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教育经历 Sep. 1995‐Jul. 1999 Department of Physics, Beijing Normal University, Bachelor of Science Sep. 1999‐Mar. 2005 Institute of Theoretical Physics, CAS P. H. D. Advised by Prof. Chang‐pu, Sun. 工作经历 May. 2004‐ Jun. 2004 School of Physics, The University of Hong Kong Visiting Student. Collaborate with Prof. Z.D.Wang Apr. 2005‐ Spt. 2007 School of Physics, Georgia Institute of Technology Postdoctoral Fellow. Collaborate with Prof. Li You Oct. 2007‐Sep. 2010 UEDA Macroscopic Quantum Control Project, Postdoctoral Fellow. Collaborate with Prof. M.Ueda. Oct. 2010-now: professor in physics department, Renmin University of China.


a) Few-body problems in ultracold atom physics. b) Quantum optics.


查看导师最新文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

1. Da-Wu Xiao, Ren Zhang, and Peng Zhang, universal energy-dependent pseudopotential for the two-body problem of confined ultracold atoms, Phys. Rev. Research 4, 013112 (2022) 2. Shu Yang, Yue Chen, and Peng Zhang, Laser manipulation of spin-exchange interaction between alkaline-earth atoms in 1S0 and 3P2 states, Phys. Rev. Research 4, 023173 (2022) 3. Scattering amplitude and two-body loss of ultracold alkaline-earth atoms in a shaking synthetic magnetic field, Shu Yang, Yue Chen, and Peng Zhang, Commun. Theor. Phys. 74, 065501 (2022) 4. Three ultracold fermions in a two-dimensional anisotropic harmonic confinement, Yue Chen, Da-Wu Xiao and Peng Zhang, Commun. Theor. Phys. 74, 045501(2022). 2021 1. Jianwen Jie , Yonghong Yu, Dajun Wang , and Peng Zhang, Laser control of the singlet-pairing process in an ultracold spinor mixture,Phys. Rev.A 103, 053321(2021). 2. Lijuan Jia, Long Xu, Peng Zhang and Linbin Fu, Effects of time on the evolution of a wave packet in the tunneling dynamics, New J. Phys. 23 113047 (2021). 2020 1. Guohui Dong, Dazhi Xu, and Peng Zhang, Magnetically induced optical transparency with an ultranarrow spectrum, Phys. Rev. A 102, 033717 (2020). 2. Yue Chen, Da-Wu Xiao, Ren Zhang, and Peng Zhang, Analytical solution for the spectrum of two ultracold atoms in a completely anisotropic confinement, Phys. Rev. A 101, 053624 (2020). 3. Ren Zhang and Peng Zhang, Tight-binding Kondo model and spin-exchange collision rate of alkaline-earth-metal atoms in a mixed-dimensional optical lattice, Phys. Rev. A 101, 013636 (2020). 4. Mingyuan Sun, Peng Zhang, and Hui Zhai, High Temperature Virial Expansion to Universal Quench Dynamics, Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 110404 (2020) . 5. Chao Gao, Mingyuan Sun, Peng Zhang, and Hui Zhai, Universal Dynamics of a Degenerate Bose Gas Quenched to Unitarity, Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 040403 (2020) . 6. Ren Zhang, Yanting Cheng, Peng Zhang, and Hui Zhai, Controlling the interaction of ultracold alkaline-earth atoms, Nat Rev Phys 2, 213 (2020) 2019 1. Shu Yang, Fan Wu, Wei Yi, and Peng Zhang, Two-body bound state of ultracold Fermi atoms with two-dimensional spin-orbit coupling, Phys. Rev. A 100, 043601 (2019) 2. Dawu Xiao, Ren Zhang, and Peng Zhang, Confinement induced resonance with weak bare interaction in a quasi 3+0 dimensional ultracold gas, Few. Body. Syst., 60, 63 (2019). 