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奖项荣誉 广东工业大学“青年百人计划”引进人才 高中 获得全国中学生物理竞赛福建省一等奖并保送清华大学 大学和研究生期间 获得汇丰银行奖学金,高田一等奖学金,学业优秀奖学金等荣誉 自我评价 善于逻辑思考,对物理,材料等自然科学有较深入研究 乐于学习和从事创造性工作 背景 2018.7.–至今 广东工业大学 机电学院 “青年百人计划”引进人才 2007.9.–2011.6. 物理竞赛保送 清华大学机械工程系 本科 GPA: 87.6/100 专业排名: 15/88 2011.9.–2017.9. 直博保送 清华大学材料学院 博士 GPA: 88.8/100 2016.5.–2017.4. 香港城市大学 助理研究员 Department of Mechanical and Biomedical Engineering 刘锦川(中科院外籍院士)课题组 技能水平 有限元模拟(ANSYS热、力耦合分析,流场仿真等) 数据分析处理(Matlab建模与计算) 工业设计与信息图像处理软件(Auto CAD, Solidworks, ProE, Origin, ChemDraw, Photoshop等等) 材料测试有关的实验技术与数据分析(SEM, DSC, XRD等) 主修课程 材料科学基础、材料加工、现代材料分析、材料力学、断裂及断口形貌学、合金热力学、传热学、凝固学 机械设计、有限元模拟、控制工程、制造工程、微机控制 固体物理、统计物理、金属物理、概率论、高等数值分析等 社会工作 清华大学机械系学生科协副主席(本科) 中联重科,三环集团生产实习经历 赴内蒙古参加支教(获清华大学优秀实践个人称号) 参与科研项目 国家自然科学基金National Natural Science Foundation of China: Grand No. 51571127: 2016-01-01~2019-12-31,高饱和磁感强度铁基非晶合金的性能特征与影响机制研究,95.8万,国家自然科学基金委 Grand No. 51572149:2016-01-01~2019-12-31,半哈斯勒型非晶热电薄膜结构、输运性质及热稳定性的基础研究,76.4万,国家自然科学基金委 Grand No. 51101090:2012-01-01~2014-12-31,Pd-Ni-P非晶合金的微观结构的高分辨电子显微分析研究,25万,国家自然科学基金委 清华大学自主科研计划Tsinghua University Initiative Scientific Research Program: Grand No. 20141081146:2015-03-01~2017-12-31,钼基耐氧化超高温结构材料研究,100万,教育部 北京高等学校青年英才计划项目Beijing Higher Education Young Elite Teacher Project: Grand No. YETP0121:2013-10-01~2015-12-31,北京市支持中央高校共建项目---青年英才计划, 15万,北京市教育委员会


微电子封装中纳米银、纳米铜互联材料的制备机理与性能研究 材料与微电子领域的结构与性能模拟仿真 Micro-LED巨量转移研究 非晶合金的性能与变形机理研究 非晶合金剪切带的模拟与力学研究 非晶与高熵合金的成分设计及开发


