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1993.9 -- 1998.3 日本东京工业大学 微分几何 博士 1985.9 -- 1988.7 南开大学 微分几何 硕士 1981.9 -- 1985.7 吉林大学 数学 学士




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侯中华.双曲空间中的 Crofton 公式[J],大连理工大学学报,2009,1:152-156 邓俐伶.四维复欧氏空间单位球面中的一类浸入环面[J],大连民族学院学报,2010,12(1):40-43 富宇.ES5中的双调和超曲面[J],数学学报(中文版),2022 端木琳.Establishment of human thermoregulation model and simplified solution in non-uniform environment[A],1st International Conference on Building Energy and Environment (COBEE 2008),2022,625-631 Ji, FH.Helicoidal surfaces under the cubic screw motion in Minkowski 3-space[J],JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS AND APPLICATIONS,2022,318(2):634-647 侯中华.Helicoidal surfaces with H-2 = K in Minkowski 3-space[J],JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS AND APPLICATIONS,2022,325(1):101-113 侯中华.Geometry of tangent bundle with Cheeger-Gromoll type metric[J],JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS AND APPLICATIONS,2022,402(2):493-504 侯中华.Flat Affine Maximal Surfaces in R-4[J],Results in Mathematics,2022,55(3-4):389-400 侯中华.Hypersurfaces in a sphere with constant mean curvature[J],PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY,2022,125(4):1193-1196 侯中华.Linear Weingarten spacelike hypersurfaces in de Sitter space[J],BULLETIN OF THE BELGIAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY SIMON STEVIN,2022,17(5):769-780 杨铎.Linear Weingarten spacelike submanifolds in de Sitter space[J],Journal of Geometry,2022,103(1):177-190 侯中华.The total mean curvature of submanifolds in a Euclidean space[J],MICHIGAN MATHEMATICAL JOURNAL,2022,45(3):497-505 邓俐伶.一类具有常Khler角的四维复欧氏空间浸入环面[J],大连民族学院学报,2022,14(1):50-52 侯中华.井下水力活塞泵故障诊断的数学基础[J],大连理工大学学报,2022,34(4):376 邱望华.伪黎曼乘积空间中具有平行平均曲率向量的曲面[J],数学物理学报,2022,6:1027-1039 侯中华.关于三维Minkowski空间中直线汇的一些注记[J],数学研究与评论 英文版,2022,27(1):185-194 侯中华.关于离散参数曲线网上曲率的一种刻画[J],大连理工大学学报,2022,1:152-156 付莹.A characterization of affine spheres in R (4)[J],ACTA MATHEMATICA HUNGARICA,2022,131(1-2):160-173 侯中华.A Classification Theorem for Complete PMC Surfaces with Non-negative Gaussian Curvature in M-n(c) [J],TAIWANESE JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS,2022,20(1):205-226 侯中华.Affine locally symmetric surfaces in R^4[J],Communications in Mathematical Research,2022,26(3):269-279 Fu Y..Affine translation surfaces with constant gaussian curvature[J],Kyungpook Mathematical Journal,2022,50(2):337-343 侯中华.Affne Translation Surfaces with Constant Gaussian Curvature[J],Kyunpook Math. J.,2022,50(3):337-343 Ji, FH.A kind of helicoidal surfaces in 3-dimensional Minkowski space[J],JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS AND APPLICATIONS,2022,304(2):632-643 侯中华.A Kind of Rectilinear Congruences in the Minkowski 3-space[J],J. Math. Res. Exp.,2022,28(4):911-918 侯中华.A kind of Weingarten surfaces in E3 with prescribed principal curvatures[J],J. Math. Res. Exp.,2022,30(4):619-627 Muhammad Hanif.A new approach to find a generalized evolute and involute curve in 4-dimensional Minkowski space-tim[J],Palest. J. Math.,2022,8(1):397-411 Zhan, Xin.A Pinching Theorem for Compact Minimal Submanifolds in Warped Products I x f(Sm) (c)[J],MATHEMATICS,2022,8(9) 侯中华.CLASSIFICATION OF LORENTZIAN SURFACES WITH PARALLEL MEAN CURVATURE VECTOR IN E-2(4)[J],ACTA