Rangeland ecology, desert ecology, soil ecology
Soil ecology
Rangeland ecology
Landscape processes in rangelands
Land degradation
Soil conservation in developing countries
My research aims to understand how arid and semi-arid ecosystems function; specifically the relationships between plants, animals and soil processes. This work is necessarily multi-disciplinary, and covers the broad areas of rangeland ecology, ecosystem engineering (the effects of organisms on soil processes), soil biology, ecology of desert soil crusts, rangeland health assessment, woody weed encroachment and soil restoration. The focus of my research is on the semi-arid woodlands of eastern Australia, and I have long-term research interests in west-central Idaho and the Chihuahuan Desert in the western United States.
James, A.I., Eldridge, D.J. and Moseby, K. (in press). Foraging pits, litter and plant germination in an arid shrubland. Journal of Arid Environments (in press).
Eldridge, D.J. and Lunt, I.D. (in press). Resilience of soil seed banks to site degradation in intermittently-flooded riverine woodlands. Journal of Vegetation Science(in press)
Eldridge, D.J., Whitford, W.G. and Duval, B.D. (2009). Animal disturbances promote shrub maintenance in a desertified grassland Journal of Ecology (in press).
James, A.I., Eldridge, D.J. and Hill, B. (2009) Animal foraging pits as sinks for litter and nutrients in an Australian desert shrubland. Ecography (in press)
Eldridge, D.J. and Whitford, W.G. (2009). Soil disturbance by native animals along grazing gradients in an arid grassland. Journal of Arid Environments 73, 1144-1148.
Eldridge, D.J. and James, A.I. (2009). Soil-disturbance by native animals plays a critical role in maintaining healthy Australian landscapes. Ecological Management and Restoration 10, S27-S34.
Eldridge, D.J. and Whitford, W.G. (2009). Badger (Taxidea taxus) disturbances increase soil heterogeneity in a degraded shrub-steppe ecosystem. Journal of Arid Environments 73, 66-73.
O'Bryen, E., Prober, S.M., Lunt, I.D. and Eldridge, D.J. (2009). Frequent fire promotes diversity and cover of biological soil crusts in a derived temperate grassland. Oecologia159, 827-838.
Eldridge, D.J. (2009) Badger (Taxidea taxus) mounds affect soil hydrological properties in a degraded shrub-steppe. American Midland Naturalist 161, 350-358.
Eldridge, D.J. and Koen, T.B. (2008). Formation of nutrient-poor soil patches in a semi-arid woodland by the European rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus L.). Austral Ecology. 33, 88-98.
Eldridge, D.J. and Kwok, A.B.C. (2008). Soil disturbance by animals at varying spatial scales in a semi-arid Australian woodland. The Rangeland Journal 30, 327-337.
James, A.I., Eldridge, D.J., Koen, T.B. and Whitford, W.G. (2008). Landscape position moderates how ant nests affect hydrology and soil chemistry across a Chihuahuan Desert watershed. Landscape Ecology 23, 961-975.
Williams, W.J., Eldridge, D.J. and Alchin, B.M. (2008). Grazing and drought reduce cyanobacterial soil crusts in an Australian Acacia woodland. Journal of Arid Environments 72, 1062-1071.
Deines, L., Rosentreter, R., Eldridge, D.J. and Serpe, M.D. (2007). Germination and seedling establishment of two annual grasses on lichen-dominated biological soil crusts. Plant and Soil 295, 23-35.
Eldridge, D.J, and Mensinga, A. (2007). Foraging pits of the Short-Beaked Echidna (Tachyglossus aculeatus) as small-scale patches in a semi-arid Australian box woodland. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 39, 1055-1065.
James, A.I. and Eldridge, D.J. (2007). Reintroduction of fossorial native mammals and potential impacts on ecosystem processes in an Australian desert landscape.Biological Conservation 138, 351-359.
Lunt, I.D., Eldridge, D.J., Morgan, J.W. and Will, G.B. (2007). A framework to predict the effects of livestock grazing and grazing exclusion on conservation values in natural ecosystems in Australia. Australian Journal of Botany 55, 401-415.
Semple, W.S., Koen, T.B., Eldridge, D.J., Düttmer, K.M. and Parker, B. (2006). Variation in soil properties on two partially revegetated saline scalds. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture 46, 1279-1289.
Eldridge, D.J., Freudenberger, D. and Koen, T.B. 2006. Diversity and abundance of biological soil crust taxa in relation to fine and coarse-scale disturbances in a grassy eucalypt woodland in eastern Australia. Plant and Soil 281, 55-68.
Thompson, W.A., Eldridge, D.J. and Bonser, S.R. 2006. Structure of biological soil crust communities in Callitris glaucophylla woodlands of New South Wales, Australia.Journal of Vegetation Science 17, 271-280.