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1975年生于山东莒县,2002年博士毕业于南开大学。先后在新加坡南洋理工大学、香港理工大学从事博士后研究;2008年起任职中国计量大学,获聘“钱江学者”特聘教授,入选浙江省151人才第一层次、浙江省杰青;2019年起任广东工业大学“百人计划”特聘教授。长期从事光纤通信与传感领域研究,主持完成多项国家和省部级科研项目,发表SCI论文240余篇,引用5500余次,H因子41,发表特邀报告20余次,授权发明专利20余项。积极参与组织国际学术会议,担任ICOCN2019、ACP2018大会共主席,ICOCN2016 & 2017技术委员会主席等。欢迎产学研合作,欢迎报考本人研究生。 学科领域: 科学学位:信息与通信工程 专业学位:信息与通信工程 教育背景: 1999.9-2002.7: 南开大学 现代光学研究所 光学专业,获理学博士学位; 1996.9-1999.7: 南开大学 现代光学研究所 光学专业,获理学硕士学位; 1992.9-1996.7: 曲阜师范大学 物理系 物理教育专业,获理学学士学位 工作经历: 2019.03 - 至今:“百人计划”特聘教授,广东工业大学信息工程学院 2009.3-2019.2:研究员,中国计量大学光电子技术研究所所长,钱江学者、浙江省杰青、浙江省新世纪151人才工程第一层次; 2006.7-2008.5: 博士后研究员(Postdoctoral Fellow), 香港理工大学电机工程系(获香港理工大学博士后研究基金资助); 2004.7-2006.6: 博士后研究员(Postdoctoral Research Fellow),南洋理工大学网络技术研究中心(获新加坡千禧年基金资助); 2002.10-2004.6:研究员(Research Fellow),新加坡南洋理工大学网络技术研究中心; 2001.5-2002.5: 研究助理(Research Assistant),香港理工大学电机工程系。 主要荣誉: 曾获得新加坡千禧年基金博士后奖、国际无线电联盟(URSI)青年科学家奖、中国光学学会王大珩光学奖高校学生奖等。指导研究生获得国际光学工程学会(SPIE)教育奖学金、第七届全国青少年科技创新奖、中国仪器仪表学会特等奖学金、研究生国家奖学金、浙江省优秀硕士学位论文等。 主要著作: X.Y. Dong, and H.Y. Tam, 《Progress in Optical Fibers Research》第6章, 273-306, ISBN 1-60021-868-7, Nova Science Publishers, 美国, 2008. X.Y. Dong, P. Shum, and C.C. Chan, 《Progress in Smart Materials and Structures Research》第7章, 203-226, ISBN 1-60021-106-2, Nova Science Publishers, 美国, 2007. Chunliu Zhao, X.Y. Dong, H.Y. Fu, and H.Y. Tam, 《Recent Progress in Optical Fiber Research》第10章, 193-228, ISBN 979-953-307-652-1, InTech Open Access, 2011. 主编SPIE论文集: SPIE Proceeding 8201, 2011 International Conference on Optical Instruments and Technology: Optoelectronic Measurement Technology and Systems 知识产权: 在线实时光纤光栅火灾监测系统,申请号:200810120191.X 基于电调制的啁啾光纤光栅梳状滤波器,专利号:ZL200910097190.2 一种随机分布反馈光纤激光器,专利号:ZL201110357736.0 可自校正的全分布式光纤拉曼散射传感器,专利号:ZL201110024773.X 一种基于拉锥结构的光纤光栅加速度传感器专利号:ZL201010553770.0 基于D型保偏光纤的液体折射率绝对测量传感器,专利号:CN201110399020 基于光纤光栅的热线式流量传感器,专利号:CN201210016727 单截面分布式光纤光栅热式流量传感器,专利号:CN201210016726 多截面分布式光纤光栅热式流量传感器,专利号:CN201210016705 一种基于混合增益的多波长随机光纤激光器,专利号:CN201310601187 一种基于双芯光纤微通道和磁流体的光纤磁场传感器,专利号:CN201721517607 基于磁流体填充微结构光纤的Sagnac磁场传感器,专利号:CN201721289102 科研项目: 国家自然科学基金面上项目:“2-3微米波段高掺锗光纤拉曼随机激光器研究”,2020.01-2023.12,批准号11974083,主持; 国家自然科学基金面上项目61775204:“基于掺铥光纤随机光栅的2µm随机激光器研究”,2018.01-2021.12,主持; 国家自然科学基金应急管理项目61640408:“光子带隙光纤制备及多维复用器件理论与关键技术”,2017.1-2017.12,子项目负责人; 国家自然科学基金面上项目61475147:“磁流体对光纤倏逝波的作用机理及其磁场传感应用研究”,2015.01-2018.12,主持; 浙江省自然科学基金重点项目LZ13F050001:“基于纳米磁流体填充微结构光纤的磁控可调谐滤波器研究”,2014.1-2016.12,主持; 国家自然科学基金项目61010306042:“第19届国际计量测试学会光电子计量会议”,2010.9-2010.12,主持; 国家自然科学基金项目60807021:“基于法布里-珀罗结构的光纤光栅功能型器件研究”,2009.01-2011.12,主持; 浙江省自然科学基金杰出青年团队项目R1080087:“董新永研究团队”,2009.1-2011.12,主持; 浙江省钱江人才计划项目QJD1002002 “高性能光纤光栅先进制备技术研究”,2011.1-2012.12,主持; 留学人员科技活动项目择优资助项目,2010,主持; 国家重点基础研究发展计划项目2010CB327800:“新一代光纤智能传感网与关键器件基础研究”,2010.1-2014.8,参加; 浙江省科技厅重大科技专项2008C13041-1:“基于光纤传感技术的公路隧道与桥梁安全在线监测系统”,2008.10-2011.3,参与; 国家自然科学基金项目10674074:“新型量子点注入光子晶体光纤激光器研究”,2007.01-2009.12,参与; 香港理工大学博士后研究基金项目G-YX77:“Photonic crystal fibre technology for novel fibre-optics sensor and laser developments”,2006.07-2008.06,共同主持; 新加坡千禧基金博士后研究基金项目:“Next generation optical communication technology”,2004.07-2006.06,共同主持。




