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教育经历 2009.92016.6大连理工大学控制理论与工程博士 2005.92009.7大连理工大学自动化学士 2001.92005.7河南省实验中学 工作经历 2016.7至今大连理工大学控制工程学院高校教师


可穿戴计算 人体传感器网络 步态分析与识别 多传感器数据融合


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

李洁.Real-time Hand Gesture Tracking for Human-Computer Interface Based on Multi-Sensor Data Fusion[J],IEEE Sensors Journal,2022 李洁.Real-Time Human Motion Capture Based on Wearable Inertial Sensor Networks[J],IEEE Internet of Things Journal,2022 仇森.Sensor Combination Selection Strategy for Kayak Cycle Phase Segmentation Based on Body Sensor Net...[J],IEEE Internet of Things Journal,2022 仇森.Sensor network oriented human motion capture via wearable intelligent system[J],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS,2022 安毅.Simulation analysis on motion stability of smart wheelchair[A],Journal of Physics: Conference Series,2022,1873(1) 赵红宇.Smartphone-Based 3D Indoor Pedestrian Positioning through Multi-Modal Data Fusion[J],SENSORS,2022,19(20) 王哲龙.Stance-Phase Detection for ZUPT-Aided Foot-Mounted Pedestrian Navigation System[J],IEEE ASME TRANSACTIONS ON MECHATRONICS,2022,20(6):3170-3181 李杰.Study on the Attitude of Equestrian Sport Based on Body Sensor Network[A],2017 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SYSTEMS, MAN, AND CYBERNETICS (SMC),2022,2017-January:3653-3658 王哲龙.Swimming Motion Analysis and Posture Recognition Based on Wearable Inertial Sensors[A],2019 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SYSTEMS, MAN AND CYBERNETICS (SMC),2022,2019-October:3371-3376 Wang, Jiaxin.Swimming Stroke Phase Segmentation Based on Wearable Motion Capture Technique[J],IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT,2022,69(10):8526-8538 李洁.Multi-body sensor data fusion to evaluate the hippotherapy for motor ability improvement in child...[J],Information Fusion,2022,70:115-128 Jiang, Jiahao.Modulation recognition method of satellite communication based on CLDNN model[A],IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics,2022,2021-June 仇森.MEMS Inertial Sensors Based Gait Analysis for Rehabilitation Assessment via Multi-Sensor Fusion[J],Micromachines,2022,9(9) Liu, Long.Canoeing Motion Tracking and Analysis via Multi-Sensors Fusion[J],SENSORS,2022,20(7) 仇森.Body Sensor Network-Based Robust Gait Analysis: Toward Clinical and at Home Use[J],IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL,2022,19(19,SI):8393-8401 仇森.Body Sensor Network based Robust Gait Analysis: Toward Clinical and at Home Use[J],IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL,2022,1-9 仇森.Body Sensor Network-Based Gait Quality Assessment for Clinical Decision-Support via Multi-Senso...[J],IEEE Access,2022,7:59884-59894 王哲龙.A system off human vita signs monitoring and activity recognition based on body sensor network[J],Sensor Review,2022,34(1):42-50 Wang, Jiaxin.A selection framework of sensor combination feature subset for human motion phase segmentation[J],INFORMATION FUSION,2022,70:1-11 Wang, Yanhui.An improved six-position calibration method of accelerometer[A],Chinese Control Conference, CCC,2022,2021-July:3191-3196 王振.An improved particle filter for multi-feature tracking application[A],2012 IEEE International Conference on Imaging Systems and Techniques, IST 2012,2022,522-527 王哲龙.A multi-featured analysis for body sensor networks-based affective actions