1. Wu Wen, Li Yuehui*, Hu Yuanman, Chang Yu, Xiong Zaiping. Anthropogenic effect on forest landscape pattern and Cervidae habitats in northeastern China, Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2019, 29(7): 1098-1112 (SCI, IF=2.347)
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3. Wu Wen, Li Yuehui*, Hu Yuanman*. Simulation of potential habitat overlap between red deer (Cervus elaphus) and roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) in northeastern China,PeerJ, 2016, 4: e1756 (SCI, IF=2.177)
4. Wu Wen, Li Yuehui*, Hu Yuanman, Chang Yu, XiongZaiping, Chen Long, Gong Jiping. Plants diversity and vegetation structure in the understory of mixed boreal forests under different management regimes in Northeastern China, Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 2016, (04): 1749-1757 (SCI, IF=0.793)
5. Xiaolu Yan, Miao Liu, Jingqiu Zhong*, Jinting Guo, Wen Wu. How Human activities affect heavy metal contamination of soil and sediment in a long-term reclaimed area of the Liaohe river delta, North China, Sustainability, 2018, (10): 338
6. Xiaolu Yan, Yuanman Hu*, Yu Chang, Yuehui Li, Miao Liu, Jingqiu Zhong, Danhua Zhang, Wen Wu. Effects of land reclamation on distribution of soil properties and heavy metal concentrations, and the associated environmental pollution assessment, Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 2017, (04): 1809-1823
7. Jiping Gong, Yuanman Hu*, Miao Liu, Rencang Bu, Yu Chang, Muhammad Bilal, Chunlin Li, Wen Wu, Baihui Ren. Land use regression models using satellite aerosol optical depth observations and 3D building data from the central cities of Liaoning Province, China, Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 2016, (03): 1015-1026
8. Jiping Gong, Yuanman Hu*, Miao Liu, Rencang Bu, Yu Chang, Chunlin Li, Wen Wu. Characterization of Atmospheric Pollution Index and its affecting factors in Industrial Urban Areas in Northeast China. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies. 2015, 24(4), 1579-1592
9. Li Yuehui*, Wu Wen, XiongZaiping, Hu Yuanman, Chang Yu, Xiao Duning. Effects of forest roads on habitat pattern for sables in Da Hinggan Mountains, Northeasten China, Chinese Geographical Science, 2014, (02): 1-12
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