查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

L.F. Bao, X.Y. Dong, P. Shum and C.Y. Shen, “Compact temperature sensor with highly germania-doped fiber-based Michelson interferometer, “IEEE Sensors Journal, 18(19), 8017-8021, 2018. L.F. Bao, X.Y. Dong, S.Q. Zhang and P. Shum, “Magnetic field sensor based on magnetic fluid-infiltrated phase-shifted fiber Bragg grating,” IEEE Sensors Journal, 18(10), 4008-4012, 2018. R. Ma, R. Kong, Y. Xia, X. Li, X. Wen, Y. Pan, and X.Y. Dong, “Microfiber polarization modulation in response to protein induced self-assembly of functionalized magnetic nanoparticles,” Appl. Phys. Lett., 113(3), p. 093503, 2018. Y. Xin, M. Zhao, H. Gong, C. Shen, C. Zhao and X.Y. Dong*, “Alcohol-filled side-hole fiber based Mach-Zehnder interferometer for temperature measurement,” Optical Fiber Technology, 46, 72-76, 2018. R.D. Ma, X.P. Li, X.Y. Dong, and Y.J. Xia, “Wavelength scanning distance interferometry using inflection point retrieval for phase unwrapping,” Opt. Commun., 410, 292-296, 2018. Z.Y. Guo, J. Song, Y. Liu, Z. Liu, P. Shum, and X.Y. Dong*, “Randomly spaced chirped grating-based random fiber laser,” Applied Physics B, 124(3), 48-50, 2018. R.D. Ma, X.P. Li, X.Y. Dong, and Y.J. Xia, “Magnetic field modulating in-line fiber polarization modulator based on microfiber and magnetic fluid,” Appl. Phys. Lett., 111(9), p. 093503, 2017. K. Ni, C.C. Chan, L.H. Chen, X.Y. Dong, et al, “A chitosan-coated humidity sensor based on Mach-Zehnder interferometer with waist-enlarged fusion bitapers,” Optical Fiber Technology, 33, 56-59, 2017. Y.Z. Zheng, L.H. Chen, J.Y. Yang, R. Raghunandhan, X.Y. Dong, et al, “Fiber optic Fabry-Perot optofluidic sensor with a focused ion beam ablated microslot for fast refractive index and magnetic field measurement,” IEEE J. Select. Top. Quant. Electron., 23(2), p. 7811269, 2017. Y.Y. Liu, X.Y. Dong, M. Jiang, X. Yu, and P. Shum, “Multi-wavelength erbium-doped fiber laser based on random distributed feedback,” Applied Physics B, 122(9), 240-2, 2016. J. Yang, L. Chen, Y. Zheng, X.Y. Dong, et al, “Heavy metal ions probe with relative measurement of fiber Bragg grating,” Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 230, 353-358, 2016. Y. Zheng, L. Chen, X.Y. Dong, et al, “Miniature pH Optical Fiber Sensor Based on Fabry-Perot Interferometer,” IEEE J. Sel. Top. Quant. Electron., 22(2), p. 7317723, 2016. J. Yang, Y. Zheng, L.H. Chen, C.C. Chan, X.Y. Dong, et al, “Miniature temperature sensor with germania-core optical fiber,” Optics Express 23(14), 17687-17692, 2015. N. Zhang, X.Y. Dong, P. Shum, et al, “Magnetic field sensor based on magnetic-fluid-coated long-period fiber grating,” J. Opt., 17(6), p. 065402, Apr. 2015. J. Yang, X.Y. Dong, et al, "Intensity-modulated relative humidity sensing with polyvinyl alcohol coating and optical fiber gratings," Appl. Opt., 54, 2620-2624 (2015). P. Hu, X.Y. Dong, et al, "Photonic crystal fiber