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2000.9-2002.7,伊犁师范学院化学专业,本科生; 2002.9-2004.7,东北师范大学化学专业,本科生,获化学教育学学士学位; 2004.9-2007.7,东北师范大学有机化学专业,硕士生,获有机化学硕士学位; 2007.9-2010.6,东北师范大学物理化学专业,博士生,获物理化学博士学位; 2010.7-至今, 长春工业大学工作




查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

1. Lili Liu, Jianglei Hu*, Jiaojiao He, Haojie Lu, Yong Xu, Fengwei Shi, Aminopropyl group-modified SBA-15 covalent attachment Mn(salen) complexes as catalysts for styrene epoxidation, Phosphorus Sulfur, 2015. (DOI: 10.1080/10426507.2014.979983, IF=0.83) 2. Shi Fengwei, Liu Yingyin, Hu Jianglei*, Zhang Long*, Liquid-phase catalytic hydroxylation of phenol using metal crosslinked alginate catalysts with hydrogen peroxide as an oxidant;Journal of Molecular Catalysis, A;2014;391, 66-73. (AK5SI, IF=3.68) 3. Ling Ma, Fang Su, Xianghuan Zhang, Daiyu Song, Yihang Guo, Jianglei Hu*, Epoxidation of alkenes catalyzed by highly ordered mesoporous manganese-salen-based hybrid catalysts, Micropor. Mesopor. Mat., 2014, 184, 37–46. (274GJ, IF=3.21) 4. Ling Ma, Fang Su, Wan Guo, Shengqu Zhang, Yihang Guo, Jianglei Hu*, Epoxidation of styrene catalyzed by mesoporous propylthiol group-functionalized silica supported manganese(III) salen complexes with different pore morphologies, Micropor. Mesopor. Mat., 2013, 169, 16–24. (982ZO, IF=3.21) 5. Shi Fengwei, Chen Yaguang, Zhang Long, Hu Jianglei*, Hydroxylation of phenol catalyzed by different forms of Cu–alginate with hydrogen peroxide as an oxidant, Catal. Commun., 2012, 25, 102-105. (978UP, IF=3.32) 6. Shi Fengwei, Zheng Jinlong, Xu Kai, Zhang Long, Hu Jianglei*, Synthesis of binary Cu–Pd–alginates dry bead and its high catalytic activity for hydroxylation of phenol, Catal. Commun., 2012, 28, 23-26. (038NG, IF=3.32) 7. Hu Jianglei, Wu Qingyin, Li Wei, Ma Ling, Ma Fengyan, Zhang Shengqu, Su Fang, Guo Yihang*, Epoxidation of alkenes catalyzed by periodic mesoporous organosilica entrapped dimeric Mn(salen) complexes, ChemSusChem, 2011, 4, 1813-1822. (860MW, IF=7.12) 8. Hu Jianglei, Wu Qingyin, Li Kexin, Li Wei, Ma Fengyan, Su Fang, Zhang Shengqu, Guo Yihang*, Highly active dimeric Mn(salen) catalysts entrapped within nanocages of periodic mesoporous organosilica for epoxidation of alkenes, Catal. Commun., 2010, 12, 238–242. (687AJ, IF=3.32) 9. Hu Jianglei, Li Kexin, Li Wei, Ma Fengyan, Guo Yihang*, Selective oxidation of styrene to benzaldehyde catalyzed by Schiff base-modified ordered mesoporous silica materials impregnated with the transition metal-monosubstituted Keggin-type polyoxometalates, Appl. Catal. A: General, 2009, 364, 211–220. (477IK, IF=3.64) 10. Hu Jianglei, Zhang Qian*, Yuan Hongjuan, Liu Qun, Temperature-Controlled Synthesis of Substituted Pyridine Derivatives via the [5C + 1N] Annulation of 1,1-Bisalkylthio-1,4-pentanedienes and Ammonium Acetate, J. Org. Chem., 2008, 73 (6), 2442–2445. (275GR, IF=4.64)


