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李长生 职 称: 教授 一、个人简历 受教育经历: 1982.9-1986.7,鞍山钢铁学院,金属压力加工专业,本科生,工学学士学位 1995.9-1998.3,东北大学,金属属性加工专业,硕士研究生,工学硕士学位 1998.3-2001.9,东北大学,材料加工工程专业,博士研究生,工学博士学位 研究工作经历: 1986.8-1987.7,抚顺钢厂薄板厂,助工 1987.8-1991.7,抚顺钢厂薄板厂,工程师 1991.8-1995.9,抚顺钢厂薄板厂,主任工程师,高级工程师 1998.10-2003.2,东北大学轧制技术及连轧自动化国家重点实验室,副教授 2003.3-2004.12,里斯本技术大学,博士后研究员 2005.1-2009.3,东北大学轧制技术及连轧自动化国家重点实验室,教授 2009.4-今,东北大学轧制技术及连轧自动化国家重点实验室,教授,博士生导师 辽宁省第四批百千万人才工程百人层次人选,2007B251,材料科学与工程 江苏省高层次创新创业人才引进计划引进人才,2012-0122,材料科学与工程 二、教学情况(本科生/研究生) 承担本科生材料成型力学双语示范教学课。 培养博士和硕士研究生。已经毕业博士生17人(独立指导12人、合作指导5人)、研究生 74人(含工程硕士)。 三、主要研究项目 (1)国家重点研发计划项目,2016YFB0300402,高性能工模具钢及应用,2016/12-2021/12,在研,子项目负责。 (2)高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金,20130042110040,高锰无磁钢热轧退火孪晶的形成机理,2014/01/12,已结题,主持。 (3) 国家自然科学基金面上项目,51274062,异步热轧高锰奥氏体无磁钢的退火孪晶形成机理,2013/01/12,已结题,主持。 (4)国家自然科学基金面上项目,51174057,难加工金属材料热辊温轧工艺基础,2012/01/12,已结题,主持。 (5)国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划),2012AA03A503,重大装备用轴承钢关键技术开发,2012/01/12,已结题,子项目负责。 (6) 国家自然科学基金重点项目,50534020,板材轧制过程中有限元高速在线算法基础,2006/01-2009/12,已结题,主持。 (7)高强汽车板冷连轧过程数学模型开发与应用,河钢唐钢,2016/12/7,已结题,主持。 (8)1000MPa级水电钢板的开发,南钢,2016,在研,主持。 (9)高强低磁不锈钢板的开发,中船重工725所,2019,已结题,主持。 (10)汽车板簧钢相变关键参数与淬火冷却行为研究,富奥辽宁汽车弹簧有限公司,2019,在研,主持。 四、代表性成果(专著/专利/获奖等) 发表学术论文261篇,出版专著1部,授权专利31项,科研获奖5项。 专著: 李长生、熊尚武、J Rodrigs、P Martins,金属塑性加工过程无网格数值模拟方法,东北大学出版社,2004年12月 专利情况: 1 李长生,梅瑞斌,刘相华. 一种预测热轧过程板带温度场的有限元方法. 专利号:ZL200710158981.2 2 刘刚,李长生,刘相华. 一种有限元求解轧制过程温度场的集中热容矩阵方法. 专利号:ZL200710158985.0 3 刘相华,李长生,梅瑞斌. 一种预测热轧过程轧制力的刚塑性有限元方法. 专利号:ZL200710158983.1 4 李长生,刘刚,赵忠,刘相华. 热轧过程在线计算板带温度的有限元方法. 专利号:ZL200710159275.X 5 梅瑞斌,李长生,刘相华. 板带热轧过程中S型变步长法预测瞬态温度场方法. 专利号:ZL200710158982.7 6 李长生. 一种模拟轧制过程轧辊和轧件摩擦磨损的实验设备. 专利号:ZL201110066204.1 7 李长生. 一种金属板带材的热辊温轧装置及方法. 专利号:ZL201110066204.1 8 李长生,李苗,蔡般. 一种热辊温轧金属薄带和极薄带的装置及方法. 专利号:CN201110349952.0 9 李长生,李涛,马彪. 一种屈服强度高于800MPa的矿井救生舱用热轧带钢及制备方法. 专利号:CN201210246998.4 10 李长生,马彪,李涛. 一种屈服强度高于600MPa的矿井救生舱用热轧带钢及制备方法. 专利号:CN201210247090.5 11 李长生,李苗,徐新芳,马彪. 一种低相对磁导率的热轧带钢及其制备方法. 专利号:CN201110329175.3 12 王浩,李长生,李苗. 一种提高取向硅钢磁导率的装置和方法. 专利号:CN201310248441.9 13 李长生,蔡般,李苗,王浩. 一种轧制过程轧机轧辊在线加热装置及方法. 专利号:CN201310123172.3 14 王浩,李长生,李苗,蔡般. 一种取向硅钢铁损值的测量装置和方法. 专利号:CN201310172363.9 15 李长生,岑一鸣,李振兴,霍刚. 一种马氏体铁素体双相钢连续退火工艺方法. 专利号:CN201410149100.0 16 李长生,陈礼清,宋艳磊,王治国,刘英伟,孙吉明. 一种发电机护环径向环形轧制方法. 专利号:ZL201410380357.7 17 李长生,陈礼清,马彪,王治国,刘英伟,孙吉明. 一种低相对磁导率的不锈钢热轧板及其制备方法. 专利号:ZL201410380123.2 18 李长生,郑建军,樊子铭,贺帅. 一种因瓦钢带的深冷轧制方法. 专利号:ZL201510955093.8 19 梅瑞斌,李长生,刘相华. 一种板带轧制过程表面换热系数的预测方法. 专利号:CN201410001649.5 20 李长生,李彬周,张建,李振兴,任津毅. 一种20CrNi2MoV钢表面和心部组织的调控方法. 专利号:ZL201510920977.X 21 李长生,李振兴,张建,李彬周,任津毅. 一种轴承钢的碳化物平均直径计算方法. 专利号:ZL201510889481.0. 22 李长生,蔡国君,王期文,王东歌. 一种提高Fe-6.5%Si钢板塑性的温轧工艺. 专利号:ZL201710464079.7 23 梅瑞斌,包立,张欣,蔡般,李长生. 一种镁合金带材热辊加热轧制装置及方法. 专利号:CN201610077523.5 24 李长生,王纪开,宋艳磊,任津毅,董竞博. 一种-196℃金属材料拉伸实验装置. 专利号:CN201721633101.8 25 李长生,宋艳磊,韩亚辉,李坤. 一种1000MPa级无磁不锈钢热轧板及制造方法. 专利号:ZL201710326026.9 26 李长生,沈继程,金鑫,王纪开. 不锈钢板带冷连轧过程表面微坑缺陷的控制方法. 专利号:ZL201610350532.7 27 李长生,陈洁,王期文,任津毅,陈礼清. 一种不大于48mm厚1000MPa水电用钢板的GB-Q&T生产方法. 专利号:ZL201810213662.5 28 李长生,李振兴,任津毅,李彬周. 