3. R. Zhang and P. Zhang, Confinement-Induced Resonance with Weak Background Interaction, Phys. Rev. A 100, 063607 (2019). 4. X. Yao, R. Qi, X. Liu, X. Wang, Y. Wang, Y. Wu, H. Chen, P. Zhang, H. Zhai, Y. Chen and J. Pan, Degenerate Bose gases near a d-wave shape resonance, Nat. Phys., 15, 570 (2019). 5. P. Yang, X. Xia, H. He, S. Li, Xing H., P. Zhang, G. Li, P. Zhang, J. Xu, Y. Yang, and T. Zhang, Realization of Nonlinear Optical Nonreciprocity on a Few-Photon Level Based on Atoms Strongly Coupled to an Asymmetric Cavity, Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 233604 (2019). 2018 1. Ren Zhang, and Peng Zhang, Control of spin-exchange interaction between alkali-earth-metal atoms via confinement-induced resonances in a quasi-(1+0)-dimensional system, Phys. Rev. A 98, 043627 (2018). 2. Chao Gao, and Peng Zhang, Atom-dimer scattering in a heteronuclear mixture with a finite intraspecies scattering length, Phys. Rev. A 97, 042701 (2018). 3. Peng Peng, Ren Zhang, Lianghui Huang, Donghao Li, Zengming Meng, Pengjun Wang, Hui Zhai, Peng Zhang, and Jing Zhang, Universal feature in optical control of a p-wave Feshbach resonance, Phys. Rev. A 97, 012702 (2018). 4. Jianwen Jie, Ran Qi, and Peng Zhang, Universal relations of an ultracold Fermi gas with arbitrary spin-orbit coupling, Phys. Rev. A 97, 053602 (2018). 5. Chao Gao and Peng Zhang, Path of Momentum Integral in the Skorniakov-Ter-Martirosian Equation, Commun. Theor. Phys. 70, 753 (2018). 2017 1. Yanting Cheng, Ren Zhang, and Peng Zhang, Quantum defect theory for the orbital Feshbach resonance, Phys. Rev. A 95, 013624 (2017) 2. Jianwen Jie and Peng Zhang, Center-of-mass-momentum-dependent interaction between ultracold atoms, Phys. Rev. A 95, 060701(R) (2017) 3. Yanting Cheng, Ren Zhang, Peng Zhang, and Hui Zhai, Enhancing Kondo coupling in alkaline-earth-metal atomic gases with confinement-induced resonances in mixed dimensions, Phys. Rev. A 96, 063605 (2017). 4. Chen Zheng, Peng Zhang, and Su Yi, Photon Emissions from a Spinor Bose–Einstein Condensate of Positroniums, Commun. Theor. Phys. 68, 236 (2017) 5. Wei Zhu, Peng Zhang, and D. L. Zhou, Configuration-dependent reflection induced by dissipated localized modes, Euro. Phys. Lett., 117, xxxxxx (2017) 2016 1. Junjun Xu, Ren Zhang, Yanting Cheng, Peng Zhang, Ran Qi, and Hui Zhai, Reaching a Fermi-superfluid state near an orbital Feshbach resonance, Phys. Rev. A, 94, 033609(R) (2016) 2. Yanting Cheng, Ren Zhang, and Peng Zhang, Orbital Feshbach resonances with a small energy gap between open and closed channels, Phys. Rev. A 93, 042708 (2016). 3. Ren Zhang, Deping Zhang, Yanting Cheng, Wei Chen, Peng Zhang, and Hui Zhai, Kondo effect in alkaline-earth-metal atomic gases with confinement-induced resonances, Phys. Rev. A 93, 043601(2016). 4. Jianwen Jie, Yawen Zhang, and Peng Zhang, Suppression of two-body collisional losses in an ultracold gas via the Fano effect, Phys. Rev. A 93, 022705 (2016). 5. Hao Luo, Xiang Zhan, Peng Zhang, and Peng Xue, Stopping time of a one-dimensional bounded quantum walk, Chin. Phys. B 25, 110304 (2016). 6. Wei Zhu, Xiao Xiao, Duan-Lu Zhou, and Peng Zhang, Single-photon scattering by two separated atoms in a supercavity, Chin. Phys. B, 25, 064203 (2016).
