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科研成果 长期从事高性能陶瓷3D打印、陶瓷材料涂层及切削刀具、陶瓷胶态成型技术、超浸润界面材料的制造技术等领域的研究并取得了优秀的学术成果。2020年广东省杰出青年基金获得者、入选2018年广州市珠江科技新星,分别主持3项国家自然科学基金(重大研究计划1项、面上项目1项、青年项目1项)及日本学术振兴会外国人博士后研究项目等4项国家级课题;分别主持广东省科技计划、广州市珠江新星计划、清华大学国家重点实验室开放基金等3项省部级课题。参与国家自然科学基金面上项目、国家863计划、广东省科技厅重大应用专项等10余项课题。在国内外学术期刊上共发表学术论文79篇(63篇SCI),其中包括以第一作者(第一通讯作者)在SCI期刊上发表42篇,JCR一区刊物上发表27篇,其中影响因子大于3的论文28篇,google学术引用超过900次,H因子14,发表单篇引用次数超过40次的论文6篇。发表在《陶瓷学报》上关于陶瓷3D打印的综述被日本科学技术厅(JST,相当于中国科技部)全文转载在其官网上(https://www.spc.jst.go.jp/hottopics/1711/r1711_wu01.html)。申请中国发明专利28项(其中14项已授权,14项进入实审阶段)、申请实用新型专利3项(授权1项,2项进入实审阶段),申请PCT专利12项(授权3项)及授权美国专利1项。 工作经历 l 2014.12- 广东工业大学 “青年百人A类”特聘副教授 l 2019.4-2019.9 新加坡国立大学访问学者 l 2015.12-2015.12 美国南加州大学短期访问学者 l 2013.07-2014.07 日本东北大学金属材料研究所(IMR)日本学术振兴会(JSPS)博士后研究员 教育背景 l 2008.09—2013.07 清华大学材料科学与工程系 博士,直接攻博 l 2012.08—2012.11 瑞典斯德哥尔摩大学 短期访学 l 2004.09—2008.06 湖南大学材料学院 学士


