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1.生物可降解聚合物的设计与合成; 2.纳米纤维的设计与制备; 3.引导组织修复膜的设计与开发; 4.气体传感材料以及油剂的研究与开发。


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

1.Li HT, Qiao TK, Song P, Guo HL, Song XF*, Zhang BC, Chen XS. Star-shaped PCL/PLLA blended fiber membrane via Electrospinning, Journal of Biomaterials Science: Polymer Edition. Published online, 2015,3,09. 2.刘东红, 丁建勋, 许维国, 宋晓峰*, 庄秀丽, 陈学思. 四臂聚乙二醇-聚丙交酯立体复合胶束及其药物传输性能, 高分子学报, (9)(2014)1265-1272. (SCI) 3.Song XF, Ling FG, Ma L, Yang C, Chen XS. Electrospun hydroxyapatite grafted poly(L-lactide)/poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) nanofibers for guided bone regeneration membrane, Composites Science and Technology 79 (2013) 8-14. 4.宋晓峰,凌风光,陈学思. 纳米羟基磷灰石表面接枝聚合左旋丙交酯, 高分子学报,(1)(2013)95-101. (SCI) 5.Song XF, Ling FG, Li HT, Gao ZT, Chen XS. Tuned Morphological Electrospun Hydroxyapatite Nanofibers via pH, Journal of Bionic Engineering, 9(4)(2012),478-483. 6.Song XF, Gao ZT, Ling FG, Chen XS. Controlled Release of Drug Via Tuning Electrospun Polymer Carrier, Journal of polymer science: part B: polymer physics, 50(2012), 221-227. 7.Wu XD, Song XF, Li DS, Liu JG, Zhang PB, Chen XS, Preparation of mesoporous nano-hydroxyaptite using a surfactant template method for protein delivery, Journal of Bionic Engineering, 9(2)(2012),224-233. 8.Lu J, Liu JG, Song XF, Chen XS, Wu XD. Sandwich Structure-like Meshes Fabricated via Electrospinning for Controllable Release of Zoledronic acid, Chemical Research in Chinese University ,27(2011), 524-527. 9.Song XF, Lei J. Li ZY, Li SY, Wang C. Synthesis of polyacrylonitrile/Ag core-shell nanowire by an improved electroless plating method, Materials Letters, 62(2008)2681-2684. 10.Song XF, Wang ZJ, Li ZY, Wang C. Ultrafine porous carbon fibers for SO2 adsorption via electrospinning of polyacrylonitrile solution, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 327(2008)388-392. 11.Song XF, Wang C, Zhang DJ. Surface structure and adsorption properties of ultrafine porous carbon fibers, Applied surface science, 255(7)( 2009)4159-4163. 12.Song XF, Wang ZJ, Liu YB, Wang C and Li LJ. A highly sensitive ethanol sensor based on mesoporous ZnO-SnO2 nanofibers, Nanotechnology, 20(2009) 075501. 13.Song XF, Zhang DJ, Fan M. A novel toluene sensor based on ZnO–SnO2 nanofiber web, Applied surface science, 255 (2009) 7343-7347. 14.Song XF, Li L. Characterization of electrospun ZnO-SnO2 nanofibers for ethanol sensor, Sensors and Actuators A, 154(2009)175-179. 15.SongXF, Qi Q., Zhang T, Wang C. A humidity sensor based on KCl-doped SnO2 nanofibers, Sensors and Actuators B 138 (2009) 368-373. 16.宋晓峰,凌风光.共混催化制备介孔炭纤维,功能材料, 43(21) (2012) 2897-2901. (EI) 17.Wang LJ, Li YP, Song XF, Liu X, Zhang L, Yan DH. Improved interfacial and electrical properties of vanadyl-phthalocyanine metal-insulator- semiconductor devices with silicon nitride as gate insulator, Applied Physics Letters, 103(24) (2013), 243302-1~4. 18.Zheng W, Li ZY, Yang F, Song XF, Zhang HN, Liu YB, Wang C. A simple and effective route for one-dimensional Ag-TCNQ metal-organic microstructures, Materials Letters 62 (2008) 1448-1450.