interferometric pH sensor based on polyvinyl alcohol/polyacrylic acid hydrogel coating," Appl. Opt., 54, 2647-2652 (2015). J. Yang, X.Y. Dong, et al, “Magnetic field sensing with reflectivity ratio measurement of fiber Bragg grating,” IEEE Sensors Journal, 15(3), 1372-1376, 2015. Y. Zheng, X.Y. Dong, et al, “Optical fiber magnetic field sensor based on magnetic fluid and microfiber mode interferometer,” Opt. Commun., 336, 5-8, 2015. L.L. Wang, X.Y. Dong, P. Shum, X. Liu, and H. Su, "Random laser with multiphase-shifted Bragg grating in Er/Yb-codoped fiber," J. Lightwave Technol., 33(1), 95-99, 2015. L.L. Wang, X.Y. Dong, P. Shum, H.B. Su, “Tunable erbium-doped fiber laser based on random distributed feedback,” IEEE Photonics Journal, 6(5), p. 1501705, 2014. L.L. Wang, X.Y. Dong, P. Shum, et al, “Erbium-doped fiber laser with distributed Rayleigh output mirror,” Laser Physics, 24, p. 115101, 2014. C.Q. Huang, X.Y. Dong, et al, “Multiwavelength Brillouin- erbium random fiber laser incorporating a chirped fiber Bragg grating,” IEEE J. Select. Top. Quant. Electron., 20(5), p. 0902405, 2014. Y.Z. Zheng, X.Y. Dong, et al, “Magnetic field sensor with optical fiber bitaper-based interferometer coated by magnetic fluid,” IEEE Sensors Journal, 14(9), 3148-3151, 2014. X. Wang, X.Y. Dong, et al, “Optical fiber anemometer using silver-coated fiber Bragg grating and bitaper,” Sensors and Actuators A-Physical, 214, 230–233, 2014. C.Q. Huang, X.Y. Dong, et al, “Cascaded random fiber laser based on hybrid Brillouin-erbium fiber gains” IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett., 26(13), 1287-1290, 2014. Q.Q. Meng, X.Y. Dong, et al, “Optical fiber laser salinity sensor based on multimode interference effect,” IEEE Sensors Journal, 14(6), 1813-1816, 2014. P. Hu, X.Y. Dong, et al, “Sensitivity-enhanced Michelson interferometric humidity sensor with waist-enlarged fiber bitaper,” Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 194, 180-184, 2014. J. Zheng, X.Y. Dong, et al, “Power-referenced refractometer with tilted fiber Bragg grating cascaded by chirped grating,” Opt. Commun., 312, 106-109, 2014. J. Zheng, X.Y. Dong, et al, “Intensity-modulated magnetic field sensor based on magnetic fluid and optical fiber gratings,” Appl. Phys. Lett., 103(18), p. 183511, 2013. J. Zheng, X.Y. Dong, et al, “Magnetic field sensor using tilted fiber gating interacting with magnetic fluid,” Optics Express, 21(15), 17863-17868, 2013. X. Wang, X.Y. Dong, et al, “Hot-wire anemometer based on silver-coated fiber Bragg grating assisted by no-core fiber,” IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett., 25(24), 2458-2430, Dec. 2013. Y. Xin, X.Y. Dong, et al, “Alcohol-filled side-hole fiber Sagnac interferometer for temperature measurement,” Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 193, 182-185, 2013. Tao Li, X.Y. Dong, et al, “Humidity sensor with a PVA-coated photonic crystal fiber interferometer,” IEEE Sensors Journal, 13 (6), 2214-2216, 2013. S.Q. Zhang, X.Y. Dong, et al, “Simultaneous