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卢伟,博士,教授,博士生导师,主要研究领域包括粒计算、计算智能、知识发现和表示、模糊智能系统和低成本综合自动化系统。 近年来,主持国家科技重大专项子课题1项、重点研发计划课题1项和国家自然科学基金面上项目2项,企事业单位委托项目多项。 主讲本科生《计算机原理》课程,目前在《IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems》、《IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics》、《Information Science》、《Knowledge-based Systems》、《Applied Soft Computing》《International Journal of Approximate Reasoning 》、《International Journal of Intelligent Systems》、《Neurocomputing》和《Expert Systems with Applications》等重要学术期刊和国际会议上发表论文三十余篇,是多个国际重要期刊的审稿人。 教育经历 2008.3 -- 2015.10 大连理工大学 控制理论与控制工程 博士 2001.9 -- 2004.3 大连理工大学 控制理论与控制工程 硕士


[1] 计算智能 [2] 知识发现与表示 [3] 模糊智能系统 [4] 低成本综合自动化系统


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

Fu, Chen,Lu, Wei.Fuzzy Rule-Based Classification with Hypersphere Information Granules[A],2019,1000:258-269 Lai, Xiaochen,Wu, Xia,Zhang, Liyong,Lu, Wei,Zhong, Chongquan.Imputations of missing values using a tracking-removed autoencoder trained with incomplete data[J],NEUROCOMPUTING,2019,366:54-65 卢伟,仲崇权,于海晨,李卓涵,林恺,赵亮,张立勇.计算机原理课程的混合式教学及学习效果评价探索[J],计算机教育,2019,8:137-141 尹瑞,杨建华,卢伟.基于规律性变化背景的异常检测算法研究[J],控制工程,2019,26(8):1533-1538 Lu, Wei,Zhou, Wei,Shan, Dan,Zhang, Liyong,Yang, Jianhua,Liu, Xiaodong.The linguistic modeling of interval-valued time series: A perspective of granular computing[J],INFORMATION SCIENCES,2019,478:476-498 于天暝,杨建华,卢伟.Dynamic Background Subtraction Using Histograms Based on Fuzzy C-means Clustering and Fuzzy Nearn...[J],IEEE Access,2019,7:14671-14679 Yan, Xiyue,Yang, Jianhua,Lu, Wei.Design of Remote GPRS-based Gas Data Monitoring System[A],2018,108(4) 山丹,卢伟,杨建华.THE DATA-DRIVEN FUZZY COGNITIVE MAP MODEL AND ITS APPLICATION TO PREDICTION OF TIME SERIES[J],International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control,2018,14(5):1583-1602 Yu, Tianming,Yang, Jianhua,Lu, Wei.Background Modeling with Extracted Dynamic Pixels for Pumping Unit Surveillance[J],MATHEMATICAL PROBLEMS IN ENGINEERING,2018,2018 Zhang, Liyong,Zhong, Wanxie,Zhong, Chongquan,Lu, Wei,Liu, Xiaodong,Pedrycz, Witold.Fuzzy C-Means clustering based on dual expression between cluster prototypes and reconstructed ...[J],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPROXIMATE REASONING,2017,90:389-410 Li, Tianhao,Zhang, Liyong,Hou, Hui,Liu, Xiaodong,Pedrycz, Witold,Zhong, Chongquan,Lu, Wei.Interval kernel Fuzzy C-Means clustering of incomplete data[J],NEUROCOMPUTING,2017,237:316-331 Ding, Sa,Yang, Jianhua,Lu, Wei,Duan, Zhipeng.Research on Central Heating System Control Strategy Based on Genetic Algorithm[A],2017,1820 苗玉,杨建华,卢伟.基于灰色支持向量机的煤层气单井采气参数预测[J],计算机应用,2016,36(z2):108-111,138 Lu, Wei,Zhang, Liyong,Pedrycz, Witold,Yang, Jianhua,Liu, Xiaodong.The granular extension of Sugeno-type fuzzy models based on optimal allocation of information g...[J],APPLIED SOFT COMPUTING,2016,42:38-52 Zhang, Liyong,Lu, Wei,Liu, Xiaodong,Pedrycz, Witold,Zhong, Chongquan.Fuzzy C-Means clustering of incomplete data based on probabilistic information granules of miss...[J],KNOWLEDGE-BASED SYSTEMS,2016,99:51-70 Zhang, Liyong,Liu, Xiaodong,Lu, Wei,Liu, Xiaodong,Zhong, Chongquan,Pedrycz, Witold,Zhong, Chongquan,Wang, Lu.A Global Clustering Approach Using Hybrid Optimization for Incomplete Data Based on Interval Re...[J],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS,2016,31(4):297-313 Zhang, Shanqiu,Yang, Jianhua,Lu, Wei.Target Detection Algorithm Based on Region Segmentation in Moving Background[A],2016,56:26-30 卢伟,张立勇,杨建华,刘晓东.The granular extension of Sugeno-type fuzzy models based onoptimal allocation of information gran...[J],Applied Soft Computing,2016,42(-):38-52 Li, Hao,Yang, Jianhua,Lu, Wei.The Research on Image Binarization Based on Automated Line-heating[A],2016,60:1044-1049 Miao, Yu,Yang, Jianhua,Lu, Wei.The Research on Fault Diagnosis for Gas Recovery of Single Coal Bed Methane well Based on Impro...[A],2016,67:516-521 周笑阳,杨建华,卢伟.基于水树枝现象XLPE电缆在线监测系统的研究与设计[J],绝缘材料,2015,10:59-63 杨大勇,杨建华,卢伟.