological States for Interacting Fermions in Alkaline-Earth- Like Atoms, Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 185701 (2017);
4, Jiacheng Zheng, Kejing Ran, Tianrun Li, Jinghui Wang, Pengshuai Wang, Bin Liu, Zheng-Xin Liu, B. Normand, Jinsheng Wen, Weiqiang Yu*, Gapless Spin Excitations in the Field-Induced Quantum Spin Liquid Phase of α-RuCl3, Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 227208 (2017);
3, Ying-Hai Wu*,Tao Shi, G. J. Sreejith, Zheng-Xin Liu*, Fermionic symmetry-protected topological state in strained graphene, Phys. Rev. B 94, 245120 (2017);
2, Shang-Qiang Ning, Zheng-Xin Liu, Peng Ye*, Symmetry Enrichment in Three-Dimensional Topological Phases, Phys. Rev. B 94, 245120 (2016);
1, Ji-Yao Chen, Zhengfeng Ji, Zheng-Xin Liu, Xiaofei Qi, Nengkun Yu, Bei Zeng, Duanlu Zhou, Physical origins of ruled surfaces on the reduced density matrices geometry, Science China, physics, Mechanics & Astronomy 60, 020311 (2016);