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郭春义,男,1984年3月生。 2007年、2012年在华北电力大学电力系统及其自动化专业获得学士、博士学位。2016年被聘为副教授,2019年被聘为博士生导师。IEEE Senior Member(2018-)。2015年-2016年加拿大多伦多大学博士后。 主要从事直流输电系统的稳定与控制的研究工作,建立了直流输电系统的动态相量模型,构建了多直流系统的协同运行方法,揭示了直流输电系统的耦合振荡机理;近期重点研究多类型换流器、交直流系统、不同控制回路的相互作用机制。先后负责国家自然科学基金2项、教育部博士点基金项目1项、以及多项横向课题。出版中文专著2部,发表SCI和EI收录论文90余篇。 教学课程 电力系统自动化,2016年起,40学时,100-120人 电工技术基础,2012-2019年,64学时,60~110人


直流输电系统的稳定与控制(Stabilityand Control of HVDC System)

主要科研项目情况 [1]国家自然科学基金面上项目,混合多馈入直流输电系统的宽频带耦合振荡模式和故障演化传播机理(51877077),2019年1月-2022年12月,56万 [2]国家自然科学青年基金项目,兼具换相失败抑制和直流故障穿越能力的新型混合直流输电系统(51507060),2016年1月-2018年12月,20万 [3]高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金新教师类资助课题,新型混合多馈入直流输电系统的运行机理研究(20130036120006),2014年1月-2016年12月,4万 [4]国家电网公司直流部科技项目,张北直流电网小干扰动态稳定性研究,2017年12月-2018年6月,68.6万 [5]国家电网公司总部科技项目,±800kV特高压柔性直流输电换流阀和控制保护关键技术研究,2018年1月-2019年12月,80万


