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许国瑞,男,1986年1月生。 2007年在太原理工大学电气工程专业获得学士,2007年、2010年在华北电力大学电气工程专业获得博士学位。2018年被聘为副教授。主要从事电力系统机网协调运行、高可靠性、高稳定性双轴励磁同步发电机、特高压用新型调相机等方面的研究。主持国家自然科学基金项目2项,作为主研人参与2项国家自然科学基金项目、3项国家科技支撑计划项目;承担国家电网公司、发电集团等企业委托项目多项。共发表论文50余篇,其中SCI收录10篇,EI收录30余篇,授权国家发明专利4项。国家级精品课主讲教师,“北京市优秀教学团队”成员。 教学课程 电机学(1),2014-2018,64学时,本科100人 电机学(2),2014-2018,32学时,本科100人 电机学C,2019,64学时,本科90人 交流电机及其系统分析,2017-2019,32学时(本人20学时),研究生10人


电力系统机网协调运行与控制(Coordinated operation and control of power system and generator) 高稳定性双轴励磁同步发电机的设计、运行及控制(Design, operation and control of dual-excited synchronous generator with high stability) 用于特高压直流换流站无功调节的新型大容量同步调相机(Novel large capacity synchronous condenser for reactive power regulation of converter station of EHVDC)

主要科研项目情况 [1]国家自然科学基金面上项目,51977077,系统灾变条件下双轴励磁汽轮发电机持续并网运行的关键技术研究,2020/01-2023/12,59万元 [2]国家自然科学基金青年项目,51507059,系统大扰动过程中汽轮发电机转子本体阻尼作用及相关参数辨识研究,2016/01-2018/12,26万元 [3]国家自然科学基金面上项目,51477049,基于多物理场分析的双轴励磁汽轮发电机运行能力基础研究,2015/01-2018/12,90万元 [4]国家科技支撑项目,2012BAF03B01,大型发电电动机的机网协调运行研究,2012/01-2014/12,38万元 [5]国家科技支撑项目,2008BAA13B02,大电网安全分析建模理论和技术研究”子项目“同步发电机数学模型的研究,2008/01-2010/12、70万元 [6]国家科技支撑项目,2007BAA05B03,1000MW级水轮发电机综合场及机网协调运行研究,2007/01-2010/12,38万元 [7]企业横向,系统严重故障下调相机动态特性校核及安全性评估,2018/10-2019/12,81万元 [8]企业横向,发电机复杂非线性因素下的模型及参数对蒙西电网系统稳定分析精度的影响研究,2019/1-2019/12,73.8万元 [9]企业横向,新型分布式调相机关键技术研究与涉网性能评估,2019/1-2021/12,40万元


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

[1]Xu Guorui, Zhan Yang, Liu Xiaofang, Zhao Haisen, Luo Yingli. Influence of Rotor Damping Structure on Speed Fluctuation and Asynchronous Operating Ability of Turbogenerators With Loss of Excitation[J], IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2018, 66(2):1012-1022 [2]Xu Guorui, Luo Chaolong, Zhan Yang, Zhao Haisen. Influence of Solid Rotor Steel on Dynamic Response and Losses of Turbo-Generator with Loss of Excitation, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Applications, 2019 [3]Xu Guorui, Zhan Yang, Zhao Haisen,liu Xiaofang.The influence of damping resistance on first swing stability of turbine generator considering stator transient[J],International Journal of Electrical Power&Energy Systems, 2018, 98: 279-289 [4]Xu Guorui,Hu Yiping, Hao xiajing,Zhan Yang, Zhao Haisen, Liu Xiaofang, Luo Yingli.The Relationship of Magnetomotive Force Under Different Excitation Modes of Dual-Excited Synchronous Generator[J], IEEE,Transactions on Magnetics, 2018, 54(3): 0-8 200704 [5]Guorui Xu, Xiaofang Liu, Jinping Kang, Yingli Luo, Wei Luo. The influence of turbine generator rotor damping structure and material on first swing stability [J], Electric Power Systems Research, 2015, 124:181-189 [6]Xu Guorui, Liu Xiaofang, Luo Yingli, Zhao Haisen, Influence of Different Practical Models on the First Swing Stability of Turbine Generators, Electric Power Components and Systems, 2015, 43(2):212-223. [7]Zhan Yang, Kong kangkang, Xu Guorui, Kang Jinping,Zhao Haisen.Analysis of Damper Transient Currents in Salient-Pole Synchronous Generator With Skewed Armature Slots Considering Interbar Currents[J], IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 2018, 55(5): 336-343 [8]Yingkun Zhou, Guorui Xu, Siming Wei, Xin Zhang, Yongzhang Huang,Experiment Study on the Control Method of Motor-Generator Pair System, IEEEAccess, 2018, (6): 925-936 [9]Wei Siming, ZhouYingkun,Xu Guorui, Huang Yongzhang.Motor-generator pair: a novel solution to provide inertia and damping for power system with high penetration of renewable energy [J]. IET Generation Transmissionand Distribution 2017, 11(7): 1839-1847 [10]Haisen Zhao, Yilong Wang, Yang Zhan, Guorui Xu, Xueshen Cui, Jing Wang. Practical model for energy consumption analysis of beam pumping motor systems and its energy saving applications [J]. IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 2018, 54(2): 1006-1016 [11]罗应立,许国瑞,张伟华,李伟力.一种双轴励磁汽轮发电机转子绕组结构,中国,国家知识产权局,2016106872205,2016.8.18(授权) [12]许国瑞,刘晓芳,张伟华,康锦萍,罗应立.一种能够改变磁极上阻尼导条根数的发电电动模型机,中国,国家知识产权局,2014107949116,2014.12.19(授权) [13]许国瑞,张伟华,刘晓芳,罗应立.一种模拟汽轮发电机转子导电槽楔结构及其阻尼作用的模型机,中国,国家知识产权局,201610685954X,2016.8.18(授权)