recognition[A],23rd IEEE International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design, CSCWD 2019,2022,345-349 王哲龙.A Multi-Featured Analysis for Body Sensor etworks-based Affective Actions Recognition[A],PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2019 IEEE 23RD INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTER SUPPORTED COOPERATIVE WORK IN DESIGN (CSCWD),2022,345-349 Liu, Long.Ambulatory Human Gait Phase Detection Using Wearable Inertial Sensors and Hidden Markov Model[J],SENSORS,2022,21(4) 仇森.Ambulatory estimation of 3D walking trajectory and knee joint angle using MARG Sensors[A],4th International Conference on Innovative Computing Technology (INTECH) / 3rd International Conference on Future Generation Communication Technologies (FGCT),2022,191-196 Yang, Ning.Affective actions recognition in dyadic interactions based on generative and discriminative mod...[J],Sensor Review,2022,40(5):605-615 赵红宇.Adaptive gait detection based on foot-mounted inertial sensors and multi-sensor fusion[J],Information Fusion,2022,52:157-166 王哲龙.Using Wearable Sensors to Capture Posture of the Human Lumbar Spine in Competitive Swimming[J],IEEE Transactions on Human Machine Systems,2022,49(2):194-205 仇森.Using Distributed Wearable Sensors to Measure and Evaluate Human Lower Limb Motions[J],IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT,2022,65(4):939-950 仇森.Using Distributed Wearable Inertial Sensors to Measure and Evaluate the Motions of Children with ...[A],14th EAI International Conference on Body Area Networks,2022,332-346 仇森.Using Body-Worn Sensors for Preliminary Rehabilitation Assessment in Stroke Victims With Gait I...[J],IEEE Access,2022,6:31249-31258 李杰.Using Body Sensor Network to Measure the Effect of Rehabilitation Therapy on Improvement of Low...[J],IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT,2022,69(11):9215-9227 仇森.Towards Wearable-Inertial-Sensor-Based Gait Posture Evaluation for Subjects with Unbalanced Gai...[J],SENSORS,2022,20(4) Wang, Jiaxin.Human Motion Phase Segmentation Based on Three New Features[A],20th IEEE International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design (CSCWD),2022,647-652 赵红宇.IMU-based gait analysis for rehabilitation assessment of patients with gait disorders[A],4th International Conference on Systems and Informatics, ICSAI 2017,2022,2018-January:622-626 赵红宇.IMU-based Gait Analysis for Rehabilitation Assessment of Patients with Gait Disorders[A],2017 4TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SYSTEMS AND INFORMATICS (ICSAI),2022,622-626 王哲龙.Inertial Sensor-Based Analysis of Equestrian Sports Between Beginner and Professional Riders Un...[J],IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT,2022,67(11):2692-2704 仇森.Inertial/magnetic sensors based pedestrian dead reckoning by means of multi-sensor fusion[J],Information Fusion,2022,39:108-119 仇森.Inertial/magnetic sensors based pedestrian dead reckoning by means of multi-sensor fusion[J],Information Fusion,2022,39:108-119 赵红宇.Heading Drift Reduction for Foot-Mounted Inertial Navigation System via Multi-Sensor Fusion and...