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穆廷魁,副教授,博士生导师 现任西安交通大学空间光学研究所副所长,2012年博士毕业于西安交通大学,2014-2016年美国亚利桑那大学光学院博士后。 目前主持国家自然科学基金面上项目1项,国家自然科学基金青年项目1项,中央高校基本科研业务费1项;曾主持教育部博士点基金(新教师类)1项,陕西省自然科学基础研究计划1项,中央高校基本科研业务费1项;作为骨干成员正在参与国家自然科学基金重点项目1项,国家自然科学基金面上项目1项;曾参与国家自然科学基金重点项目1项,国家自然科学基金面上项目1项,国家自然科学基金应急项目1项,国家863计划重点项目2项,国家重大专项2项,国防基础科研项目1项。 在Optics Express、Optics Letters、Scientific Reports、Remote sensing、Applied Optics、Optics Communications等国际高水平学术期刊,公开发表SCI收录论文50余篇,其中第一作者30余篇,获得授权中国发明专利14项。 工作经历 2017.01 – 至 今,西安交通大学,理学院光信息系,副教授 2014.09 – 2016.09,美国亚利桑那大学,光学院,博士后 2012.03 – 2016.12,西安交通大学,理学院光信息系,讲师 已授权发明专利 [15] 发明人:穆廷魁. 紧凑微型快照式光谱成像探测装置及方法,授权号:CN107271039B,授权日:2019.04.12. epub.sipo.gov.cn/patentoutline.action [14] 发明人:穆廷魁. 紧凑微型快照式通道调制全偏振成像探测装置及方法,授权号:CN107356337B,授权日:2018.12.07. epub.sipo.gov.cn/patentoutline.action [13] 发明人:穆廷魁、陈泽宇、张淳民. 紧凑微型快照式通道调制全偏振光谱成像探测装置及方法,授权号:CN107228711B,授权日:2018.09.04. epub.sipo.gov.cn/patentoutline.action [12] 发明人:穆廷魁、陈泽宇、张淳民. 快照式紧凑小型化光场成像全偏振光谱探测装置及方法,授权号:CN106872037B,授权日:2019.03.01. epub.sipo.gov.cn/patentoutline.action [11] 发明人:穆廷魁、陈泽宇、张淳民.快照式紧凑噪声免疫型光场成像全偏振光谱探测装置及方法,授权号:CN106802184B,授权日:2019.03.01. epub.sipo.gov.cn/patentoutline.action [10] 发明人:穆廷魁、陈泽宇、张淳民. 快照式紧凑通道调制型光场成像全偏振光谱探测装置及方法,授权号:CN106949967B,授权日:2019.03.01. epub.sipo.gov.cn/patentoutline.action [9] 发明人:穆廷魁、张淳民、李祺伟、魏宇童. 四次测量型全Stokes参数偏振仪的参数优化方法,授权号:CN104931140B,授权日:2017.01.18. epub.sipo.gov.cn/patentoutline.action [8] 发明人:穆廷魁. 快照式积分视场成像全偏振高光谱探测装置,授告号:CN103592030B,授权日:2015.08.05. epub.sipo.gov.cn/patentoutline.action [7] 发明人:穆廷魁、张淳民、李祺伟、张霖、贾辰凌. 快照式计算层析成像全偏振高光谱探测装置,授权号:CN103592030B,授权日:2015.07.01. epub.sipo.gov.cn/patentoutline.action [6] 发明人:穆廷魁、张淳民、李祺伟、贾辰凌、魏宇童、陈清颖. 快照式全偏振成像探测装置,授权号:CN103698014B,授权日:2015.10.28. epub.sipo.gov.cn/patentoutline.action[5] 发明人:穆廷魁、张淳民. 圆偏振高光谱成像探测系统,授权号:CN102879097B,授权日:2015.05.27. epub.sipo.gov.cn/patentoutline.action [4] 发明人:张淳民、穆廷魁、高宏文、任文艺、代海山. 一种双通道偏振干涉成像光谱仪,授权号:CN102297722B,授权日:2014.08.06. epub.sipo.gov.cn/patentoutline.action [3] 发明人:张淳民、贾辰凌、穆廷魁、李祺伟. 一种基于偏振阵列的光谱偏振装置及探测方法,授权号:CN103954360B,授权日:2016.04.27. epub.sipo.gov.cn/patentoutline.action [2] 发明人:张淳民、权乃承、穆廷魁. 一种图像、光谱、偏振态一体化获取装置及方法,授权号:CN105606217B,授权日:2017.10.20. epub.sipo.gov.cn/patentoutline.action [1] 发明人:张淳民、权乃承、穆廷魁. 一种宽场、消色差横向剪切双折射分束器,授权号:CN105629485B,授权日:2018.07.17. epub.sipo.gov.cn/patentoutline.action 负责项目 [1] 国家自然科学基金面上项目,61775176,微型、噪声免疫、快照式全Stokes偏振光谱光场摄像技术及定标研究 ,69万,2018.1~2021.12,在研,主持 [2] 中国高分辨率对地观测系统重大专项,GFZX04014308,高分辨率快照式光谱成像识别一体化技术 ,50万,2019.1~2020.12,在研,主持 [3] 陕西省重点研发计划项目,2020GY-131,快照式高光谱成像技术及相机样机研发 ,80万,2020.1~2021.12,在研,主持 [4] 中央高校基本科研业务费,xjj2017105,静态干涉型全偏振高光谱成像技术研究,10万,2017.1~2019.12,在研,主持 [5] 国家自然科学基金青年项目,61405153,基于积分视场和孔径分割的快照式偏振光谱成像技术研究,25万,2015.1~2017.12,已完成,主持 [6] 教育部博士点基金(新教师类),20130201120047,干涉型差分偏振光谱成像关键技术研究,4万,2014.01~2016.12,已完成,主持 [7] 陕西省自然科学基础研究计划项目,2014JQ8362, 差分偏振光谱成像技术研究,4万,2014.05~2016.05,已完成,主持 [8] 中央高校基本科研业务费,xjj2013044,差分偏振干涉成像光谱技术,4万,2013.1~2015.12,已完成,主持 参与项目 [1] 国家自然科学基金重点项目,41530422,平流层臭氧和大气风场近红外静态干涉成像探测新原理新技术研究,360万,2016.1~2020.12,在研,参与 [2] 国家自然科学基金应急项目,新型偏振成像光谱仪,30万,2016.1~2016.12,已完成,参与 [3] 国家自然科学基金项目,61275184,图像、光谱、偏振态多维全光信息一体化获取技术研究,92万,2013.1~2015.12,已完成,参与 [4] 国家重大专项,32-Y30B08-9001-13/15,高分气象遥感应用示范系统(一期),110万,2013.1~2016.12,已完成,参与 [5] 国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划),2012AA121101,图像、光谱、偏振态多维全光信息一体化获取技术,337万,2012.1~2014.12,已完成,参与 [6] 国家重大专项,E0310/1112/JCO2,基于高光谱观测卫星温室气体探测载荷二氧化碳产品反演技术研究,40万,2011.01~2012.06,已完成,参与 [7] 国家自然科学基金项目,40875013,高层大气风场遥感的干涉成像探测技术研究,56万,2009.1~2011.12,已完成,参与


一、先进光学成像&多维光信息一体化获取技术 二、先进遥感探测&大气高光谱反演技术 三、先进光学仪器研发与光电图像信息处理 (1)从事超高分辨成像、先进遥感探测、偏振&光谱成像、计算成像、大气探测、光学设计、光学信息处理等方向的研究工作; (2)解决多模态多维光学高分辨信息的一体化实时获取关键科学问题; (3)研发新型成像偏振仪、成像光谱仪、成像偏振光谱仪、偏振元器件、及先进光学成像系统; (4)探索高级成像与先进遥感技术在天文探测、大气监测、地球遥感、机器视觉、生物医学诊断等领域的信息处理技术和应用问题。


查看导师最新文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

2020年发表论文 [1] Feng Han,Tingkui Mu*, Abudusalamu Tuniyazi, Donghao Bao, Hang Gong, Qiuxia Li, Zeyu Chen, and Chunmin Zhang, "Iterative reconstruction for snapshot intensity-modulated linear imaging spectropolarimetry without Fourier transform and phase calibration," Optics and Lasers in Engineering 134, 106286 (2020). doi.org/10.1016/j.optlaseng.2020.106286 [2] Feng Han,Tingkui Mu*, Donghao Bao, Abudusalamu Tuniyazi, Qiuxia Li, Hang Gong, Zeyu Chen, and Chunmin Zhang, "Iterative reconstruction for general linear imaging polarimetry without polarimetric calibration," Optics Letters 45(1), 57-56 (2020). 10.1364/OL.45.000057 [4] Yifan He, Chunmin Zhang*,Tingkui Mu, Tingyu Yan, Yanqiang Wang, and Zeyu Chen, "Multiscale local gray dynamic range method for infrared small-traget detection," IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters 460, 1-5 (2020).10.1109/LGRS.2020.3008197 [5] Yanqiang Wang, Chunmin Zhang*,Tingkui Mu, Tingyu Yan, Zhengyi Chen, Zeyu Chen, and Yifan He, "Design and analysis of a Fourier transform imaging spectropolarimetry based on polarization modulation array (PMAFTISP)," Optics Communications 460, 125101 (2020).10.1016/j.optcom.2019.125101 [6] Naicheng Quan, Chunmin Zhang*,Tingkui Mu, Siyuan Li, and Caiyin You, "Estimation variance of dual-rotating-retarder Mueller matrix polarimeter in the presence of Gaussian thermal noise and Poisson shot noise," Journal of Optics 22, 025701 (2020).10.1088/2040-8986/ab613c 2019年发表论文 [1] Tingkui Mu*, Feng Han, Donghao Bao, Chunmin Zhang, and Rongguang Liang, "Compact snapshot optically replicating and remapping imaging spectrometer (ORRIS) using a focal plane continuous variable filter," Optics Letters 44, 1281-1284 (2019). (Cover Feature). 