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王程,男,1990年6月生。2012年、2017年在清华大学电机系获得学士、博士学位,2017年8月至今在华北电力大学工作。2015年9月至2016年9月为美国阿贡国家实验室联合培养博士研究生。长期从事电力系统运行调度、综合能源系统运行与控制、不确定性分析等领域的研究工作。已发表SCI/EI学术论文20余篇,其中SCI论文18篇。已主持国家自然科学基金、中央高校基本科研业务费等2项课题,参与10余项纵向及横向课题。获评IEEE Transactions on Power System、IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy 杰出审稿人奖。 教学课程 电力系统继电保护原理,2019年起,48学时,80人



主要科研项目情况 [1]国家自然科学青年基金,数据驱动的综合能源系统鲁棒调度控制方法研究,2019.01 - 2021.12, 26万 [2]中央高校基本科研业务费,多主体不确定环境下综合能源系统运行研究,2018.01 - 2019.12, 10万 [3]国网指南项目,雄安新区城市综合能源调度控制技术研究,2019.01-2020.12,65万 [4]乌鲁木齐发改委,乌鲁木齐市发展和改革委员会建设高比例清洁能源示范城市工作方案,2019.03-2019.09,14.5万


查看导师最新文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

[1]Cheng Wang, WeiWei, JianhuiWang, Tianshu Bi. Convex Optimization Based Adjustable Robust Dispatch for Integrated Electric-Gas Systems Considering Gas Delivery Priority. Applied Energy,2019,239,70-82. [2]Cheng Wang, Rui Gao, Wei Wei, Shafie-khah Miadreza, Tianshu Bi, Joao Catalao. Risk-based Distributionally Robust Optimal Gas-Power Flow with Wasserstein Distance. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2019, 34(3), 2190-2204. [3]ChengWang, RuiGao, FengQiu, JianhuiWang, LinweiXin.Risk-Based Distributionally Robust Optimal Power Flow with Dynamic Line Rating. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems,2018,33(6), 6074-6086. [4]Cheng Wang, Wei Wei, Jianhui Wang, Lei Wu, Yile Liang. Equilibrium of Interdependent Gas and Electricity Markets with Marginal Price Based Bilateral Energy Trading. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2018,33 (5), 4854-4867. [5]Cheng Wang, Wei Wei, Jianhui Wang, Linquan Bai, Yile Liang, Tianshu Bi. Convex Optimization Based Distributed Optimal Gas-Power Flow Calculation. IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, 2018,9(3), 1145-1156. [6]Cheng Wang, Wei Wei, Jianhui Wang, Feng Liu, Shengwei Mei. Strategic Offering and Equilibrium in Coupled Gas and Electricity Markets. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2018, 33(1), 290-306. [7]Cheng Wang, Wei Wei, Jianhui Wang, Feng Liu, Feng Qiu, Shengwei Mei. Robust Defense Strategy for Gas-Electric Systems against Malicious Attack. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2017, 32(4), 2953-2965. [8]Cheng Wang, Feng Liu, Jianhui Wang, Feng Qiu, Wei Wei, Shengwei Mei. Robust Risk-Constrained Unit Commitment with Large-scale Wind Generation: An Adjustable Uncertainty Set Approach. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2017, 32(1), 723-733. [9]Cheng Wang, Feng Liu, Jianhui Wang, Wei Wei, Shengwei Mei. Risk-based Admissibility Assessment of Wind Generation Integrated into a Bulk System. IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, 2016, 7(1), 325-336. [10]Ahmed Rabee, Cheng Wang*, Junbo Zhao, Bi Tianshu. Distribution-level Robust Energy Management of Power Systems Considering Bidirectional Interactions with Gas Systems. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, in press. [11]Ahmed Rabee, Cheng Wang*,Tianshu Bi.Resilient Operational Strategies for Power Systems Considering the Interactions with Natural Gas Systems. Applied Energy 241, 2019, 548-566. [12]Nian Liu, Linjie Zhou, Cheng Wang*, Xinghuo Yu, Xiyuan Ma. Heat-electricity Coupled Peak Load Shifting for Multi-energy Industrial Parks: A Stackelberg Game Approach. IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, in press. [13]Yile Liang, Wei Wei, Cheng Wang*. A Generalized Nash Equilibrium Approach for Autonomous Energy Management of Residential Energy Hubs.IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, in press. [14]Yang Cao, Wei Wei, Cheng Wang, Shengwei Mei, Shaowei Huang, Xuemin Zhang.Probabilistic Estimation of Wind Power Ramp Events: A Data-driven Optimization Approach. IEEE Access,in press. [15]Chuan He, Lei Wu, Tianqi Liu, Wei Wei, Cheng Wang. Co-optimization Scheduling of Interdependent Power and Gas Systems with Electricity and Gas Uncertainties. Energy, 2018, 159, 1003-1015. [16]Jian Zhao, Zhao Xu, Jianhui Wang, Cheng Wang, Jiayong Li. Robust Distributed Generation Investment Accommodating Electric Vehicle Charging in a Distribution Network. IEEE Trans. on Power Systems, 2018,33/5, 4654-4666. [17]Jian Zhao, Jianhui Wang, Zhao Xu, Cheng Wang, Can Wan, Chen Chen. Distribution Network Electric Vehicle Hosting Capacity Maximization: A Chargeable Region Optimization Model. IEEE Trans. on Power Systems, 2017, 32(5), 4119-4130. [18]Yile Liang, Feng Liu, Cheng Wang, Shengwei Mei. Distributed Demand-side Energy Management Scheme in Residential Smart Grids: An Ordinal State-based Potential Game Approach. Applied Energy, 2017, 206, 991-1008. [19]Cheng Wang, Feng Liu, Qiu Feng, Wei Wei, Jianhui Wang, Mei Shengwei.Robust Unit Commitment Considering Strategic Wind Generation Curtailment.Proceedings of IEEE PES General Meeting, 2016, 1-5. [20]Cheng Wang, Laijun Chen, Feng Liu, Bin Liu, Shengwei Mei, Chen Fang. Thermal-Wind-Storage Joint Operation of Power System Considering Pumped Storage and Distributed Compress Air Energy Storage.Proceedings of Power System Computation Conference, 2014, 1-7. [21]Ahmed Sayed, Cheng Wang*, Tianshu Bi, Arsalan Masood.A Tight MISOCP Formulation for the Integrated Electric-Gas System Scheduling Problem. 2nd IEEE Conference on Energy Internet and Energy System Integration (EI2),2018, 1-6. [22]Chen Fang, Laijun Chen, Yu Zhang, Cheng Wang*, Shengwei Mei. Operation of low-carbon-emission microgrid considering wind power generation and compressed air energy storage. Control Conference (CCC), 2014, 7472 – 7477. [23]王程,汪松,毕天姝.含燃气发电综合能源系统风电消纳能力评估[J].中国电机工程学报,已录用. [24]刘斌,刘锋,王程,等. 适用于鲁棒调度的风电场出力不确定性集合建模与评估[J].电力系统自动化. 2015, 39(18):8-14. [25]刘斌,刘锋,王程,等. 考虑风电场灵活性及出力不确定性的机组组合[J]. 电网技术. 2015, 39(3): 730-736. [26]陈亮,王程,魏韡,等. 广东电网节能发电调度[J]. 中国电力. 2013, 46(6):38-43. [27]王一,龚媛,王程,等. 基于讨价还价博弈的中长期购电计划制定方法[J]. 电力系统及其自动化学报. 2012, 25(2): 150-155.