一种GCr15轴承钢的制备方法. 专利号:ZL201711276433.X 29 李长生,李晓刚,周国平,刘天武,彭良贵,向永光,刘春雨,杨士弘,王煜,谷田,熊自柳,金鑫. 一种五机架冷连轧机组打滑现象的在线调整方法. 专利号:CN201811325589.7 30 李长生,王期文,涂兴洋,陈洁,陈礼清. 一种12Cr2Mo1热轧容器钢板的制备方法. 专利号:CN201810321667.X 31 李长生,郑建军,樊子铭,贺帅. 一种因瓦合金带材的细晶强化方法. 专利号:CN201710320260.0 科研获奖: (1)板带钢轧制过程的智能优化与数模调优,中华人民共和国国务院, , 国家科技进步二等奖,2001.1.3,排名第九(有证书)。 (2)刚塑性有限元可压塑法的若干理论问题,辽宁省科学技术奖励委员会, 科技进步二等奖,2001.12.30,排名第五(有证书)。 (3)刚塑性有限元理论与应用,国家冶金工业局科学技术进步奖评审委员会, 科技进步二等奖, 1999.12.30,排名第五(有证书)。 (4)高精度轧制技术研究,中国钢铁工业协会,科技进步二等奖,2002.7.30,排名第四(有证书)。 (5)高质量模铸高碳铬轴承钢碳化物均质化关键技术的开发与应用,冶金科学技术奖三等奖,2019.8,排名第二(校内排名第一,有证书)。




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1 Changsheng LI, Jinshan CHEN, Wenlong HAN, Youyuan LI, Bo FU. Thermal Scratch on Surface of SUS 430 Stainless Steel Strip in Cold Rolling Process[J]. Journal of Iron And Steel Research International, 2014, 21(3): 282-286. 2 Changsheng Li, Biao Ma, Tao Li, Tao Zhu. Microstructure and mechanical properties of 1000 Mpa ultra-high strength hot rolled plate steel for coal mine refuge chamber[J], Acta Metallurgica Sinica (English Letters), 2014, 27(3): 422-429. 3 Chang-sheng Li, Zhen-xing Li, Yi-ming Cen, Gang Huo. Microstructure and mechanical properties of dual phase strip steel in the overaging process of continuous annealing[J]. Materials Science and Engineering A, 2015, 627, 281-289. 4 Zhen-xing Li, Chang-sheng Li, Bin-zhou Li, Yong-qiang Ma, Tao Li. Effects of cooling process on microstructure and hardness for 1.0C-1.5Cr bearing steel[J]. Materials Science and Technology, 2015, 31(6): 722-729. 5 Guojun Cai, Changsheng Li. Effects of Ce on Inclusions, Microstructure, Mechanical Properties and Corrosion Behavior of AISI 202 Stainless Steel[J]. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2015, 24(10): 3989-4009. 6 Zhen-xing Li, Chang-sheng Li, Jian Zhang, Bing Qiao, Zhongzhi Li. Effects of annealing on carbides size and distribution and cold formability of 1.0C-1.5Cr bearing steel[J]. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 2015,46A(7): 3220-3221. 7 Biao Ma, Chang-sheng Li, Ya-hui Han, Ji-kai Wang. γ-α′ Martensitic transformation and magnetic property of cold rolled Fe–20Mn–4Al–0.3C steel[J]. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 2016, 419: 249-254. 8 Biao Ma, Chang-sheng Li, Jian-jun Zheng, Yan-lei Song, Ya-hui Han. Strain hardening behavior and deformation substructure of Fe–20/27Mn–4Al–0.3C non-magnetic steels[J], Materials and Design 2016, 92: 313-321. 9 Chang-sheng Li, Cheng-lin Yang, Guo-jun Cai, Qi-wen Wang. Ordered phases and microhardness of Fe-6.5%Si steel sheet after hot rolling and annealing[J]. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2016, 650(5): 84-92. 10 Zhen-xing Li, Chang-sheng Li, Jian Zhang, Bin-zhou Li, Xue-dong Pang. Microstructure of hot rolled 1.0C-1.5Cr bearing steel and subsequent spheroidization annealing[J]. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 2016, 47(7): 3607-3621. 11 Jian-jun Zheng, Chang-sheng Li, Shuai He, Ban.Cai, Yanlei Song. Microstructural and tensile behavior of Fe-36%Ni alloy after cryorolling and subsequent annealing[J]. Materials Science and Engineering A, 2016, 670: 275–279. 