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本人于2017年获得香港城市大学岩土工程博士学位后,作为“青年百人B”引进入广东工业大学。研究领域涉及砂土微观破碎机制及其实验模拟方法,研究成果发表在国际顶级期刊Geptechnique、Soils and Foundations等上,主持国家自然科学基金青年基金,获得香港工程学会颁发的最佳岩土博士毕业论文。欢迎有编程基础、力学实验基础的学生报考。 教育背景:2013-2017 香港城市大学 岩土工程 哲学博士 2012-2013 香港城市大学 建筑与土木工程 理学硕士 2008-2012 华侨大学 土木工程 工学学士 工作经历:2013-2014 Au Posford Consultants LTD. HK, Engineer 2016-2017 City University of Hong Kong, Research Assistant 主要荣誉:Ringo Yu Prize for Best PhD Thesis in Geotechnical Studies, 2017 主讲课程:土力学(英文)、工程管理 科研项目:胶结性砂土在复杂应力状态下的微观损伤机制,500180105,国家自然科学基金会青年科学基金项目,主持,在研




查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

1. WANG Wanying* and Coop M. R. (2016) An investigation of breakage behaviour of single sand particles using a high-speed microscope camera. Géotechnique 66, No. 12:987-998. (SCI 收录) 2. Todisco, M.C., WANG Wanying*, Coop M. R. and Senetakis, K. (2017) Multiple contact compression tests on sand particles. Soils and Foundations 57, No. 1:126-140. (SCI 收录) 3. Wang Wanying*, Nardelli, V. and Coop M. R. (2017) The micro-mechanical behaviour of artificially cemented sand particles under compression and shear. Géotechnique Letters 7, No.3: 218-224. (SCI 收录) 4. Wang Wanying* and Coop M. R. (2018) Breakage behaviour of sand particles in point load compression. Géotechnique Letters 8, No.1: 1-5. (SCI 收录) 5. Wang Wanying*,Coop M. R. and Senetakis, K* (2018) The development of a micro-mechanical apparatus applying combined normal-shear-bending forces to natural sand grains with artificial bonds. Geotechnical Testing Journal 42,No. 4, 1090-1099 (SCI 收录) 6. Wang Wanying* and Coop Matthew R. (2015) A study of the micro-mechanics of sand particle breakage using a high-speed microscope camera. Advances in Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering,Volume 6: Deformation Characteristics of Geomaterials. Pages: 567-574. DOI: 10.3233/978-1- 61499-601-9-567. 7. Shengfang Qiao*, Huqing Liang, Mengxiong Tang, Wanying Wang and Hesong Hu. (2019) Seismic performance analysis of steel-brace RC frame using topology optimization. Structural Engineering and Mechanics, Vol. 71, No. 4 417-432. (SCI 收录)
