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The Grey group studies the nature of solid state materials by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), X-ray and Neutron scattering, electron microscopy and computational calculations. The materials we investigate have applications in supercapacitors, fuel cells, and batteries. Our current research projects are described here and a full list of publications is available here. We currently have 41 group members including 22 PhD students and 19 Post-Doctoral researchers all listed here. The group is very dynamic and also very international with more than 10 nationalities represented.


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Ion counting in supercapacitor electrodes using NMR spectroscopy. JM Griffin, AC Forse, H Wang, NM Trease, PL Taberna, P Simon, CP Grey – Faraday Discuss (2014) doi: 10.1039/c4fd00138a Lattice simulation method to model diffusion and NMR spectra in porous materials C Merlet, AC Forse, JM Griffin, D Frenkel, CP Grey – The Journal of Chemical Physics (2014) 142, 094701 doi: 10.1063/1.4913368 β-NaMnO 2 : A High-Performance Cathode for Sodium-Ion Batteries J Billaud, RJ Clément, AR Armstrong, J Canales-Vázquez, P Rozier, CP Grey, PG Bruce – Journal of the American Chemical Society (2014) 136, 17243 doi: 10.1021/ja509704t Ab initio structure search and in situ 7Li NMR studies of discharge products in the Li-S battery system KA See, M Leskes, JM Griffin, S Britto, PD Matthews, A Emly, A Van der Ven, DS Wright, AJ Morris, CP Grey, R Seshadri – Journal of the American Chemical Society (2014) 136, 16368 doi: 10.1021/ja508982p IR Near-Field Spectroscopy and Imaging of Single LixFePO(4) Microcrystals IT Lucas, AS McLeod, JS Syzdek, DS Middlemiss, CP Grey, DN Basov, R Kostecki – Nano Lett (2015) 15, 1 doi: 10.1021/nl5010898 Identifying the structure of the intermediate, Li2/3CoPO4, formed during electrochemical cycling of LiCoPO4 FC Strobridge, RJ Clément, M Leskes, DS Middlemiss, OJ Borkiewicz, KM Wiaderek, KW Chapman, PJ Chupas, CP Grey – Chemistry of Materials (2014) 26, 6193 doi: 10.1021/cm502680w Topotactic elimination of water across a C-C ligand bond in a dense 3-D metal-organic framework HH Yeung, M Kosa, JM Griffin, CP Grey, DT Major, AK Cheetham – Chemical communications (Cambridge, England) (2014) 50, 13292 doi: 10.1039/C4CC06136E Relationships between Mn3+ Content, Structural Ordering, Phase Transformation, and Kinetic ProperDynamic Nuclear Polarization NMR of Low-gamma Nuclei: Structural Insights into Hydrated Yttrium-Doped BaZrO3 F Blanc, L Sperrin, D Lee, R Dervisoglu, Y Yamazaki, SM Haile, G De Paepe, CP Grey – The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters (2014) 5, 2431 doi: 10.1021/jz5007669 Comprehensive Study of the CuF2 Conversion Reaction Mechanism in a Lithium-ion Battery X Hua, R Robert, L-S Du, KM Wiaderek, M Leskes, KW Chapman, PJ Chupas, CP Grey – Journal of Physical Chemistry C (2014) 118, 15169 doi: 10.1021/jp503902z Characterising local environments in high energy density Li-ion battery cathodes: a combined NMR and first principles study of LiFexCo1-xPO4 FC Strobridge, DS Middlemiss, AJ Pell, M Leskes, RJ Clément, F Pourpoint, Z Lu, JV Hanna, G Pintacuda, L Emsley, A Samoson, CP Grey – Journal of Materials Chemistry A (2014) 2, 11948 doi: 10.1039/c4ta00934g Capturing metastable structures during high-rate cycling of LiFePO4 nanoparticle electrodes H Liu, FC Strobridge, OJ Borkiewicz, KM Wiaderek, KW Chapman, PJ Chupas, CP Grey – Science (2014) 344, 1252817 doi: 10.1126/science.1252817 Structures of Delithiated and Degraded LiFeBO 3 , and Their Distinct Changes upon Electrochemical Cycling SH Bo, KW Nam, OJ Borkiewicz, YY Hu, XQ Yang, PJ Chupas, KW Chapman, L Wu, L Zhang, F Wang, CP Grey, PG Khalifah – Inorg Chem (2014) 53, 6585 doi: 10.1021/ic500169g Three-dimensional characterization of electrodeposited lithium microstructures using synchrotron X-ray phase contrast imaging. DS Eastwood, PM Bayley, HJ Chang, OO Taiwo, J Vila-Comamala, DJ Brett, C Rau, PJ Withers, PR Shearing, CP Grey, PD Lee – Chemical communications (Cambridge, England) (2015) 51, 266 doi: 10.1039/c4cc03187c Thin-film and bulk investigations of LiCoBO₃ as a Li-ion battery cathode. SH Bo, GM Veith, MR Saccomanno, H Huang, PV Burmistrova, AC Malingowski, RL Sacci, KR Kittilstved, CP Grey, PG Khalifah – ACS Appl Mater Interfaces (2014) 6, 10840 doi: 10.1021/am500860a Visualizing skin effects in conductors with MRI: 7Li MRI experiments and calculations AJ Ilott, S Chandrashekar, A Klöckner, HJ Chang, NM Trease, CP Grey, L Greengard, A Jerschow – Journal of Magnetic Resonance (2014) 245, 143 doi: 10.1016/j.jmr.2014.06.013 Thermodynamically stable lithium silicides and germanides from density functional theory calculations AJ Morris, CP Grey, CJ Pickard – Physical Review B (2014) 90, ARTN 054111 doi: 10.1103/PhysRevB.90.054111 Revealing lithium-silicide phase transformations in nano-structured silicon-based lithium ion batteries via in situ NMR spectroscopy. K Ogata, E Salager, CJ Kerr, AE Fraser, C Ducati, AJ Morris, S Hofmann, CP Grey – Nature Communications (2014) 5, 3217 doi: 10.1038/ncomms4217 ties in LiNixMn2-xO4 Cathode Materials H Duncan, B Hai, M Leskes, CP Grey, G Chen – Chemistry of Materials (2014) 26, 5374 doi: 10.1021/cm502607v Architecture Dependence on the Dynamics of Nano-LiFePO4 Electrodes B Orvananos, R Malik, H-C Yu, A Abdellahi, CP Grey, G Ceder, K Thornton – Electrochimica Acta (2014) 137, 245 doi: 10.1016/j.electacta.2014.06.029 Analysis of Charged State Stability for Monoclinic LiMnBO3 Cathode JC Kim, X Li, CJ Moore, S-H Bo, PG Khalifah, CP Grey, G Ceder – Chemistry of Materials (2014) 26, 4200 doi: 10.1021/cm5014174
