1991年 昆明理工大学(原昆明工学院) 机械制造工艺与设备专业 获得学士学位;
1994年 大连理工大学 机械制造专业 获得硕士学位;
2001年 华南理工大学 机械制造及其自动化专业 获得博士学位;
2003年6月-2005年10月 华南理工大学材料科学与工程博士后流动站、广州市珠江实业集团有限公司博士后工作站 博士后。
[2] “基于直接驱动的高速高精度加工中心研制”(2006z2- D9071), 广州市科技攻关项目, 起止日期:2006.9~2008.12
[3] “电子产品密集微细孔超高速精密钻削电主轴关键基础技术研究”(50975051), 国家自然科学基金项目, 起止日期:2010.1-2012.12
[4] “薄壁管材数字仿真技术研究”,广东省江门市科技计划项目,起止日期:2009-2011
[5] “薄壁钢管高效电解线切割新技术与装备研制”,广东省江门市科技计划项目, 起止日期:2010-2012
[6] 横向项目:“大推力高速直线电机伺服控制技术的研究” ,起止日期: 2005-2006
[7] 横向项目:“直线电机直接驱动进给系统性能测试系统的开发” ,起止日期: 2005-2006
[8] 横向项目:“转速20万r/min超高速PCB钻孔永磁电主轴研制” ,起止日期:2010-2012
[9] 横向项目:“专用高效LED贴片机的研制”, 起止日期:2011-2012
[10] 横向项目:“包装自动化生产线研制”, 起止日期:2011-2012
高效金属管材复合电解线切割装置,发明专利号:ZL 201120243988.6,专利授权日期:2012.02.1
用于贴片机的轻型带式送料器,发明专利号:ZL 201120243987.1,专利授权日期:2012.2.1
[1] Finite element simulation on thermal properties of high-speed motorized spindle. Journal of Information and Computational Science, Vol. 1(2), 2004:269-274. (EI:05159039214)
[2] Investigation on the Dynamic Behavior of High-Velocity Feed System Directly Driven by a Linear Motor????? Proceedings of First International Conference on Innovative Computing, Information and Control, Beijing, Vol.1, 2006.8:665-668. (ISTP: BFB63, EI:082711346928)
[3] Investigation on the Key Technologies of Mechanical Expanding of Large Diameter LSAW Pipe. Materials Science Forum, Vol.575-578: 472-477, 2008.4. (EI:083011390881,ISTP:BHV63)
[4] Study of the Direct drive feed system with Fuzzy reasoning Self-adjusting Control. Proceedings of 2006 International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Security, 1-4244-0604-8, part 1: 117-120, 2006.11. (收录号:ISTP:BFP93, EI:080511069859)
[5] Research on the Motorized Spindle’s Thermal Properties Based on Thermo –mechanical Coupling Analysis.?????? Proceedings of International Technology & Innovation Conference 2006, ISBN 0-86341-696-9, 145,2006.11. (收录号:EI: 072610669361)
[6] Intelligent Control of the Linear Motor Direct Drive Feed System for CNC Machine Tools. 2008 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTATIONAL INTELLIGENCE AND SECURITY, vol.1 and 2:674-679 , Suzhou, China, 2008.12(EI Accession number 20090911923724, ?ISTP:BKH35)
[7] Design and static performance of high speed machining centre with “direct drive”. Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering in China,Vol.4(2):197-202, 2009.6
[8] Finite Element Analysis and Calculation of Load Capacity on Aerostatic Thrust bearing. Advanced Materials Research,Vol. 188 (2011) : 566-571, 2011.3. (EI Accession number: 20111913971707)
[9] Design and Strength Analysis of Ultra-High Speed Permanent Magnet DC Rotor. Advanced Materials Research,Vol. 188 (2011) pp 481-486???? , 2011.3. (EI Accession number: 20111913971692)
[10] Research of High Efficiency Combined Wire Electrochemical Machining Technology and its Application. Advanced Materials Research Vols. 314-316 (2011):1015-1019, 2011.8 (EI Accession number: 20113914367447)