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

Yang G N, Li Z, Guo F M, Luo Y, Han Z D, Lu Z C, Wei J Q, Shao Y, Yao K F, Size-effect in Pd77.5Cu6Si16.5 metallic glass micro-wires: more scattered strength with decreasing diameter, Appl Phys Lett. 2017, 111:011905. (SCI, IDS number: AT5RQ, impact factor: 3.411, ISSN: 0003-6951, 中科院分区:2区) Luo Y,Yang G N*, Shao Y, Yao K F, The effect of void defects on the shear band nucleation of metallic glasses, Intermetallics, 2018, 94: 114-118. (SCI, IDS number: CH0WZ, impact factor: 3.140, ISSN: 0966-9795, 中科院分区:2区) Yang G N, Shao Y, Yao K F, The material-dependence of plasticity in metallic glasses: An origin from shear band thermology, Mater Des, 2016, 96:189–194. (SCI, IDS number: DF4CX, impact factor: 4.364, ISSN: 0264-1275, 中科院分区:2区) Yang G N, Sun B A, Chen S Q, Shao Y, Yao K F, The multiple shear bands and plasticity in metallic glasses: A possible origin from stress redistribution, J Alloys Compd, 2017, 695:3457-3466. (SCI, IDS number: EH5MV, impact factor: 3.133, ISSN: 0925-8388, 中科院分区:2区) Yang G N, Sun B A, Chen S Q, Gu J L, Shao Y, Wang H, Yao K F, Understanding the effects of Poisson’s ratio on the shear band behavior and plasticity of metallic glasses, J Mater Sci, 2017, 52:6789-6799. (SCI, IDS number: AM6HD, impact factor: 2.599, ISSN: 0022-2461, 中科院分区:2区) Yang G N, Gu J L, Chen S Q, Shao Y, Wang H, Yao K F, Serration Behavior of a Zr-Based Metallic Glass Under Different Constrained Loading Conditions, Metall Mater Trans A, 2016, 47:5395-5400. (SCI, IDS number: DY3VH, impact factor: 1.874, ISSN: 1073-5623, 中科院分区:2区) Yang G N, Shao Y, Yao K F, The shear band controlled deformation in metallic glass: a perspective from fracture, Sci Rep, 2016, 6:21852. (SCI, IDS number: DE3GT, impact factor: 4.259, ISSN: 2045-2322, 中科院分区:3区) Yang G N, Shao Y, Yao K F, A non-viscous-featured fractograph in metallic glasses, Philos Mag, 2016, 96:542-550. (SCI, IDS number: DG5EG, impact factor: 1.505, ISSN: 1478-6435, 中科院分区:3区) Yang G N, Chen S Q, Gu J L, Zhao S F, Li J F, Shao Y, Wang H, Yao K F, Serration behaviours in metallic glasses with different plasticity, Philos Mag, 2016, 96:2243–2255. (SCI, IDS number: DG5EG, impact factor: 1.505, ISSN: 1478-6435, 中科院分区:3区) Yang G N, Shao Y, Yao K F, Chen S Q, A study of cooling process in bulk metallic glasses fabrication, Aip Advances, 2015, 5:117111. (SCI, IDS number: CX9WB, impact factor: 1.568, ISSN: 2158-3226, 中科院分区:3区) Chen S Q,Yang G N, Luo S T, Yin S J, Jia J L, Li Z, Gao S H, Yao K F, Shao Y, Unexpected high performance of Fe-based nanocrystallized ribbons for azo dye decomposition, Journal of Materials Chemistry A. 2017 , 5 (27) (SCI, IDS number: EV7BU, impact factor: 8.867, ISSN: 0264-1275, 中科院分区:1区) Shao Y,Yang G N, Yao K F, Liu X, Direct experimental evidence of nano-voids formation and coalescence within shear bands, Appl Phys Lett, 2014, 105:181909. (SCI, IDS number: AT5RQ, impact factor: 3.411, ISSN: 0003-6951, 中科院分区:2区) Shao Y,Yang G N, Yao K F, Nanocrystalline Phase Formation inside Shear Bands of Pd-Cu-Si Metallic Glass, Adv Mater Sci Eng, 2014, 2014:490181. (SCI, IDS number: AH6VY, impact factor: 1.299, ISSN: 1687-8434, 中科院分区:2区) Zhao S F,Yang G N, Ding H Y, Yao K F, A quinary Ti-Zr-Hf-Be-Cu high entropy bulk metallic glass with a critical size of 12 mm, Intermetallics, 2015, 61:47-50. (SCI, IDS number: CH0WZ, impact factor: 3.140, ISSN: 0966-9795, 中科院分区:2区) Li J F, Wang X,Yang G N, Chen N, Liu X, Yao K F, Enhanced plasticity of a Fe-based bulk amorphous alloy by thin Ni coating, Mater Sci Eng A, 2015, 645:318-322. (SCI, IDS number: CR8DS, impact factor: 3.094, ISSN: 0921-5093, 中科院分区:2区) Ding H Y, Li Y,Yang G N, Yao K F, Qiu S B, The Effect of Purification on the Glass-Forming Ability of a Pd-Cu-Si Alloy, Metall Mater Trans A, 2012, 43A:2610-2614. (SCI, IDS number: 964YO, impact factor: 1.874, ISSN: 1073-5623, 中科院分区:2区) Han Z D, Chen N, Zhao S F, Fan L W,Yang G N, Shao Y, Yao K F, Effect of Ti additions on mechanical properties of NbMoTaW and VNbMoTaW refractory high entropy alloys, Intermetallics, 2017, 84:153-157. (SCI, IDS number: CH0WZ, impact factor: 3.140, ISSN: 0966-9795, 中科院分区:2区) Liu X, Chen N, Gu J L,Yang G N, Mussler G, Yao K F, Die imprinting of MGs: A One-step Approach for Large-area Metallic Photonic Crystals, Mater Des, 2015, 87: 1018-1021. (SCI, IDS number: DF4CX, impact factor: 4.364, ISSN: 0264-1275, 中科院分区:2区)