10.1364/OL.44.001281 [2] Tingkui Mu*, Feng Han, and Donghao Bao, "Compact, miniature, snapshot imaging spectrometery using continuous variable filter," Proc. SPIE 11023, 11023L-1-7 (2019).10.1117/12.2521256 [3] Tingkui Mu*, Donghao Bao, Feng Han, Yuanyuan Sun, Zeyu Chen, Qian Tang, and Chunmin Zhang, "Optimized design, calibration, and validation of an achromatic snapshot full-Stokes imaging polarimeter," Optics Express 27, 23009-23028 (2019).10.1364/OE.27.023009 [4] Zhengyi Chen, Chunmin Zhang*, Tingkui Mu, Tingyu Yan, Zeyu Chen, and Yanqiang Wang, "An Efficient Representation-Based Subspace Clustering Framework for Polarized Hyperspectral Images," Remote Sensing 44, 1281-1284 (2019).10.3390/rs11131513 [5] Zeyu Chen, Chunmin Zhang*, Tingkui Mu*, Tingyu Yan, Donghao Bao, Zhengyi Chen, and Yifan He, " Coded aperture snapshot linear-Stokes imaging spectropolarimeter," Optics Communications 450, 72-77 (2019).10.1016/j.optcom.2019.05.056 [6] Naicheng Quan*, Caiyin You, Chunmin Zhang, and Tingkui Mu, " Channeled spectropolarimetry with increased bandwidth and aliasing reduction," Optik 181, 562-570 (2019).10.1016/j.ijleo.2018.10.175 2018年发表论文 [1] Tingkui Mu*, Donghao Bao, Chunmin Zhang, Zeyu Chen and Jionghui Song, "Optimal reference polarization states for the calibration of general Stokes polarimeters in the presence of noise," Optics Communications 418, 120-128 (2018).10.1016/j.optcom.2018.02.068 [2] Nathan Hagen*, Tingkui Mu, and Yukitoshi Otani, "Stokes polarimeter performance: general noise model and analysis: erratum," Applied Optics 57, 6998 (2018).doi.org/10.1364/AO.57.006998 [3] Chunmin Zhang*, Naicheng Quan*, Tingkui Mu, "Stokes imaging spectropolarimeter based on channeled polarimetry with full-resolution spectra and aliasing reduction," Applied Optics 57, 6128-6134 (2018).10.1364/AO.57.006128 [4] Naicheng Quan*, Chunmin Zhang, Tingkui Mu, and Qiwei Li, "Channeled polarimetric technique for the measurement of spectral dependence of linearly Stokes parameters," Infrared Physics & Technology 90, 95-100 (2018).10.1016/j.infrared.2018.03.002 [5] Naicheng Quan*, Chunmin Zhang, Tingkui Mu, "Optimal configuration of partial Mueller matrix polarimeter for measuring the ellipsometric parameters in the presence of Poisson shot noise and Gaussian noise," Photonics and Nanostructures - Fundamentals and Applications 29, 30-35 (2018). 10.1016/j.photonics.2018.01.004 [6] Naicheng Quan*, Chunmin Zhang, Tingkui Mu, "Full linearly Stokes channeled polarimetric technique with low reconstruction errors," Optik 164, 36-44 (2018).10.1016/j.ijleo.2018.03.009 [7] Naicheng Quan*, Chunmin Zhang, Qiwei Li and Tingkui Mu, "Full linearly Stokes interference imaging spectropolarimeter based on channeled polarimetric technique with high optical throughput," Optics and Lasers in Engineering 110, 141-148 (2018).10.1016/j.optlaseng.2018.05.019 [8] Siyuan Li, Naicheng Quan*, Chunmin Zhang, Tingkui Mu, and Bingliang Hu, "Stokes polarimeter for the measurement of full linearly Stokes parameters with immunity to Gaussian and Poisson noise," Optik 175, 8-16 (2018).10.1016/j.ijleo.2018.08.054 [9] 张淳民,穆廷魁,颜廷昱,陈泽宇, "高光谱遥感技术发展与展望," 航天返回与遥感 39, 104-114 (2018).10.3969/j.issn.1009-8518.2018.03.012 2017年发表论文 [1] Tingkui Mu*, Shaun Pacheco, Zeyu Chen, Chunmin Zhang and Rongguang Liang*, "Snapshot linear-Stokes imaging spectropolarimeter using division-of-focal-plane polarimetry and integral field spectroscopy," Scientific Reports 