12 Biao Ma, Chang-sheng Li, Ji-kai Wang, Ban Cai, Feng-li Sui. Influence of asymmetric hot rolling on through-thickness microstructure gradient of Fe-20Mn-4Al-0.3C non-magnetic steel[J]. Materials Science and Engineering A, 2016, 671: 190-197. 13 Chang-sheng Li, Guo-jun Cai, Ban Cai, Qi-wen Wang. Impact of rolling temperature on microstructure, ordered phases, and ductility in Fe-6.5 wt% Si magnetic material[J]. Journal of Materials Research, 2016, 31(19): 3004–3015. 14 Chang-sheng Li, Hao Wang, Tao Zhu. Hard Magnetization Direction and Its Relation with Permeability of Conventional Grain-oriented Electrical Steel[J]. Rare Metal Materials and Engineering, 2016, 45(6): 1369-1373. 15 Guo-jun Cai, Chang-sheng Li, Ban Cai, Qi-wen Wang. Effects of warm rolling reduction on the microstructure, texture and magnetic properties of Fe-6.5wt% Si steel[J]. Journal of Materials Research. 2016, 31(12): 1773-1783. 16 Ma Biao, Li Chang-sheng, Song Yan-lei, Zheng Jian-jun. Effect of manganese content on hot deformation behavior of Fe-(20/27) Mn-4Al-0.3C non-magnetic steels[J]. Materials Science and Technology 2016, 32(9): 890-897. 17 Jian Zhang, Chang-sheng Li, Bin-zhou Li, Zhen-xing Li, Xue-dong Pang. Effect of Cooling Rate on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of 20CrNi2MoV Steel[J]. Acta Metallurgica Sinica (English letters), 2016, 29(4): 353-359. 18 Zhen-xing Li, Chang-sheng Li, Jin-yi Ren, Bin-zhou Li, Jian Zhang, Yong-qiang Ma. Effect of cold deformation on the microstructure and impact toughness during the austenitizing process of 1.0C-1.5Cr bearing steel[J]. Materials Science and Engineering A, 2016, 674: 262-269. 19 Zheng J J, Li C S, He S, Cai B, Song Y L. Deformation Behavior of Fe-36Ni Steel during Cryogenic (123–173 K) Rolling[J]. Journal of Iron and Steel Research, International, 2016, 23(5): 447-452. 20 Song Y L , Li C S , Ma B , Han Y H. Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Fe-18Mn-18Cr-0.5N Austenitic Nonmagnetic Stainless Steel in Asymmetric Hot Rolling[J]. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2017, 26(5): 2430-2438. 21 Chang-sheng Li, Biao Ma, Yan-lei Song, Jianjun Zheng, Jikai Wang. Grain refinement of non-magnetic austenitic steels during asymmetrical hot rolling process[J]. Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 2017, 33(12): 1572-1576. 22 Qi-wen Wang, Chang-sheng Li, Jie Chen, Xing-yang Tu. Effects of heat input on microstructure andmechanical properties of Fe–2Cr–Mo–0.12C steel[J]. Materials Science and Technology, 2017, 34(5): 538-546. 23 Zheng Jianjun, Li Changsheng, He Shuai, Ma Biao, Song Yanlei. Deformation twin and martensite in the Fe–36%Ni alloy during cryorolling[J]. Materials Science and Technology, 2017: 1-7. 24 Ma Biao, Li Changsheng, Song Yanlei, Wang Jikai, Sui Fengli. Deformation and recrystallization microtextures of an austenitic steel during asymmetrically hot rolling[J]. Journal of Materials Science, 2017, 52 (11): 1-15 25 Guo-jun Cai, Chang-sheng Li, Ban Cai, Qi-wen Wang. An investigation on the role of texture evolution and ordered phase transition in soft magnetic properties of Fe-6.5 wt%Si electrical steel[J]. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 2017, 430: 70-77. 26 Shuai He, Chang-sheng Li, Zhen-yi Huang, Jian-jun Zheng. A modified constitutive model based on Arrhenius-type equation topredict the flow behavior of Fe–36%Ni Invar alloy[J]. Journal of Materials Research, 2017, 32:1-11. 27 Changsheng Li, Biao Ma, Yanlei Song, Kun Li, Jingbo Dong. The Annealing Twins of Fe-20Mn-4Al-0.3C Austenitic Steels during Symmetric and Asymmetric Hot Rolling[J]. Metals, 2018, 8. 28 Guojun Cai, Changsheng Li, Dongge Wang, Yongkang Zhou. Texture evolution of annealed Fe-19Cr-2Mo-Nb-Ti ferritic stainless steel[J]. Procedia Manufacturing, 2018, 15: 1619-1625. 29 Song Yanlei, Li Changsheng, Li Binzhou, Han Yahui. Microstructure characterisation of Fe–21Cr–15Ni–Nb–V non-magnetic austenitic stainless steel during hot deformation[J]. Materials Science and Technology, 2018, 34(14): 1639-1648. 30 Changsheng Li, Jianjun Zheng, Shuai He, Ban Cai, Yanlei Song. Microstructure and Tensile Properties of the Fe-32%Ni-4%Co Alloy During Cryorolling and Subsequent Annealing[J]. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2018, 27: 6657-6664. 31 Li Binzhou, Li Changsheng, Li Zhenxing, Dong Jingbo. Microstructure and mechanical properties of Fe-Cr-2Ni-Mo-V steel in carburizing process[J]. Procedia Manufacturing, 2018, 15: 1612-1618. 32 Shuai He, Changsheng Li, Jinyi Ren, Yahui Han. Investigation on Alloying Element Distribution in Cr8Mo2SiV Cold‐Work Die Steel Ingot during Homogenization[J]. Steel research international, 2018, 89(10): 1800148. 33 Guojun Cai, Changsheng Li, Dongge Wang, Yongkang Zhou. Investigation of annealing temperature on microstructure and texture of Fe-19Cr-2Mo-Nb-Ti ferritic stainless steel[J]. Materials Characterization, 2018, 141: 169-176. 34 ZhenXing Li, Chang‑Sheng Li, Seong‑Hoon Kim, Dong‑Woo Suh. Influence of Initial Pearlite Morphology on the Microstructure Evolution During Heat Treatment of 1.0C–1.5Cr Steel[J]. Metals and Materials International, 2018. 35 Qi-wen Wang, Chang-sheng Li, Huan Peng, Jie Chen, Jian Zhang. Effect of Tempering Temperature on the Microstructure and Properties of Fe-2Cr-Mo-0.12C Pressure Vessel Steel[J]. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2018, 27(4): 1485-1493. 36 Chen Jie, Li Changsheng, Jin Xin, Chen Liqing, Fang Lei. Effect of quenching process on microstructures and mechanical properties of Fe-0.9Mn-0.5Cr-2.4Ni-0.5Mo-C steel[J]. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2018, 27(4): 1505−1513. 37 Changsheng Li, Guojun Cai, Dongge Wang, Yongkang Zhou. Effect of precipitates on mechanical properties for annealed Fe-19Cr-2Mo-Nb-Ti ferritic stainless steel[J]. Procedia Manufacturing, 2018, 15: 1604-1611. 38 Jian Zhang, Chang-Sheng Li, Bin-Zhou Li, Qi-wen Wang. Effect of Final Cooling Temperature on Microstructureand Mechanical Properties of a Cr-Ni-Mo-V Bainite Steel. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance[J]. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2018, 27(9): 4749−4759. 39 Shuai He Changsheng Li, Jianjun Zheng, Jinyi Ren, Yahui Han. Effect of deformation temperature on dynamic recrystallization and CSL grain boundary distribution of Fe-36%Ni Invar alloy[J]. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2018(1): 1-7. 40 Li Binzhou, Li Changsheng, Wang Yu, Jin Xin. Effect of Cryogenic Treatment on Microstructure and Wear Resistance of Carburized 20CrNi2MoV Steel[J]. Metals, 2018, 8(10): 808. 41 Li Zhenxing, Li Changsheng, Ren Jinyi, Li Binzhou, Dong-Woo Suh. Design of online spheroidization process for 1.0C-1.5Cr bearing steel and microstructure analysis[J]. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 2018, 49: 1782-1794. 42 Guojun Cai, Changsheng Li, Ban Cai, Qiwen Wang. An experimental investigation on B2 phase transfer and grainboundary character on mechanical properties of rapidly cooledFe-6.5wt% Si alloy[J]. Journal of Materials Research, 2018, 33(4): 507-515. 43 Yanlei Song, Changsheng Li, Binzhou Li, Yahui Han. Grain Character and Mechanical Properties of Fe-21Cr-15Ni-6Mn-Nb Non-magnetic Stainless Steel after Solution Treatment[J]. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2019, 742: 662-671. 44 Guojun Cai, Changsheng Li, Ban Cai, Qiwen Wang. Effect of rolling reduction on antiphase domains, grain boundary character distribution and plastic deformation of Fe-6.5 wt%Si alloy[J]. Materials Letters, 2019, 238: 249-253. 45 Shuai He, Changsheng Li, Yahui Han, Jinyi Ren. Evolution of the microstructure and hardness of Fe-8Cr-2.1Mo-Si-V die Steel at different cooling rates after Hot Deformation[J]. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2019, 28(8): 4522-4530. 46 Changsheng Li, Zhenxing Li, Jinyi Ren, Xingyang Tu, Binzhou Li. Microstructure and properties of 1.0C-1.5Cr bearing steel in processes of hot rolling, spheroidization, quenching, and tempering[J]. Steel Research International, 2019, 90(3): 1-10. 47 Jie Chen, Changsheng Li, Jinyi Ren, Xingyang Tu, Liqing Chen. Strength and toughness of Fe-1.2Mn-0.3Cr-1.4Ni-0.4Mo-C tempered steel plate in three cooling processes[J]. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2019, 754: 178-189. 48 Kun Li, Chang-Sheng Li, Yanlei Song, Binzhou Li, Jingbo Dong, Renfu Wang, Yuxiang Zhang. Evaluation of the microstructure and performance of Fe-21Cr-15Ni-6Mn-Nb nonmagnetic stainless steel welded joints[J]. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2019, 28(8): 5220-5232. 49 Yahui Han, Changsheng Li, Jinyi Ren, Chunlin Qiu, Yongqiang Zhang, Jiayou Wang. Dendrite segregation changes in high temperature homogenization process of As-cast H13 steel[J]. ISIJ International, 2019, 59(10): 1893-1900. 50 Binzhou Li, Changsheng Li, Xin Jin, Jian Zhang. Effect of M-A constituents formed in TMCP on toughness of 20CrNi2MoV steel[J]. Journal of Iron and Steel Research International, 2019, 26: 1340-1349.


宁省机械工程学会塑性工程分会秘书长, 中国金属学会轧钢分会塑性加工学术委员会委员 中国金属学会轧辊学术委员会委员
