2001.09 ~ 2005.08 大连交通大学材料科学与工程专业学士
2005.09 ~ 2008.02 大连交通大学材料学专业硕士
2008.03 ~ 2012.10 东北大学材料加工工程专业博士
2012.12~2017.02 东北大学冶金工程博士后
2017.03~2019.12 东北大学轧制技术及连轧自动化国家重点实验室讲师
1. 热轧无缝钢管在线组织性能调控技术开发与工业应用
2. 高效连铸技术开发与应用
3. 热连轧板带钢新一代TMCP技术开发与应用
[1] Design of a low densityFe-Mn-Al-C steel with high strength-high ductility combination involving TRIP effect and dynamic carbonpartitioning. Materials Science and Engineering A, 2019, 742: 464-477.
[2] Improvement of strength and toughness for hot rolled low-carbon bainitic steel via grain refinement and crystallographic texture. Materials Letters, 2016, 175: 157-160.
[3] Effect of Processing Variables on Microstructure and Yield Ratio of High Strength Constructional Steels. Journal of Iron and Steel Research, International, 2016, 23(8): 815-821.
[4] Microstructural characteristics and impact fracture behavior of a high-strength low-alloy steel treated by intercritical heat treatment. Materials Science and Engineering A, 2012, 553: 96-104.
[5] Combinedthermo-mechanical controlled processing and dynamic carbon partitioning of low carbon Si/Al-Mn steels, MaterialsScience and Engineering A, 2018, 732: 298-310.
[6] Quenching above martensitestart temperature in quenching and partitioning (Q&P) steel through control of partial phase transformation,Materials Letters, 2019, 230: 36-39.
[7] Determination of retained austeniteusing CCE model accounting for isothermal transformation in a low density quenched and partitioned steel,Materials Letters, 2018, 239: 90-93.