Ø 高性能陶瓷材料及其微纳部件的3D打印 Ø 高性能陶瓷切削刀具及其硬质涂层的制备 Ø 陶瓷胶态成型技术 Ø 超浸润界面材料的制备及界面化学


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

1. Haidong Wu, Wei Liu*†, Lifu Lin, Yanhui Li, Zhuo Tian, Guanlin Nie, Di An, Hezhen Li, Chengyong Wang, Zhipeng Xie, Shanghua Wu*, Sintering Kinetics involving Densification and Grain Growth of 3D printed Ce-ZrO2/Al2O3, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 239,122069 (2020) (JCR二区,IF: 2.781) 2. Wei Liu*, Anqiong Li, Haidong Wu, Rongxuan He, Jiawei Huang, Ying Long, Xin Deng, Qimin Wang, Chengyong Wang, Shanghua Wu*, “Effects of bias voltage on microstructure, mechanical properties, and wear mechanism of novel quaternary (Ti, Al, Zr)N coating on the surface of silicon nitride ceramic cutting tool,” Ceramics International, 42[15], 17693–17697 (2016). (JCR一区, IF: 3.450) 3. Di An†, Wei Liu*†, Zhipeng Xie*, Hezhen Li, Xudong Luo, Haidong Wu, Meipeng Huang, Jianwei Liang, Zhuo Tian, Rongxuan He, A strategy for defects heal in 3D printed ceramic compact via CIP: Sintering kinetic window and microstructure evolution, Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 102[5], 2263-71 (2019). (JCR一区, IF: 3.094) 4. Wei Liu*†, Haidong Wu†, Rongxuan He, Meipeng Huang, Jianwei Liang, Xin Deng, Di An, Hezhen Li, Zhipeng Xie, Shanghua Wu*, 3D printing of dense structural ceramic microcomponents with low cost: Tailoring the sintering kinetics and the microstructure evolution, Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 102[5], 2257-62 (2019). (JCR一区, IF: 3.094) 5. Haidong Wu†, Wei Liu†*, Rongxuan He, Ziwei Wu, Qiangguo Jiang, Xuan Song, Yong Chen,Lixia Cheng,Shanghua Wu, “Fabrication of dense zirconia-toughened alumina ceramics through a stereolithography-based additive manufacturing”, Ceramics International, 43[1], 968-972 (2017) (JCR一区, IF: 3.450) 6. Wei Liu, Zhipeng Xie, Xianfeng Yang, Yin Wu, Cui Jia, Tiezhu Bo, Linlin Wang, “Surface Modification Mechanism of Stearic Acid to Ceramic Powders Induced by Ball Milling for Water-Based Injection Molding,” Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 94[5], 1327-30 (2011). (JCR一区, IF: 3.094) 7. Wei Liu, Zhipeng Xie, Guanwei Liu, Xianfeng Yang, “Novel Preparation of Translucent Alumina Ceramics Induced by Doping Additives via Chemical Precipitation Method,” Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 94[10], 3211-3215(2011). (JCR一区, IF: 3.094) 8. Wei Liu*, Wenxin Tong, Rongxuan He, Haidong Wu, Shanghua Wu*, “Effect of the Y2O3 additive concentration on the properties of a silicon nitride ceramic substrate”, Ceramics International, 42[16], 18641–18647 (2016) (JCR一区, IF: 3.450) 9. Wei Liu, Zhipeng Xie, Tiezhu Bo, Xianfeng Yang, “Injection molding of surface modified powders with high solid loadings: A case for fabrication of translucent alumina ceramics,” Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 31[9], 1611-17 (2011). (JCR一区, IF: 4.029) 10. Wei Liu, Zhipeng Xie, Cui Jia, “Surface Modification of Ceramic Powders by Titanate Coupling Agent for Injection Molding Using Partially Water Soluble Binder System,” Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 32[5], 1001-06 (2012). (JCR一区, IF: 4.029) 11. Wei Liu*†,Haidong Wu†, Maopeng Zhou, Rongxuan He, Qiangguo Jiang, Ziwei Wu, Yanling Cheng, Xuan Song, Yong Chen, Shanghua Wu*, “Fabrication of fine-grained alumina ceramics by a novel process integrating stereolithography and liquid precursor infiltration processing,” Ceramics International, 42[15], 17736–17741 (2016) .(JCR一区, IF: 3.450) 12. Wei Liu, Xianfeng Yang, Zhipeng Xie, Cui Jia, Linlin Wang, “Novel Fabrication of Injection-moulded Ceramics Parts with Large Section via Partially Water-debinding Method”, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 32[10], 2187-2191(2012). (JCR一区, IF: 4.029) 13. Haidong Wu†, Wei Liu*† , Lifu Lin, Lian Li, Yanhui Li, Zhuo Tian, Zhe Zhao, Xuanrong Ji, Zhipeng Xie, Shanghua Wu*, Preparation of alumina-toughened zirconia via 3D printing and liquid precursor infiltration: manipulation of the microstructure, the mechanical properties and the low temperature aging behavior, Journal of the Materials Science, 54[10], 7447-59 (2019). (JCR一区, IF: 3.442) 14. Wei Liu*, Quanquan Chu, Rongxuan He, Meipeng Huang, Haidong Wu, Qiangguo Jiang, Jian Chen, Xin Deng, Shanghua Wu*, “Preparation and properties of TiAlN coatings on silicon nitride ceramic cutting tools,” Ceramics International, 44[2], 2209-2215 (2018) (JCR一区, IF: 3.450) 15. Ziwei Wu†, Wei Liu*†, Haidong Wu†, Rongji Huang, Rongxuan He, Qiangguo Jiang, Yan Chen, Xuanrong Ji, Zhuo Tian, Shanghua Wu*, “Research into the mechanical properties, sintering mechanism and microstructure evolution of Al2O3-ZrO2 composites fabricated by a stereolithography-based 3D printing method”, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 207, 1-10 (2018) (JCR二区, IF: 2.781). 16. Wei Liu*, Quanquan Chu, Junjie Zeng, Rongxuan He, Haidong Wu, Ziwei Wu, Shanghua Wu*, “PVD-CrAlN and TiAlN coated Si3N4 ceramic cutting tools-1. Microstructure, turning cutting performance and wear mechanism,” Ceramics International, 43[12], 8999-9004 (2017). (JCR一区, IF: 3.450) 17. Haidong Wu†, Wei Liu*†, Rongji Huang, Rongxuan He, Meipeng Huang, Di An, Hezhen Li, Qiangguo Jiang, Qiangguo Jiang, Zhuo Tian, Xuanrong Ji, Zhipeng Xie Shanghua Wu*,“Fabrication of high-performance Al2O3-ZrO2 composite by a novel approach that integrates stereolithography-based 3D printing and liquid precursor infiltration”, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 209, 31-37 (2018) (JCR二区, IF: 2.781). 18. Maopeng Zhou†, Wei Liu*†, Haidong Wu, Xuan Song, Yong Chen, Lixia Cheng, Fupo He, Shixi Chen, Shanghua Wu*, “Preparation of a defect-free alumina cutting tool via additive manufacuring based on stereolithography-Optimization of the drying and debinding process”, Ceramics International, 42[10], 11598-11602 (2016). (JCR一区, IF: 3.450). 19. Wei Liu, Tiezhu Bo, Zhipeng Xie, Yin Wu, Xianfeng Yang, “Fabrication of injection moulded translucent alumina ceramics via pressureless sintering,” Advances in Applied Ceramics, 110[4], 251-54 (2011). (JCR二区, IF: 1.429) 20. Wei Liu*, Quanquan Chu, Junjie Zeng, Rongxuan He, Haidong Wu, Ziwei Wu, Shanghua Wu*, “PVD-CrAlN and TiAlN coated Si3N4 ceramic cutting inserts-2. High speed face milling performance and wear mechanism study,” Ceramics International, 43[12], 9488-9492 (2017). (JCR一区, IF: 3.450) 21. Junjie Zeng, Wei Liu*, Ying Long, Anqiong Li, Shanghua Wu*, “TiN and TiSiN coated Al2O3/TiCN ceramic cutting tools and their cutting performance”, Journal of Inorganic Materials, 30[10],1089-1093 (2015) (JCR四区, IF: 0.635) 22. Rongxuan He†, Wei Liu*†, Ziwei Wu, Di An, Haidong Wu, Qiangguo Jiang, Yan Chen, Xuanrong Ji, Shanghua Wu*, Zhipeng Xie,“Fabrication of Complex-shaped Zirconia Ceramic Parts via a DLP-Stereolithography-based 3D printing method,” Ceramics International, 44[3],3412-3416 (2018) . (JCR一区, IF: 3.450)


l 广东省杰出青年基金(2020年) l 广州市珠江科技新星(2018年) l 日本学术振兴会(JSPS)fellow l 国家自然科学基金委通讯评议专家 l 广东省科技厅项目评审专家 l Journal of Advanced Ceramics期刊(中科院SCI二区)编委会成员 l 中国硅酸盐学会特种陶瓷分会理事 l 中国硅酸盐学会陶瓷分会理事会理事 l 中国机械工程学会工程陶瓷专业委员会理事 l 陶瓷3D打印产业联盟理事 l 《中国先进陶瓷产业大全2020》编委会委员