[J],IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL,2022,19(19,SI):8514-8521 仇森.Heterogeneous data fusion for three-dimensional gait analysis using wearable MARG sensors[J],International Journal of Computational Science and Engineering,2022 仇森.Heterogeneous data fusion for three-dimensional gait analysis using wearable MARG sensors[A],2022,14(3):222-233 李启蒙.Group Walking Recognition Based on Smartphone Sensors[A],14th EAI International Conference on Body Area Networks,2022,91-102 仇森.GaitSense: A Potential Assistance for Physical Rehabilitation by Means of Wearable Sensors[A],2017 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTATIONAL SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING (CSE) AND IEEE/IFIP INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON EMBEDDED AND UBIQUITOUS COMPUTING (EUC), VOL 1,2022,1:116-121 仇森.Gait Analysis for Physical Rehabilitation via Body-Worn Sensors and Multi-information Fusion[A],The 12th International Conference on Body Area Networks,2022 赵红宇.Examination of gait disorders in hemiparesis patients using foot-mounted inertial sensors[J],Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering,2022,463:1967-1974 Zhao, H..Evaluation of Inertial Sensor Configurations for Wearable Gait Analysis[A],Studies in Computational Intelligence,2022,844:197-212 Gan, C. H..Effect of calcium-oxide on the removal of calcium during industrial directional solidification ...[J],JOURNAL OF CRYSTAL GROWTH,2022,426:202-207 Liu, Long.Driving Behavior Tracking and Recognition Based on Multisensors Data Fusion[J],IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL,2022,20(18):10811-10823 姜鸣.基于惯性测量器件的无线步态分析平台[J],大连理工大学学报,2022,5:518-524 孙彦玺.基于卷积长短时记忆网络的人体行为识别研究[J],计算机工程,2021 Lin, Fang.Intelligent Flame Detection Based on Principal Component Analysis and Support Vector Machine[A],2021,339-344 李杰.Using Body Sensor Network to Measure the Effect of Rehabilitation Therapy on Improvement of Low...[J],IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT,2021,69(11):9215-9227 Liu, Long.Driving Behavior Tracking and Recognition Based on Multisensors Data Fusion[J],IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL,2021,20(18):10811-10823 Yang, Ning.Affective actions recognition in dyadic interactions based on generative and discriminative mod...[J],SENSOR REVIEW,2021,40(5):605-615 Wang, Jiaxin.Swimming Stroke Phase Segmentation Based on Wearable Motion Capture Technique[J],IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT,2021,69(10):8526-8538 Qiu, Sen,Wang, Zhelong,Wang, Jiaxin,Wang, Qiong,Plettemeier, Dirk,Baerhold, Michael,Bauer, Tony,Ru, Bo,Wang, Huihui,Li, Jie,Zhao, Hongyu.Towards Wearable-Inertial-Sensor-Based Gait Posture Evaluation for Subjects with Unbalanced Gai...[J],SENSORS,2020,20(4) Wang, Huihui.Evolution of Microstructure at the Surface of 40CrNiMo7 Steel Treated by High-Current Pulsed El...[J],Coatings,2020,10(4) Zhao, Hongyu,Wang, Zhelong,Qiu, Sen,Wang, Jiaxin,Xu, Fang,Wang, Zhengyu,Shen, Yanming.Adaptive gait detection based on foot-mounted inertial sensors and multi-sensor fusion[J],INFORMATION FUSION,2019,52:157-166 Qiu, Sen,Li, Jinxiao,Li, Xiaoyang,Li, Jie,Liu, Ruichen,Wang, Zhelong,Zhao, Hongyu,Liang, Bing,Wang, Jiaxin,Yang, Ning,Shi, Xin.Using Distributed Wearable Inertial Sensors to Measure and Evaluate the Motions of Children with ...[A],2019,297 LNICST:332-346 Zhao, Hongyu,Cheng, Wanli,Yang, Ning,Qiu, Sen,Wang, Zhelong,Wang, Jianjun.Smartphone-Based 3D Indoor Pedestrian Positioning through Multi-Modal Data Fusion[J],SENSORS,2019,19(20) Zhao, Hongyu,Shen, Yanming,Zhang, Luyao,Tang, Kai,Fortino, Giancarlo,Wang, Zhelong,Qiu, Sen.Heading Drift Reduction for Foot-Mounted Inertial Navigation System via Multi-Sensor Fusion and...