查看导师最新文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

[1]赵成勇,郭春义,刘文静. 混合直流输电,科学出版社,2014年6月 [1]郭春义,王烨,赵成勇.直流输电系统的小信号稳定性,科学出版社,2019年9月 主要的SCI收录论文如下 [1]C. Guo, J. Yang, C. Zhao. Investigation of Small-Signal Dynamics of Modular Multilevel Converter Under Unbalanced Grid Conditions. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics,2019,66(3):2269-2279. [2]Chunyi Guo, Zhizhong Yang, Bisong Jiang, Chengyong Zhao. An Evolved Capacitor-Commutated Converter Embedded With Antiparallel Thyristors Based Dual-Directional Full-Bridge Module. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 2018, 33(2), 928-937. [3]Xiaojun Ni, Ani. Gole, Chengyong Zhao, Chunyi Guo. An Improved Measure of ac System Strength for Performance Analysis of Multi-infeed HVdc Systems Including VSC and LCC Converters [J]. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 33(1):169-178, 2018. [4]Chunyi Guo, Wei Liu, Chengyong Zhao, Reza Iravani. A Frequency-based Synchronization Approach for the VSC-HVDC Station Connected to a Weak AC Grid. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 2017, 32(3), 1460-1470. [5]Guo Chunyi, Liu Yuchao, Zhao Chengyong, etal. Power Component Fault Detection Method and Improved Current Order Limiter Control for Commutation Failure Mitigation in HVDC[J].IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery,2015,30(3):1585-1593. [6]Guo, C., Rehman, A.U., Zhao, C.: 'A quantitative index to evaluate the impact of reactive power compensators on AC system's strength of UHVDC transmission under hierarchical infeed mode', IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution. November 2019. [7]Chunyi Guo, Chengyong Zhao, Reza Iravani, Hui Ding, Xiaolin Wang. Impact of Phase-locked Loop on Small-Signal Dynamics of the LCC-HVDC Station. IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, 2017, 11(5), 1311-1318. [8]C. Guo, W. Liu, J. Zhao, C. Zhao. Impact of control system on small-signal stability of hybrid multi-infeed HVDC system. IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, 2018,12(19):4233-4239. [9]Chunyi Guo, Chunhua Li, Chengyong Zhao, Xiaojun Ni, Kunpeng Zha, Weihua Xu. An Evolutional Line Commutated Converter Integrated with Thyristor Based Full-Bridge Module to Mitigate the Commutation Failure. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 2017, 32(2): 967-976. [10]Chunyi Guo*, Yi Zhang, A.M. Gole, and Chengyong Zhao. Analysis of Dual-Infeed HVDC with LCC-HVDC and VSC-HVDC. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 27(3), pp:1529 - 1537, 2012. [11]Chunyi, G*. and Z. Chengyong. Supply of an Entirely Passive AC Network Through a Double-Infeed HVDC System, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 25(11), pp: 2835-2841,2010. [12]Ye Wang, Chunyi Guo and Chengyong Zhao. A Novel Supplementary Frequency-based Dual Damping Control for VSC-HVDC System under Weak AC Grid[J]. International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, 2018, 103:212-223. [13]Ye Wang, Chengyong Zhao and Chunyi Guo. Comparison Study of Small-Signal Stability of MMC-HVDC System in Different Control Modes. International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, 2019(111): 425-435. [14]Guo C Y,Zheng A R,Yin Z R,et al. Small-signal stability of hybrid multi-terminal HVDC system. International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems,2019,109:434-443. [15]Chunyi Guo, Wen Jiang, Chengyong Zhao, Small-signal instability and supplementary coordinated damping-control of LCC-HVDC system with STATCOM under weak AC grid conditions, International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, 2019,104:246-254. [16]Chunyi Guo, Wei Liu, Chengyong Zhao, Xiaojun Ni. Small-Signal Dynamics and Control Parameters Optimization of Hybrid MultiInfeed HVDC System[J]. International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, 2018, 98:409-418. [17]Chunyi Guo , Zihan Yin, Chengyong Zhao and Reza Iravani. Small-Signal Dynamics of Hybrid LCC-VSC HVDC Systems. International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, 2018,98: 362-372. [18]Anran Zheng, Chunyi Guo, Peng Cui, Wen Jiang and Chengyong Zhao, Comparative Study on Small-Signal Stability of LCC-HVDC System With Different Control Strategies at the Inverter Station[J]. IEEE Access, vol. 7, pp. 34946-34953, 2019. [19]Chunyi Guo, Zhizhong Yang, Linru Ning, Chengyong Zhao. A Novel Coordinated Control Approach for Commutation Failure Mitigation in Hybrid Parallel -HVDC System with MMC-HVDC and LCC-HVDC. Electric Power Components and Systems, 2018, 45(16):1-10. [20]Chengyong Zhao, Ye Wang, Maolan Peng, Zhipeng He, Chunyi Guo. A Grouping Strategy Based on Prime Factorization for Capacitor Voltage Balancing of the Modular Multilevel Converter[J]. Electric Power Components & Systems, 2018,46 (5): 570-580. [21]Atiq Ur Rehman, Chunyi Guo, Chengyong Zhao and Wen Jiang. Comparative Performance Study of Dynamic Reactive Power Compensators on Operating Characteristics of LCC based UHVDC System under Hierarchical Connection Mode. Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology, 2019,14(2):535-547. [22]Atiq Ur Rehman, Chunyi Guo, Chengyong Zhao. Coordinated Control for Operating Characteristics Improvement of UHVDC Transmission Systems under Hierarchical Connection Scheme with STATCOM, ENERGIES, 2019,12(5):945. [23]Jiangbo Sha, Chunyi Guo, Atiq Ur Rehman, and Chengyong Zhao. A Quantitative Index to Evaluate the Commutation Failure Probability of LCC-HVDC with Synchronous Condenser[J]. APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL, 2019,09(05):925. [24]A. Aamir, L. Qiao, C. Guo, A. U. Rehman and Z. Yang, Impact of synchronous condenser on the dynamic behavior of LCC-based UHVDC system hierarchically connected to AC system, CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems, 2019,5(2):190-198. [25]Xiaojun Ni, Chengyong Zhao, Chunyi Guo, Hang Liu, Yuchao Liu. Enhanced line commutated converter with embedded fully controlled sub-modules to mitigate commutation failures in high voltage direct current systems. IET Power Electronics. 9(2), pp:198-206, 2016. [26]GUO Chunyi, ZHAO Chengyong, PENG Maolan, LIU Wei. Investigation of a Hybrid HVDC System with DC Fault Ride-Through and Commutation Failure Mitigation Capability. Journal of Power Electronics, 15(5), pp:1367-1379 , 2015. [27]Shuo Yang, Chunyi Guo, Bo Liu, Xin Lin, Chengyong Zhao.Decentralized and autonomous voltage balancing control approach for hybrid multi-terminal Ultra-HVDC system[J].International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems.(Early Access) [28]Chunyi Guo, Bo Liu, Chengyong Zhao. A DC Chopper Topology to Mitigate the Commutation Failure of LCC-HVDC. Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy.(Early Access) [29]Chunyi Guo*, Wenjing Liu, and Chengyong Zhao. Research on the Control Method for Voltage-Current Source Hybrid-HVDC System. SCIENCE CHINA Technological Sciences, 56(11), pp:2771-2777,2013. [30]YifanWang, Chengyong Zhao,Chunyi Guo, Atiq Ur Rehman. Dynamic Modeling and Small Signal Stability Analysis of PMSG-based Wind Farm with MMC-HVDC System [J]. CSEE Journal Power and Energy system.(Early Access)


兼任中国电源学会电力电子化电力系统及装备专业委员会副主任委员(2019-),《CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems》青年学科编辑(2019-)。