7, 42115 (2017).10.1038/srep42115 [2] Tingkui Mu*, "Design of direct-vision prisms with minimized spectral and spatial distortions for dispersive imaging spectrometers," Sciencepaper Online 201702-56, (2017).www.paper.edu.cn/releasepaper/content/201702-56 [3] Tingkui Mu*, "Constrained estimation for calibration of Stokes polarimeter in the presence of different noise," Sciencepaper Online , 201701-286, (2017).www.paper.edu.cn/releasepaper/content/201701-286 [4] Naicheng Quan*, Chunmin Zhang, Tingkui Mu,"Linear stokes imaging spectropolarimeter based on the static polarization interference imaging spectrometer," Optics Communications, 391: 30~36, (2017).10.1016/j.optcom.2016.11.072 [5] Naicheng Quan*, Chunmin Zhang, Tingkui Mu,"Modified Savart polariscope with wide field of view and achromatic lateral displacement," Optics Communications, 382: 392~398, (2017).10.1016/j.optcom.2016.07.006 2016年发表论文 [1] Tingkui Mu, Zeyu Chen, Chunmin Zhang and Rongguang Liang, "Optimal design and performance metric of broadband full-Stokes polarimeters with immunity to Poisson and Gaussian noise," Optics Express 24(26), 29691-29704 (2016).10.1364/OE.24.029691 [2] Tingkui Mu*, Zeyu Chen, Shaun Pacheco, Rengmao Wu, Chunmin Zhang and Rongguang Liang*, "Generation of a controllable multifocal array from a modulated azimuthally polarized beam," Optics Letters 41(2), 261-264 (2016).10.1364/OL.41.000261 [3] Tingkui Mu*, Zeyu Chen, Chunmin Zhang and Rongguang Liang*, "Optimal configurations of full-Stokes polarimeter with immunity to both Poisson and Gaussian noise," Journal of Optics 18(5), 055702 (2016).10.1088/2040-8978/18/5/055702 [4] Chunmin Zhang*, Qiwei Li, Tingyu Yan, Tingkui Mu, and Yutong Wei, "High throughput static channeled interference imaging spectropolarimeter based on a Savart polariscope," Optics Express 24, 23314-23332 (2016).10.1364/OE.24.023314 [5] Naicheng Quan, Chunmin Zhang*, and Tingkui Mu, "Principle and analysis of a birefringent beam splitter," Optik 127, 6735-6741 (2016).10.1016/j.ijleo.2016.04.124 [6] Naicheng Quan, Chunmin Zhang*, and Tingkui Mu, "Static Fourier transform imaging spectropolarimeter based on quarter-wave plate array," Optik 127, 9763-9774 (2016).10.1016/j.ijleo.2016.07.058 [7] Naicheng Quan, Chunmin Zhang*, and Tingkui Mu, "Channeled spectropolarimetry based on division of aperture and field of view,"Acta Physica Sinica 65, 080703 (2016). (in Chinese).10.7498/aps.65.080703 2015年发表论文 [1] Tingkui Mu, Chunmin Zhang, Qiwei Li and Rongguang Liang*, "Achromatization of retarder for broadband polarimetric system," Optics Letters 40(11), 2485-2488 (2015).10.1364/OL.40.002485 [2] Tingkui Mu*, Chunmin Zhang, Qiwei Li and Rongguang Liang, "Error analysis of single-snapshot full-Stokes division-of-aperture imaging polarimeters," Optics Express 23(8), 10822-10835 (2015). 