[J],IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL,2019,19(19,SI):8514-8521 Qiu, Sen,Wang, Zhelong,Zhao, Hongyu,Liu, Long,Li, Jinxiao,Jiang, Yongmei,Fortino, Giancarlo.Body Sensor Network-Based Robust Gait Analysis: Toward Clinical and at Home Use[J],IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL,2019,19(19,SI):8393-8401 Wang, Zhelong,Yang, Ning,Zhao, Hongyu,Shi, Xin,Qiu, Sen,Wang, Zhengyu.A multi-featured analysis for body sensor networks-based affective actions recognition[A],2019,345-349 赵红宇,王哲龙,仇森,申彦明,张路遥,唐开,Fortino, Giancarlo.Heading Drift Reduction for Foot-Mounted Inertial Navigation System via Multi-Sensor Fusion and D...[J],IEEE Sensors Journal,2019 Wang, Zhelong,Shi, Xin,Wang, Jiaxin,Gao, Fengshan,Li, Jie,Guo, Ming,Zhao, Hongyu,Qiu, Sen.Swimming Motion Analysis and Posture Recognition Based on Wearable Inertial Sensors[A],2019,2019-October:3371-3376 Choe, Namchol,Zhao, Hongyu,Qiu, Sen,So, Yongguk.A sensor-to-segment calibration method for motion capture system based on low cost MIMU[J],MEASUREMENT,2019,131:490-500 Qiu, Sen,Liu, Long,Wang, Zhelong,Li, Shengming,Zhao, Hongyu,Wang, Jiaxin,Li, Jinxiao,Tang, Kai.Body Sensor Network-Based Gait Quality Assessment for Clinical Decision-Support via Multi-Senso...[J],IEEE ACCESS,2019,7:59884-59894 Wang, Zhelong,Li, Jie,Wang, Jiaxin,Zhao, Hongyu,Qiu, Sen,Yang, Ning,Shi, Xin.Inertial Sensor-Based Analysis of Equestrian Sports Between Beginner and Professional Riders Un...[J],IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT,2018,67(11):2692-2704 Qiu, Sen,Liu, Long,Zhao, Hongyu,Wang, Zhelong,Jiang, Yongmei.MEMS Inertial Sensors Based Gait Analysis for Rehabilitation Assessment via Multi-Sensor Fusion[J],MICROMACHINES,2018,9(9) Sen Qiu,Long Liu,Hongyu Zhao,Zhelong Wang,Yongmei Jiang.MEMS Inertial Sensors Based Gait Analysis for Rehabilitation Assessment via Multi-Sensor Fusion[J],Micromachines,2018,9(9):442 Sen Qiu,Zhelong Wang,Hongyu Zhao,Long Liu,Yongmei Jiang,Jinxiao Li,Fortino.Body Sensor Network based Robust Gait Analysis: Toward Clinical and at Home Use[J],IEEE Sensors Journal,2018 Sen Qiu,Zhelong Wang,Hongyu Zhao,Long Liu,Yongmei Jiang.Using Body-Worn Sensors for Preliminary Rehabilitation Assessment in Stroke Victims with Gait Imp...[J],IEEE Access,2018,6:31249-31258 CHOE Namchol,赵红宇,仇森,SO Yongguk.低成本MEMS磁力计校正方法研究[J],大连理工大学学报,2018,58(1):105-110 仇森,王哲龙,赵红宇,刘龙,李金晓,姜永梅,Fortino, Giancarlo.Body Sensor Network based Robust Gait Analysis: Toward Clinical and at Home Use[J],IEEE Sensors Journal,2018,1-9 李金晓,王哲龙,石鑫,仇森,赵红宇.Quantitative Analysis of Abnormal and Normal Gait based on Inertial Sensors[A],2018,390-395 Li, Jinxiao,Wang, Zhelong,Shi, Xin,Qiu, Sen,Zhao, Hongyu,Guo, Ming.Quantitative Analysis of Abnormal and Normal Gait based on Inertial Sensors[A],2018,365-370 CHOE Namchol.低成本MEMS磁力计校正方法研究[J],大连理工大学学报,2018,58(1):105-110 Qiu, Sen,Wang, Zhelong,Zhao, Hongyu,Liu, Long,Jiang, Yongmei.Using Body-Worn Sensors for Preliminary Rehabilitation Assessment in Stroke Victims With Gait I...[J],IEEE ACCESS,2018,6:31249-31258 Qiu, Sen,Wang, Zhelong,Zhao, Hongyu,Qin, Kairong,Li, Zhenglin,Hu, Huosheng.Inertial/magnetic sensors based pedestrian dead reckoning by means of multi-sensor fusion[J],INFORMATION FUSION,2018,39:108-119