measurement of relative humidity and temperature with PCF-MZI cascaded by fiber Bragg grating,” Opt. Commun., 303, 42-45, 2013. X.Y. Dong, et al, “Compact anemometer using silver-coated fiber Bragg grating,” IEEE Photonics Journal, 4(5), 1381-1386, 2012. X.Y. Dong, et al, “Temperature-independent bending sensor based on a superimposed fiber Bragg grating,” IEEE Sensors Journal, 11 (11), 3019-3022, 2011. X.Y. Dong, et al, “Polyvinyl alcohol-coated hybrid fiber grating for relative humidity sensing,” J. Biomedical Optics, 16(7), p.077001, 2011. X.Y. Dong, et al, “Intensity-modulated fiber Bragg grating sensor system based on radio-frequency signal measurement,” Optics Letters, 33(5), 482-484, 2008. X.Y. Dong, H.Y. Tam, and P. Shum, “Temperature-insensitive strain sensor with polarization- maintaining photonic crystal fiber based Sagnac interferometer,” Appl. Phys. Lett., 90(15), p. 151113, 2007. X.Y. Dong, et al, “Multiwavelength Raman fiber laser with a continuously-tunable spacing,” Optics Express, 14(8), 3288-3293, 2006. X.Y. Dong, et al, “FSR-tunable Fabry-Pérot filter with superimposed, chirped fiber Bragg gratings”, IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett., 18(1), 184-186, 2006. X.Y. Dong, et al, “Wavelength-selective all-fiber filter based on a single long-period fiber grating and a misaligned splicing point,” Opt. Commun., 258(2), 159-163, 2006. X.Y. Dong, et al, “Output power characteristics of tunable erbium-doped fiber ring lasers,” J. Lightwav. Technol., 23 (3), 1334-1341, 2005. X.Y. Dong, et al, “Tunable WDM filter with 0.8-nm channel spacing using a pair of long-period fiber gratings”, IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett., 17(4), 795-797, 2005. X.Y. Dong, et al, “Temperature-insensitive tilt sensor with strain-chirped fiber Bragg gratings”, IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett., 17(11), 2394-2396, 2005. X.Y. Dong, et al, “Concentration-induced nonuniform power in tunable erbium-doped fiber lasers”, Optics Letters, 29 (4), 358-360, 2004. X.Y. Dong, et al, “Tunable compensation of first-order PMD using a high-birefringence linearly chirped fiber Bragg grating,” IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett., 16 (3), 846-848, 2004. X.Y. Dong, et al, “Linear cavity erbium-doped fiber laser with over 100nm tuning range”, Optics Express, 11(14), 1689-1694, 2003. X.Y. Dong, et al, “Largely tunable CFBG-based dispersion compensator with fixed center wavelength”, Optics Express, 11(22), 2970-2974, 2003. X.Y. Dong, et al, “Effects of active fiber length on tunability of erbium-doped fiber ring lasers”, Optics Express, 11(26), 3622-3627, 2003.


Photonic Sensors、Journal of Sensors、Advances in Materials Science and Engineering(客座)、自动化与仪器仪表等学术期刊编委 国际计量技术联合会光电子学分会(IMEKO-TC2)理事; IEEE高级会员、IEEE Sensors and Systems Council成员; 美国光学学会(OSA)高级会员; 中国光学学会光电技术专委会常务委员; 中国光学工程学会专家工作委员会委员; 中国仪器仪表学会光机电技术与系统集成分会理事 中国仪器仪表学会设备结构健康监测与预警分会理事; International Conference on Optical Communications and Networks: Steering Committee成员