10.1364/OE.23.010822 [3] Tingkui Mu*, Chunmin Zhang and Rongguang Liang*, "Demonstration of a snapshot full-Stokes division-of-aperture imaging polarimeter using Wollaston prism array," Journal of Optics 17(12), 125708 (2015).10.1088/2040-8978/17/12/125708 2014年发表论文 [1] Tingkui Mu*, Chunmin Zhang, Qiwei Li, Lin Zhang, Yutong Wei and Qingying Chen, "Achromatic Savart polariscope: choice of materials," Optics Express 22(5), 5043-5051 (2014).10.1364/OE.22.005043 [2] Tingkui Mu*, Chunmin Zhang, Qiwei Li, Yutong Wei, Qingying Chen and Chenling Jia, "The polarization-difference interference imaging spectrometer-II. optical design and analysis," Acta Physica Sinica 63(11), 110705 (2014). (in Chinese).10.7498/aps.63.110704 [3] Tingkui Mu*, Chunmin Zhang, Qiwei Li, Yutong Wei, Qingying Chen and Chenling Jia, "The polarization-difference interference imaging spectrometer-I. concept, principle, and operation," Acta Physica Sinica 63(11), 110704 (2014). (in Chinese).10.7498/aps.63.110705 [4] Tingkui Mu*, Chunmin Zhang, Qiwei Li, Yutong Wei, Qingying Chen and Chenling Jia, "Snapshot full-Stokes imaging spectropolarimetry based on division-ofaperture polarimetry and integral-field spectroscopy," Proc. SPIE 9298, International Symposium on Optoelectronic Technology and Application 2014: Imaging Spectroscopy; and Telescopes and Large Optics, 92980D (November 18, 2014).10.1117/12.2070599 2013年发表论文 [1] Tingkui Mu*, Chunmin Zhang*, Chenling Jia, Wenyi Ren, and Lin Zhang, "Alignment and retardance errors, and compensation of a channeled spectropolarimeter" Optics Communications, 294, 89-85 (2013).10.1016/j.optcom.2012.12.017 [2] Tingkui Mu and Chunmin Zhang*, "Models for polarization detection with the modified polarization interference imaging spectrometer," Optik, 124(7), 661-665 (2013).10.1016/j.ijleo.2012.01.016 [3] Tingkui Mu*, Chunmin Zhang*, W. Ren, Chenling Jia, L. Zhang and Qiwei Li, "Compact and static Fourier transform imaging spectropolarimeters using birefringent elements," Proc. SPIE 8910, International Symposium on Photoelectronic Detection and Imaging 2013: Imaging Spectrometer Technologies and Applications, 89101A (August 30, 2013).10.1117/12.2034182 [4] Wenyi Ren, Chunmin Zhang*, and Tingkui Mu, "Empirical mode decomposition based background removal and de-noising in polarization interference imaging spectrometer," Optics Express 21(3), 2592-2605 (2013).10.1364/OE.21.002592 [5] Wenyi Ren, Chunmin Zhang*, Chenling Jia, Tingkui Mu, and Qiwei Li, "Precise spectrum reconstruction of the Fourier transforms imaging spectrometer based on polarization beam splitters," Optics Letters 38(8), 1295-1297 (2013).10.1364/OL.38.001295 [6] Lin Zhang, Chunmin Zhang*, Wenyi Ren, Tingkui Mu and Jinchan Wang, "Feasibility analysis of an achromatic quarter wave plate in a static polarizing wind imaging interferometer," Measurement and Science Technology 24(075801 (2013).10.1088/0957-0233/24/7/075801 2012年发表论文 [1] Tingkui Mu, Chunmin Zhang*, Wenyi Ren, and Chenling Jia, "Static polarization-difference interference imaging spectrometer," Optics Letters 37(17), 3507-3509 (2012).10.1364/OL.37.003507 [2] Tingkui Mu, Chunmin Zhang*, Chenling