基于动态阈值的核密度估计前景检测算法[J],计算机应用,2015,35(7):2033-2038 Lu, Wei,Zhang, Liyong,Liu, Xiaodong,Yang, Jianhua,Pedrycz, Witold.A Human-Computer Cooperation Fuzzy c-Means Clustering with Interval-Valued Weights[J],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS,2015,30(2):81-98 Lu, Wei,Chen, Xueyan,Pedrycz, Witold,Liu, Xiaodong,Yang, Jianhua.Using interval information granules to improve forecasting in fuzzy time series[J],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPROXIMATE REASONING,2015,57:1-18 Yuan, Ning,Yang, Jianhua,Lu, Wei.The Design of Central Heating System Based on A New Kind of Heat Exchanger and The Study of Its...[A],2015,24:1150-1155 Meng, Ling-Shuang,Yang, Jian-Hua,Lu, Wei,Ding, Sa.The Algorithm Research on Coal-bed Methane Single-well Prediction and Fault Diagnosis based on ...[A],2015,308-314 Zhang, Liyong,Zhang, Li,Pedrycz, Witold,Lu, Wei,Liu, Xiaodong.An interval weighed fuzzy c-means clustering by genetically guided alternating optimization[J],EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS,2014,41(13):5960-5971 Qiao, Xinyu,Li, Zhenying,Lu, Wei,Liu, Xiaodong.Data-based Fuzzy Rules Extraction Method for Classification[A],2014,260-266 Lu, Wei,Pedrycz, Witold,Liu, Xiaodong,Yang, Jianhua,Li, Peng.The modeling of time series based on fuzzy information granules[J],EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS,2014,41(8):3799-3808 Lu, W.,Yang, J.,Liu, X..Numerical Prediction of Time Series Based on FCMs with Information Granules[J],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMPUTERS COMMUNICATIONS & CONTROL,2014,9(3):313-324 Lu W.,Yang J.,Liu X..The hybrids algorithm based on Fuzzy Cognitive Map for fuzzy time series prediction[J],Journal of Information and Computational Science,2014,11(2):357-366 卢伟,杨建华,刘晓东.The modeling and prediction of time series based on synergy of high order fuzzy cognitive maps an...[J],Knowledge-Based Systems,2014,70(1):242-255 Lu W.,Zhang L.,Yang J.,Liu X..The linguistic forecasting of time series using improved fuzzy cognitive map[J],International Journal of Computational Intelligence and Applications,2013,12(3) Su, Jin,Yang, Jian Hua,Lu, Wei,Wang, Yi,Lv, Ze Feng.Design of fault diagnosis system for coal-bed methane gathering process and research on the fau...[A],2013,231-236 Lu, Wei,Yang, Jianhua,Liu, Xiaodong.The Linguistic Forecasting of Time Series based on Fuzzy Cognitive Maps[A],2013,649-654 Zhang H.,Lu W.,Yang J.,Sheng S.,Guo H..Multi-model Switching Predictive Functional Control of Boiler Main Stream Temperature[J],Information Technology Journal,2013,12(3):391-396 杨建华,卢伟.Design of fault diagnosis system for coal-bed methane gathering process and reseach on the fault ...[A],2013,231-236 Yang J.,Kang M.,Lu W..Fault diagnoses expert system for gathering and transptation process of coalbed methane based on ...[A],2012,3254-3257 卢伟,杨建华,刘晓东.FCM Control Method Research and Application for the District Heating Network[J],Journal of Computational Information System,2012,23(8):9687-9697 Lu W.,Yang J.,Liu X..The PID controller based on the artificial neural network and the differential evolution algorith...[J],Journal of Computers (Finland),2012,7(10 SPL.ISS.):2368-2375 Lu W.,Yang J..The improved method of least squares support vector machine modeling and its application[A],2011,5395-5398 卢伟,杨建华,袁雪尧.基于GPRS的嵌入式数据采集与远传系统[J],微计算机信息,2011,27(1):12-13,55 卢伟,杨建华.Research in optimization method of technological parameters of CO2 refining system[A],2011,2463-2466 杨建华,卢伟.A Video Surveillance System Based on 3G NetWork[A],2011,1:322-325 卢伟,杨建华.基于GPRS的嵌入式数据采集及远传系统[J],微型计算机信息,2011,27(1):12-15 Lu W.,Yang J.,Li Y..Control method based on fuzzy cognitive map and its application on district heating network[A],2010,PART 1:295-299 张姁,吴明强,曹爱东,樊海荣,卢伟.雷达电路板自动测试诊断平台的研制[J],计算机测量与控制,2008,16(8):1136-1137,1168 杨建华,刘文琦,卢伟.油田注汽锅炉干度测量方法研究[A],2007,381-383 杨建华,刘文琦,卢伟.注汽锅炉蒸汽干度的模糊预测控制[A],2007,395-398 Yang, Jianhua,Lu, Wei,Liu, Wenqi,Teng, Linlin.Application of ANN PID controller in district heating system[A],2006,2:6714-+ 卢伟,杨建华,刘文琦.基于神经网络的PID控制器的应用研究[A],2004,521-524
