1. 国家自然科学基金,51608132,《基于供应链物流的施工碳排放计量机理研究》,2017/01-2019/12,20万元,在研,主持
2. 企业委托项目,《国有企业招标采购供应链研究》,2016 /3 - 2017 /3,1万元,在研,主持;
3. 企业委托项目,《基于信息化平台的招标采购考试培训系统研究》,2015 /4 - 2016 /4 ,2万元,已结题,主持;
4. 企业委托项目,《建设工程物流管理系统设计》,2014 /12 - 2015 /12 ,2万元,已结题,主持;
5. 企业委托项目,《国际工程咨询业相关问题调查研究——香港、东南亚地区情况调研》,2013/6- 2013 /12 ,1万元,已结题,主持;
6. 广东省大学生创新实验项目,《移动互联网环境下公众参与项目评估机制研究》,2016/10- 2017/10,0.15万元,在研,并指导学生发表论文:Passive Public Participation Mechanism for Construction Project Decision,International Conference on Construction and Real Estate Management, 2017.
7. 广东省大学生创新实验项目,《应用大数据挖掘技术构建工程造价信息收集与发布平台》,2015/10- 2016/10,0.15万元,已结题,指导;
8. 香港工业贸易署中小企业发展基金项目,D02-002-074,《SMILE-SMC strategic management with information leveraged excellence for small and medium contractors》,2003/11-2005/10,239万(港元),已结题,参加
9. 香港品质保证局项目,《Effectiveness of quality management systems in the construction industry – a pilot study》,2003/09-2004/04,21.6万(港元),已结题,参加
Yuan Fang(1/1), the Chartered Institute of Building Prize for the Best Project Management Paper (CIOB优秀论文奖), the Chartered Institute of Building,CIOB prize,2008。
主讲 研究生课程:《工程经济学》、《技术经济分析与决策》、《建设项目评估》、《项目评估与风险管理》
(1) 方媛,吴兆堂,建设工程项目物流成本分析,沈阳建筑大学学报,2012,14(4):376-381。
(2)Yuan Fang, S. Thomas Ng, Applying Activity-Based Costing Approach for Construction Logistics Cost,Construction Innovation: Information, Process, Management, 2011,11(3):259-281。
(3) S. Thomas Ng, Jonathan Shi,Yuan Fang, Enhancing the Logistics of Construction Materials through Activity-based Simulation Approach,Engineering Construction and Architectural Management, 2009, 16(3):224-237。
(4) S. Thomas Ng,Yuan Fang, R. Martin Skitmore, Negotiation of On-site Buffer Stocks: A Non-Structural Fuzzy Decision Support System Approach,Construction Innovation: Information, Process, Management, 2008,8(3):202-217。
(5) S. Thomas Ng,Yuan Fang,Onuegbu O. Ugwu,Modeling Construction Materials Logistics System with Stochastic Petri Nets,Construction Innovation: Information, Process, Management, 2007, 8(1):46-60。
(1)Yuan Fang, Zhendong Ma, Yazhuo Luo, Carbon Emission Modelling for Construction Logistics Process through Activity-based Method,CRIOCM 2016 21st International Conference “Advancement of Construction Management and Real Estate”, Hong Kong, 2016.12.14-2016.12.16
(2)Yuan Fang, S. Thomas Ng, A Study on the Composition of Construction Logistics Costs,2010 Annual Construction, Building and Real Estate Research Conference (COBRA 2010), Paris,2010.9.2-2010.9.3。
(3)Yuan Fang, S.Thomas Ng, Optimising Time and Cost in Construction Material Logistics,the 8th International Postgraduate Research Conference in the Built and Human Environment,Prague, 2008.6.26-2008.6.27。
(4)Yuan Fang, S. Thomas Ng, Analyzing Cost of Resource AcquisitionforConstruction Project,Construction Management and Economics 25thAnniversary Conference, 118-126, 2007.7.16-2007.7.18。
(5)Yuan Fang, S. Thomas Ng, R. Martin Skitmore, Modeling theLogisticsof Construction Materials Through the Petri Net Techniques,Proceedings: ISOneWorld, Nevada,2004.6.10-2004.6.11。