Jia, and Wenyi Ren, "Static hyperspectral imaging polarimeter for full linear Stokes parameters," Optics Express 20(16), 18194-18201 (2012).10.1364/OE.20.018194 [3] Wenyi Ren, Chunmin Zhang*, Tingkui Mu, and Haishan Dai, "Spectrum reconstruction based on the constrained optimal linear inverse methods," Optics Letters 37(13), 2580-2582 (2012).10.1364/OL.37.002580 [4] Chunmin Zhang*, Haishan Dai, Tingkui Mu and Yan Qu, "Effect and suppression of secondary fringes in FATWindII," Applied Optics 18(20), 4186-4195 (2012).10.1364/AO.51.004186 [5] Haishan Dai, Chunmin Zhang*, and Tingkui Mu, "Research of secondary fringes in field-widened achromatic, temperature-compensated wind imaging interferometer (FATWindII)," Acta Physica Sinica 61(22), 224201 (2012).10.7498/aps.61.224201 [6] Yongqiang Kang, Chunmin Zhang*, Tingkui Mu, and Peng Gao, "Resonant modes and inter-well coupling in photonic double quantum well structures with single-negative materials," Optics Communications 285(24), 4821-4824 (2012).10.1016/j.optcom.2012.07.070 [7] Qian Tang, Baochang Zhao, Yuehong Qiu, Chunmin Zhang*, and Tingkui Mu, "Technology of polarization interference imaging spectral based on pupil division and angle shear," Acta Physica Sinica 61(23), 230701 (2012). (in Chinese).10.7498/aps.61.230701 2011年发表论文 [1] Tingkui Mu, Chunmin Zhang*, Wenyi Ren and Xiaohua Jian, "Static dual-channel polarization imaging spectrometer for simultaneous acquisition of inphase and antiphase interference images," Measurement Science and Technology, 22(10), 105302 (2011). 10.1088/0957-0233/22/10/105302 [2] Tingkui Mu and Chunmin Zhang*, "Dual-channel polarization imaging spectrometer," Proc. SPIE 8032, Next-Generation Spectroscopic Technologies IV, 80320M (May 12, 2011).10.1117/12.881510 [3] Tingkui Mu, Chunmin Zhang*, Wenyi Ren, Linzhang Zhang and Xiaohua Jian, "Interferometric verification for the polarization imaging spectrometer," Journal of Modern Optics, 58(2), 154-159 (2011).10.1080/09500340.2010.547621 [4] Tingkui Mu,Chunmin Zhang*, Wenyi Ren, Lin Zhang and Baohui Zhu, “Design and analysis of a polarization interference imaging spectrometer with expanded field of view”, Acta Physica Sinica, 60(7), 070704 (2011). (in Chinese).wulixb.iphy.ac.cn/CN/Y2011/V60/I7/070704 [5] Chunmin Zhang*, Qingmiao Wu, and Tingkui Mu, “Influences of the pyramid prism deflection on inversion of wind velocity and temperature in novel static polarization wind imaging interferometer”, Applied Optics, 50(32), 2333-2339 (2011).10.1364/AO.50.006134 2010年发表论文 [1] Tingkui Mu and Chunmin Zhang*, “A novel polarization interferometer for measuring upper atmospheric winds”, Chinese Physics B, 19(6), 060702 (2010).10.1088/1674-1056/19/6/060702 [2] Chunmin Zhang*,Tingkui Mu, Wenyi Ren, Lin Zhang and Ning Liu, “Design and analysis of wide field of view polarization imaging spectrometer”, Optical Engineering, 49(4), 043002 (2010).10.1117/1.3386079 [3] Chunmin Zhang*, Wenyi Ren, and Tingkui Mu, “Effects of optical axis directions