2012 – 2016: 纽芬兰纪念大学,物理海洋学,博士.
2009 – 2012: 中国海洋大学,物理海洋学(极地方向),硕士.
2005 – 2009: 中国海洋大学,海洋科学,学士.
平面湍流中的多尺度过程:beta平面湍流中的罗斯贝波(Rossby Wave),纬向急流(zonal jets), 涡旋(coherent vortices),及其相互作用;利用理想数值模型模拟多尺度过程中的能量传递过程:比如小涡旋如何产生,如何将其能量传递给大尺度纬向急流、罗斯贝波等,惯性重力波在能量耗散中所起到的作用等;利用实验室水台实验,用以模拟平面多尺度过程。
Yakov Afanasyev, Y. Zhang: Cyclonic circulation of Saturn’s atmosphere due to tilted convection. Nature Geoscience, 2017.
Yang Zhang, Y. D. Afanasyev: Baroclinic turbulence on the polar-beta plane in the rotating tank: down to submesoscale. Ocean Modelling, 2016.
Ania M. Matulka, Y. Zhang, and Y. D. Afanasyev: Baroclinic and barotropic turbulence on the polar beta-plane studied with optical altimetry. Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics , 2015.
Yang Zhang and Y. D. Afanasyev: Rossby wave radiation by an eddy on a beta-plane: experiments with laboratory altimetry. Physics of Fluids 27, 076604, 2015.
Yang Zhang and Yakov Afanasyev: Beta-plane turbulence: experiments with altimetry. Physics of Fluids, 26, 2014.