1997.09-2001.06 辽宁师范大学生物学教育专业,理学学士
2001.09-2004.06 四川农业大学生物化学与分子生物学专业,理学硕士
2007.03-2017.04 东北大学分析化学专业,理学博士
1. 土壤微生物多样性
2. 植物-土壤-微生物互动关系
1. Zhang, Y., Cao, C.Y., Peng, M., Xu, X.J., Zhang, P., Yu, Q.J., Sun, T., 2014. Diversity of nitrogen-fixing, ammonia-oxidizing, and denitrifying bacteria in biological soil crusts of a revegetation area in Horqin Sandy Land, Northeast China. Ecological Engineering, 71: 71–79.
2. Zhang, Y., Cao, C.Y., Cui, Z.B., Qian, W., Liang, C.P., Wang, C.M, 2019. Soil bacterial community restoration along a chronosequence of sand-fixing plantations on moving sand dunes in the Horqin sandy land in northeast China. Journal of Arid Environments, 165: 81-87.
3. Zhang, Y., Cui, Z.B., Wang, T.T., Cao, C.Y., 2021. Expansion of native plant Stellera chamaejasme L. alters the structure of soil diazotrophic community in a salinized meadow grassland, Northeast China. Agronomy, 11(10): 2085.