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Coastal geomorphology, rip currents, beach hazards and safety

I am a coastal geomorphologist with interests in the morphodynamics (hydrodynamics, sediment transport, morphology) of coastal systems. My past research has involved fieldwork in surf zones of sandy beaches and coral reef-island beaches and reef flats. More recently my interests have shifted towards combining a physical understanding of nearshore coastal processes with a social science approach to improve our understanding of common beach and surf hazards, such as rip currents. I also run a successful community based beach safety education program called ‘The Science of the Surf (SOS)’ and have incorporated aspects of SOS into my active research. My research interests include: Coastal geomorphology and processes (beach and surf zone morphodynamics) Field-based coastal research Coastal hazards (rip currents, waves, storms and storm erosion) Beach and surf zone safety (hazard assessment, hazard and human interaction, development and assessment of public education interventions, effective communication strategies) Coupled human-environment systems (interactions between beach hazards and socio-demographic and behavioural systems, assessing understanding of the public of common beach hazards) Communicating and promoting science to the public


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McKay, C., Brander, R.. and Goff, J. (in press). Putting tourists in harms way – coastal tourist parks and hazardous unpatrolled beaches in New South Wales, Australia. Tourism Management. McCarroll, R.J., Brander, R., MacMahan, J.H., Turner, I.L., Reniers, A.J.H.M, Brown, J., Bradstreet, A. and Sherker, S. (in press). Evaluation of swimmer-based rip current escape strategies. Natural Hazards. Brander, R., Drozdzewski, D. and D. Dominey-Howes (under review). “Dye in the Water”: exploring a visual method of communicating the rip current hazard. Geojournal (submitted 12/3/13). Brander, R., Dominey-Howes, R., Champion, C., Del Vecchio, O. and Brighton, B. (2013). A new perspective on the Australian rip current hazard. Submitted to Natural Hazards and Earth System Science, 13:1687-1690. Hammerton, C.E., Brander, R., Dawe, N., Riddington, C. And Engel, R. (2013). Approaches for beach safety and education in Ghana: a case study for developing countries with a surf coast. Submitted to International Journal of Aquatic Research and Education(accepted May 30, 2013). Brander, R. (2013).Can a synthesis of geography save lives in the surf? Australian Geographer. 44(2): 123-127. Brighton, B., Sherker, S., Brander, R., Thompson, M. and Bradstreet, A. (2013). Rip current related drowning deaths and rescues in Australia 2004-2011. Natural Hazards and Earth System Science, 13: 1069-1075. McCarroll, R. J., Brander, R.W., MacMahan, J.H., Turner, I.L., Reniers, A.J.H.M., Brown, J.A. and Bradstreet, A. (2013). Assessing the effectiveness of rip current swimmer strategies, Shelly Beach, NSW, Australia. Journal of Coastal Research, SI 65: 784-789. Drozdzewski, D., Shaw, W., Dominey-Howes, D., Brander, R., Walton, T., Gero, A., Sherker, S., Goff, J. and Edwick, B. (2012). Surveying rip current survivors: preliminary insights into the experiences of being caught in rip currents. Natural Hazards and Earth Systems Science, 12: 1201-1211. Williamson, A., Hatfield, J., Sherker, S., Brander R. and Hayen A. (2012). A comparison of attitudes and knowledge of beach safety for Australian beachgoers, rural residents and international tourists. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 36(4):385-391. Hatfield, J., Williamson, A., Sherker, S., Brander, R., and Hayen, A. (2012). Development and evaluation of an intervention to reduce rip current related beach drowning. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 46:45-51. Brander, R.W., Bradstreet, A., Sherker, S. and MacMahan, J. (2011). The behavioural responses of swimmers caught in rip currents: new perspectives on mitigating the global rip current hazard. International Journal of Aquatic Research and Education, 5:476-482. MacMahan, J., Reniers, A., Brown, J., Brander, R., Thornton, E., Stanton, T., Brown, J. and Carey, W. (2011). An introduction to rip currents based on field measurements. Journal of Coastal Research, 27(4): 3-6. Sherker S, Williamson A, Hatfield J, Brander R, Hayen (2010). Beachgoers’ beliefs and behaviours in relation to beach flags and rip currents. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 42: 1785-1804. Kench, P.S., Parnell, K.E., and Brander, R.W. (2009). Monsoonally influenced circulation around coral reef islands and seasonal dynamics of reef island shorelines. Marine Geology, 266, 91-108. Fletemeyer, J., Leatherman, S. and Brander, R.W. (2009). Current danger: aquatic professionals need to rethink how they warn and guard against the leading cause of beach drowning. Aquatics International, 21, 6: 14-15. Kench, P.S., Brander, R.W., Parnell, K.E., and O’Callaghan, J.M. (2009). Seasonal variations in wave characteristics around a coral reef island, South Maalhosmadulu atoll, Maldives. Marine Geology, 262, 116-129. Kench, P.S., Nichol, S.L., Smithers, S.G., McLean, R.F., and Brander, R.W. (2008). Tsunami as agents of geomorphic change in mid-ocean reef islands. Geomorphology, 95:361-383. Sherker, S., Brander, R.W., Finch, C. and Hatfield, J. (2008). Why Australia needs an effective national campaign to reduce coastal drowning. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 11:81-83. Jago, O.K., Kench, P.S. and Brander, R.W.(2007). Field observations of wave-driven water level gradients across a coral reef platform. Journal of Geophysical Research, 112, C06027, doi:10.1029/2006JC003740