on the optical path difference and lateral displacement of Savart polariscope”, Chinese Physics B, 19(2), 024202 (2010).cpb.iphy.ac.cn/EN/Y2010/V19/I2/24202 [4] Ning Liu, Chunmin Zhang*, Jinchan Wang, and Tingkui Mu, "The theoretical measurement error of a novel static polarization wind imaging interferometer," Acta Physica Sinica, 59(6), 4369-4379 (2010). (in Chinese).wulixb.iphy.ac.cn/CN/Y2010/V59/I6/4369 [5] Chunmin Zhang*, Peng Gao, Mingzhao Sun and Tingkui Mu, "Analysis of the resonant frequency of the octagonal split resonant rings with metal wires," Applied Optics, 49(29), 5638-5644 (2010).10.1364/AO.49.005638 2009年发表论文 [1] Tingkui Mu, Chunmin Zhang*, and Baochang Zhao, “Principle and analysis of a polarization imaging spectrometer”, Applied Optics, 48(12), 2333-2339 (2009).10.1364/AO.48.002333 [2] Tingkui Mu, Chunmin Zhang*, and Baochang Zhao, “Optical path difference evaluation of the polarization interferometer imaging spectrometer”, Optics Communications, 282(10), 1984-1992 (2009).10.1016/j.optcom.2009.02.013 [3] Tingkui Mu, Chunmin Zhang*, and Baochang Zhao, “Analysis of Novel Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectrometer”, Optics Communications, 282(9), 1699-1705 (2009).10.1016/j.optcom.2009.01.022 [4] Tingkui Mu, Chunmin Zhang*, and Baochang Zhao, “Calculation of the optical path difference and fringe location in polarization interference imaging spectrometer”, Acta Physica Sinica, 58(6), 3877-3886 (2009) (in Chinese).wulixb.iphy.ac.cn/CN/Y2009/V58/I6/3877 [5] Wenyi Ren, Chunmin Zhang*, and Tingkui Mu, “Application of Equivalent Air Gap Method in Uniaxial Crystal Plate”, Chinese Physics Letter, 26(8), 084209 (2009).cpl.iphy.ac.cn/Y2009/V26/I8/084209 2008年之前发表论文 [1] Tingkui Mu, Guohua Li, Handong Peng, “Study of the attenuator for the high extinction ratio testing system”, Laser Technology, 31(1), 71-73 (2007) (in Chinese). [2] Tingkui Mu, Guohua Li, Lianke Song, “Study on Retardation Variation Behavior of Quartz Wave-plate Follows Temperature”, Chinese Journal of Lasers, 33(7), 949-952 (2006). (in Chinese). [3] Tingkui Mu, Guohua Li, Handong Peng, Fuquan Wu; Lianke Song; Dianzhong Hao, “Study of Auto-Attenuation System for Measuring Extinction Ratio”, Journal of Optoelectronics·Laser, 17(11), 1366-1368 (2006) (in Chinese). [4] Tingkui Mu, Guohua Li, Dianzhong Hao, “Analysis of broad-tunable and narrow-band filter system of birefringent-filters”, Laser Technology, 30(5), 520-522 (2006) (in Chinese). [5] Tingkui Mu, Guohua Li, Handong Peng, “Optimize Designing of Ternary Birefringent-filters”, Journal of Qufu Normal University(Natural Science), 32(4), 69-71 (2006) (in Chinese). [6] Guoliang Li, Lianke Song, Dianzhong Hao, Wenping Zhou, Jing Wang, Tingkui Mu, “Optimal design of rhomb-type achromatism retarder”, Laser Technology, 30(5),539-540 (2006) (in Chinese).


陕西省光学学会理事、中国光学工程学会委员、中国宇航学会光电技术专业委员会委员、陕西省物理学会会员、美国光学学会(OSA)会员、国际光学工程学会(SPIE)会员。 美国光学学会(OSA)、国际光学工程学会(SPIE)、美国物理学(AIP)、英国物理学会(IOP)、爱思唯尔(Elsevie)等学会所属光学类期刊审稿人。
