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赵海森,男,1982年生。博士,副教授,IEEE Senior Member,中国电机工程学会会员。2011年6月于华北电力大学电气与电子工程学院电机与电器专业获得工学博士学位;主要研究方向为高效机电能量转换系统、无线电能传输。主持和承担国家自然科学基金项目、军工项目、国家电网公司、中石油、中船重工等企业委托项目多项。发表论文100余篇,其中SCI收录20余篇、EI收录60余篇,获得省部级科技进步奖1项,授权国家发明专利16项,完成成果转化8项。曾作为主研人员,参与我国高效、超高效系列电机设计工作,自主研发的高效电机损耗精细分析软件,在国内多家电机生产厂家推广应用;作为负责人,研发了适用于工业用户的配电用电设备能效测试平台以及非侵入式电机系统能效在线评估系统,应用于国内多家油田、电厂等企业;研发了油田抽油机电机系统多功能节能装置,在油田应用上千套。 《电机学》国家级精品课主讲教师,“北京市优秀教学团队”成员。 教学课程 本科生课程,电机学,2012年起,96学时,独立讲授 研究生课程,大型电机运行与故障诊断,2012年起,24学时,独立讲授


电机电磁设计、损耗、振动噪声分析(Electromagnetic design, loss, vibration and noise analysis of electric machines) 电机系统节能技术(Energy saving technology ofelectrical machine systems) 无线电能传输(Wireless power transfer)

主要科研项目情况 [1]国家自然科学基金委,电能质量多项偏差共存时电动机能耗理论及节能新途径研究,2014-2016,26万 [2]军工项目,半物理**系统成套与技术服务,2015-2016,20万 [3]军工项目,**主泵电磁技术研究,2014-2016,43.2万 [4]企业委托,电动汽车无线充电用高效低损磁耦合器设计及研制,2018-2020,80万 [5]企业委托,实心笼型高速异步电机电磁设计方案研究,2018-2020,49.5万 [6]企业委托,循环水泵电机双速改造后转子易断条的技术分析及应对措施,2018-2019,87万 [7]企业委托,抽油机节能产品测试评价装置升级改造,2017-2018,82万 [8]企业委托,热力站变频电动机系统运行状态远程监测及能耗测试研究,2015-2017,94万 [9]企业委托,智能电网试验检测中心电动机能效检测平台大修,2015-2018,44.5万 [10]企业委托,船用辅机驱动高效变频电机电磁设计技术研究,2014-2016,40万


查看导师最新文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

[1]ZhaoHaisen, WangYilong, ZhanYang, XuGuorui, and CuiXueshen, “Rapid soft re-switching strategy of intermittent supply for energy saving in beam pumping motors systems with dynamic load conditions”, IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 2019, 55(4): 3343-3353. (SCI) [2]Zhao Haisen, Zhang Dongdong, Wang Yilong, Zhan Yang, Xu Guorui. Piecewise variable parameter loss model of laminated steel and its application in fine analysis of iron loss of inverter-fed induction motors. IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications,2018, 54(1): 832-840. (SCI) [3]Zhao Haisen, Wang Yilong, Zhan Yang, Xu Guorui, Cui Xueshen, Wang Jing. Practical model for energy consumption analysis of beam pumping motor systems and its energy saving applications. IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications,54(2): 1006-1016. (SCI) [4]Zhao Haisen,Wang Yilong, Chen Geng, Zhan Yang, Precise determination of power-off time of intermittent supply technology based on fuzzy control for energy saving of beam pumping motor systems. Electric power components and systems,2018, 46(2): 197-207. (SCI) [5]Zhao Haisen, Wang Yilong, Zhang Dongdong, Zhan Yang, Xu Guorui, Luo Yingli. A piecewisevariable parameter model for precise analysis of ironlosses in induction motors. IET Electric Power Applications , 2017, 11(3): 361-368 (SCI) [6]Zhao Haisen, Wang Yilong, Wang Yuhan, Zhan Yang, and Xu Guorui.Loss and Air-gap force analysis of cage induction motors with non-skewed asymmetrical rotor bars based on FEM. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics,2017,53(6): 1-4. (SCI) [7]Zhao Haisen, Zhang Jian, Wang Xiagnyu, Wang Qing, Liu Xiaofagn, Luo Yingli. A design method for cage induction motors with non-skewed rotor bars, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 2014, 50(2): 769-772. (SCI) [8]Zhao Haisen, Liu Xiaofang, Cui Xueshen, Luo Yingli. Time-stepping finite element analysis on the influence of rotational flux on local core losses of AC electrical machines. COMPEL-Theinternational journal for computation and mathematics in electrical and electronic engineering, 2014, 33(2):126-136. (SCI) [9]ZhangDongdong, LiuTiaohao, ZhaoHaisen, Thomas Wu, “An analytical iron loss calculation model of inverter-fed induction motors considering supply and slot harmonics”, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol.66, no.12 pp. 9194-9204, Jun. 2019. (SCI) [10]ZhangDongdong, DaiHang, ZhaoHaisen, Thomas Wu, “A fast identification method for rotor flux density harmonics and resulting rotor iron losses of inverter-fed induction motors,” IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol.65, no.7, pp.5384-5394, Jul. 2018. (SCI) [11]Wang Yilong, Hassan H. Eldeeb, ZhaoHaisen, Osama A. Mohammed, “Sectional variable frequency and voltage regulation control strategy for energy saving in beam pumping motor systems”, IEEE Access, 2019, 7(6): 92456-92464. (SCI) [12]王义龙,赵海森,王泽忠,詹阳,许国瑞,崔学深。计及动态负荷时断续供电节能技术中电源快速软投入控制策略,中国电机工程学报,2018,38(18):5590-5598.(EI) [13]王义龙,赵海森,王泽忠,詹阳,许国瑞,崔学深. 游梁式抽油机电动机断续供电节能技术断电时刻准确判定方法. 中国电机工程学报,2018,38(15):4537-4546(EI) [14]王义龙,赵海森,詹阳,许国瑞,刘晓芳,崔学深. 用于游梁式抽油机电动机系统能耗分析的实用模型,中国电机工程学报,2017,37(13):3909-3919(EI) [15]赵海森,张冬冬,王义龙,许国瑞,詹阳,刘晓芳,罗应立. 变频供电条件下感应电机空载铁耗分布特点及其精细化分析,中国电机工程学报,2016,35(30):5386-5394(EI) [16]张冬冬,赵海森,王义龙,刘晓芳,罗应立. 用于电机损耗精细化分析的分段变系数铁耗计算模型,电工技术学报,2016,31(6):133-141(EI) [17]赵海森,杜中兰,刘晓芳,王庆. 基于递推最小二乘法与模型参考自适应法的鼠笼式异步电机转子电阻在线辨识方法,中国电机工程学报,2014,34(30):5386-5394(EI收录) [18]赵海森,王博,王义龙,李和明. 势能负载条件下感应电机变频-调压分段节能控制策略研究,中国电机工程学报,2015,35(6):1490-1497(EI) [19]王博,赵海森,罗应立,李和明. 面向用户的有杆采油系统实用仿真模型及应用,电工技术学报,2015,30(6):133-141(EI) [20]王博,赵海森,李和明,等.用于模拟游梁式抽油机电动机动态负荷的测试系统设计及应用,中国电机工程学报,2014,34(21):3488-3495(EI)