MATHEMATICA HUNGARICA,2022,128(1-2):59-81 侯中华.Classification of Lorentzian surfaces with parallel mean curvature vector in E42[J],Acta Math. Hungar.,2022,128(1-2):59-81 Fu, Yu.Classification of Lorentzian surfaces with parallel mean curvature vector in pseudo-Euclidean spac[J],JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS AND APPLICATIONS,2022,371(1):25-40 Fu, Yu.CLASSIFICATION OF PSEUDO-UMBILICAL SLANT SURFACES IN LORENTZIAN COMPLEX SPACE FORMS[J],TAIWANESE JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS,2022,15(5):1919-1938 侯中华.Construction of Minimal surfaces with Special Type Ends[J],J. Math. Res. Exp.,2022,30(6):997-1008 侯中华.Minimal surfaces in a unit sphere[J],J. Math. Res. Appl.,2022,32(3):346-354 孙雷.Normal Bundles of Surfaces in Riemannian Manifolds[J],Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics,2022,12(1):173-185 Hanif, Muhammad.On Involutes of Order k of a Null Cartan Curve in Minkowski Spaces[J],Filomat,2022,33(8):2295-2305 Ji, Fenghui.On lorentzian surfaces with H-2 = K in Minkowski 3-space[J],JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS AND APPLICATIONS,2022,334(1):54-58 侯中华.On the Tangent Bundle of a Hypersurface in a Riemannian Manifold[J],Chinese Annals of Mathematics Series B,2022,36(4):579-602 Hanif, Muhammad.On Special Kinds of Involute and Evolute Curves in 4-Dimensional Minkowski Space[J],Symmetry Basel,2022,10(8) 侯中华.Remarks on minimal surfaces in a 3-dimensional Randers space[J],JOURNAL OF GEOMETRY,2022,109(1) 侯中华.Slant Curves in the Unit Tangent Bundles of Surfaces(Article ID 821429)[J],ISRN Geometry,2022,1(1):1-5 侯中华.Submanifolds in SE(3) and their applications in envelope theory[J],MECHANISM AND MACHINE THEORY,2022,142 侯中华.Submanifolds of constant scalar curvature in a hyperbolic space form[J],TAIWANESE JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS,2022,3(1):55-72 侯中华.Submanifolds with Parallel Mean Curvature Vector Field in Product Spaces[J],Vietnam Journal of Mathematics,2022,43(4):705-723 詹鑫.A Pinching Theorem for Compact Minimal Submanifolds in Warped Products I x f(Sm) (c)[J],MATHEMATICS,2021,8(9) Zhan, Xin.A Pinching Theorem for Compact Minimal Submanifolds in Warped Products I x f(Sm) (c)[J],MATHEMATICS,2021,8(9) Hou, Zhong Hua,Shi, Wei,Hanif, Muhammad.Submanifolds in SE(3) and their applications in envelope theory[J],MECHANISM AND MACHINE THEORY,2019,142 Muhammad Hanif ,侯中华.A new approach to find a generalized evolute and involute curve in 4-dimensional Minkowski space-tim[J],Palest. J. Math.,2019,8(1):397-411 Hanif, Muhammad,Hou, Zhong Hua,Nisar, Kottakkaran Sooppy.On Special Kinds of Involute and Evolute Curves in 4-Dimensional Minkowski Space[J],SYMMETRY-BASEL,2018,10(8) Hou, Zhong-Hua,Liu, Yong-Nan.Minimal surfaces in some 4-dimensional general (alpha, beta)-spaces[J],JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS AND APPLICATIONS,2016,444(2):1027-1044 邱望华,侯中华.伪黎曼乘积空间中具有平行平均曲率向量的曲面[J],数学物理学报,2016,36(6):1027-1039 Hou, Zhong Hua,Qiu, Wang Hua.A Classification Theorem for Complete PMC Surfaces with Non-negative Gaussian Curvature in M-n(c) [J],TAIWANESE JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS,2016,20(1):205-226 Hou, Zhonghua,Sun, Lei.On the Tangent Bundle of a Hypersurface in a Riemannian Manifold[J],CHINESE ANNALS OF MATHEMATICS SERIES B,2015,36(4):579-602 Sun, Lei,Hou, Zhong-Hua.Normal Bundles of Surfaces in Riemannian Manifolds[J],MEDITERRANEAN JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS,2015,12(1):173-185 Hou Z.H.,Qiu W.-H..Submanifolds with Parallel Mean Curvature Vector Field in Product Spaces[J],Vietnam Journal of Mathematics,2015,43(4):705-723 侯中华.Slant Curves in the Unit Tangent Bundles of Surfaces(Article ID 821429)[J],ISRN Geometry,2014,1(1):1-5 Hou, Zhong Hua,Sun, Lei.Geometry of tangent bundle with Cheeger-Gromoll type metric[J],JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS AND APPLICATIONS,2013,402(2):493-504 邓俐伶,侯中华.一类具有常Khler角的四维复欧氏空间浸入环面[J],大连民族学院学报,2012,14(1):50-52 侯中华.Minimal surfaces in a unit sphere[J],J. Math. Res. Appl.,2012,32(3):346-354 Yang D.,Hou Z..Linear Weingarten spacelike submanifolds in de Sitter space[J],Journal of Geometry,2012,103(1):177-190 Fu, Yu,Hou, Zhong Hua.CLASSIFICATION OF PSEUDO-UMBILICAL SLANT SURFACES IN LORENTZIAN COMPLEX SPACE FORMS[J],TAIWANESE JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS,2011,15(5):1919-1938 Fu, Y.,Hou, Z. H..A characterization of affine spheres in R (4)[J],ACTA MATHEMATICA HUNGARICA,2011,131(1-2):160-173 Fu, Yu,Hou, Zhong-Hua.Classification of Lorentzian surfaces with parallel mean curvature vector in pseudo-Euclidean spac[J],JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS AND APPLICATIONS,2010,371(1):25-40 Hou, Z. H.,Yang, D..CLASSIFICATION OF LORENTZIAN SURFACES WITH PARALLEL MEAN CURVATURE VECTOR IN E-2(4)[J],ACTA MATHEMATICA HUNGARICA,2010,128(1-2):59-81 邓俐伶,侯中华.四维复欧氏空间单位球面中的一类浸入环面[J],大连民族学院学报,2010,12(1):40-43 Hou, Z. H.,Yang, D..Linear Weingarten spacelike hypersurfaces in de Sitter space[J],BULLETIN OF THE BELGIAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY-SIMON STEVIN,2010,17(5):769-780 Hou Z.H.,Yang D..Linear Weingarten spacelike hypersurfaces in de Sitter space[J],Bulletin of the Belgian Mathematical Society - Simon Stevin,2010,17(5 SUPPL.):769-780 Fu Y.,Hou Z.-H..Affine translation surfaces with constant gaussian curvature[J],Kyungpook Mathematical Journal,2010,50(2):337-343 侯中华.A kind of Weingarten surfaces in E3 with prescribed principal curvatures[J],J. Math. Res. Exp.,2010,30(4):619-627 侯中华.Classification of Lorentzian surfaces with parallel mean curvature vector in E42[J],Acta Math. Hungar.,2010,128(1-2):59-81 侯中华.Affne Translation Surfaces with Constant Gaussian Curvature[J],Kyunpook Math. J.,2010,50(3):337-343 侯中华,梁传广.Construction of Minimal surfaces with Special Type Ends[J],J. Math. Res. Exp.,2010,30(6):997-1008 侯中华,富宇.Affine locally symmetric surfaces in R^4[J],Communications in Mathematical Research,2010,26(3):269-279 Hou, Zhong-Hua,Fu, Yu.Flat Affine Maximal Surfaces in R-4[J],RESULTS IN MATHEMATICS,2009,55(3-4):389-400 侯中华,杨瑞克,梁传广.双曲空间中的 Crofton 公式[J],大连理工大学学报,2009,49(1):152-156 侯中华.A Kind of Rectilinear Congruences in the Minkowski 3-space[J],J. Math. Res. Exp.,2008,28(4):911-918 侯中华,孙丽萍.关于三维Minkowski空间中直线汇的一些注记[J],数学研究与评论,2007,27(1):185-194 侯中华,阎少宏.关于离散参数曲线网上曲率的一种刻画[J],大连理工大学学报,2007,47(1):152-156 Hou, ZH.Submanifolds of constant scalar curvature in a hyperbolic space form[J],TAIWANESE JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS,1999,3(1):55-72 侯中华,贺明峰,梁传广,赵立中.井下水力活塞泵故障诊断的数学基础[J],大连理工大学学报,1994,34(4):376
